Friday, October 26, 2018

Cesar Sayoc, Jr. arrested in connection with the mail bombings.

Cesar Altieri Sayoc has been arrested in connection with the suspicious packages that were sent across to various liberal personalities and CNN. Sayoc was named as the suspect by NY1’s Myles Miller. Sayoc is 54 years old and is a resident of Aventura, Florida.

Cesar Sayoc photo pictures


  1. A Trump supporter. What a surprise!

  2. Words matter. Especially from the POTUS:

    "Mr. Sayoc, a registered Republican, has a lengthy criminal history in Florida dating back to 1991 that includes felony theft, drug and fraud charges, as well as being arrested and accused of threatening to use a bomb, public records show."

  3. Anyone making book that the right is digging to prove this tRump nutlog is a liberal in deep cover?

    Anything to avoid taking responsibility for the toxic environment they have created.

  4. Shaw... the guy could be the chairman of the GOP and it would not matter to the crazies... this comment sums up their views.

    "With proven corrupt Deep State federal agencies such as the FBI, the CIA and the DOJ in charge I, personally, cannot bring myself to trust ANY of their findings, can you?"

    No matter what evidence there is, it will not matter because of the "Deep State."

    So indicative of the Wingnut mind.


  5. Ducky, Dave, and Anon

    The radical far right Goopers never belive facts, but they're quick to blame anyone with a Middle East name.

    This toxic environment was inspired by Donald J. Trump. He inspired this Sayoc character to try to kill 2 American presidents, a vice president, a secretary of state, a former attorney general, etc. etc., leader of the Democratic party.

    I don't care what those nuts on the Mother Ship "think," as I've said many times before, they are irredeemable. An attempted murder of American presidents, vice president, secretary of state, attorney general won't horrify them, nothing will. They are all lost souls, and as far as I'm concerned, they can stay that way.

  6. So really, Hannity is disgusted that all those "liberal" news outlets are trying to pin the results of hate speech on Saint Donald? Well, well, well, now that it seems the bombs were sent by a right wing fanatic who bought into the vicious attacks on Trump's opposition, how ya gonna spin it now Sean? This guy's a Democrat now? Really? You're to balm Sean, with your fake and distorted news, your tirades and tantrums and vicious attacks. You lying sack.
