Friday, November 9, 2018

Donald J. Trump: The Republican's Lying Liar -- Part The Infinity

Trump Denies Knowing Attorney General He Met Over a Dozen Times

Two days after he hired a transparent political hack to run the Justice Department, President Trump has failed to come up with a remotely plausible cover story. 

“I didn’t speak to Matt Whitaker about” the Russia investigation, Trump told reporters this morning, “I don’t know Matt Whitaker. Matt Whitaker has a great reputation and that’s what I wanted.” 

 None of those things are true. 

Whitaker does not have a “great reputation.” He lost a race to be the Iowa Republican Senate nominee in 2014, and spent the next few years working for a scam patent company that was shut down as a fraud while getting Trump’s attention by engaging in low-rent pro-Trump punditry that he leveraged into a chief of staff job. 

Trump does know Whitaker, and has spoken about the Russia investigation with him. “As Sessions’s chief of staff, Whitaker met with the president in the Oval Office more than a dozen times, normally accompanying the attorney general, according to a senior administration official,” the Washington Post reported yesterday. 

“When Trump complained about the Mueller investigation, Whitaker often smiled knowingly and nodded in assent, the official said.” 

Last month, Trump told Fox News, “I know Matt Whitaker.”

In other news of Trump's lies:

Remember when President Porn Star Shagger said he knew nothing about the payments to his porn star mistress and his playmate bunny mistress? 



According to the Wall Street Journal's report, President Porn Star Shagger ordered the hush money paid to both of his mistresses.

Trump Personally Facilitated Hush Money Payments To Stormy Daniels And Karen McDougal: WSJ

This, of course, will only make his cultists love him more. The more corrupt and sordid his behavior, the more his cultists adore the tyrant.



  1. Shaw... from Jennifer Rubin, citing real, not fake, exit polls at Tuesdays elections...

    "voters said by big margins: they disapprove of Trump (54 percent to 45 percent ); regard the GOP unfavorably (52 percent to 44 percent); think the country is on the wrong track (54 percent to 42 percent), thought Trump’s immigration policies were too harsh (46 percent, with 33 percent saying they were about right and 17 saying not tough enough); favor tougher gun laws (59 percent to 37 percent); think his foreign policy makes the country less safe (46 percent to 38 percent); disapprove of Supreme Court Justice Brett M. Kavanaugh (47 percent to 44 percent); want to uphold Roe v. Wade (66 percent to 25 percent); think it is somewhat or very important to elect more minorities (72 percent to 24 percent) and somewhat or very important to elect more women (78 percent to 20 percent); think sexual harassment is a big problem (84 percent to 14 percent); and are more concerned about people being denied the right to vote than voter fraud (53 percent to 36 percent)."

    That's a pretty breathtaking paragraph. Just think of the implications of all of that reality.

  2. Dave, the Republicans have held onto power through devious ways -- voter suppression being the number one. The reports of what Kemp did in Georgia sound like something out of a Banana Republic. But Georgia isn't the only state. We're in the 21st century and the longest running democracy in the world cannot get its act together to secure the vote for EVERYONE, not just conservative white men.

    Have you seen this?

    The Washington Post reveals just how dangerous the acting AG really is.

    Not only is he on the record fundamentally disagreeing with the Supreme Court’s right to interpret the Constitution - but he thinks New Testament Faith should be a litmus rest for judges.

  3. Shaw... yeah, I saw it, and cringed. I cannot tell you how much ppl like this impact my work.

    I will be at a major mezcal event this weekend in SF and everyone who knows me will want an explanation. The Christian political right is killing the church in the eyes of the ppl. It's horrible. And people like Trump and the current "Acting AG" are a big reason. That and their feckless inability to publicly criticize anything Pres Trump is doing for fear of alienating their base.

    It's all disgusting.

    How does Trump pretend he's never met the guy? He just out and out lies, facts be damned. And it's okay with people.

    I don't get it...

  4. And yet II is quite possible, perhaps even probable, that tRump the Great Orange Turd will still be around in 2021 MAGA.

    Nothing at all surprises me anymore when it cones to American dirty politics. The GOP and tRump are aces at it. Not that dems have been saints.

  5. So guys, try this...

    Let's say there are no extremists or racist people, or leaders in the current iteration of the GOP.

    If that's true, can anyone explain to me why the White Nationalist movement, Nazis, segregationists, misogynists, racists and anti-semites feel so at home with the GOP?

    It really is the Gillum question from Florida. Why do these groups feel like they have a kindred spirit with the GOP?

    Why has the GOP not let these folks know they are not wanted, or welcome?

    This really does explain a lot about the current group of people supporting Trump and the current direction of the Republican party.

  6. He paid off a hooker to keep quiet. That probably happens every day in every board room in the world. Paying someone to keep quiet about a non criminal offense is not illegal.

    Now with the economy sinking and marvelous maxine at the helm we are in deep trouble. The only issue with the election I have is there were not enough people losing their seats. To give obama credit he was able to get sixty seats changed.

    It is time to start an impeachment campaign and I am sure botox nancy will lead the way, that is if she can put together a complete sentence. Trump really needs to be removed but the problem is he has done nothing illegal just immoral to justify removing him.

    When you hear drain the swamp that should be the entire swam from the head on down. Start fresh with a whole new batch of corrupt politicians to steal our money and give it away. Do away with both parties and go to knighthood, I vote for obama because he was such a nice guy.

  7. skudrunner: "He paid off a hooker to keep quiet. That probably happens every day in every board room in the world. Paying someone to keep quiet about a non criminal offense is not illegal."

    I didn't read any further after seeing this because it shows you have no idea of why what DJT did IS illegal.

    This will help you to see what a sleazebag you continue to make excuses for:

    "...that a Trump Organization email address was used to facilitate the payment and that the payment was linked to the campaign — would constitute a legal violation. (On “60 Minutes,” Avenatti reiterated his sense that the timing of the agreement with Daniels made it very unlikely that it was unrelated to the campaign.) The email from the bank to Cohen does not prove that company money was used to pay Daniels, which Noble told us last month would itself be illegal. Just using that email address is its own problem.

    Common Cause‘s Paul Ryan (himself a former lawyer with the Campaign Legal Center) noted on Twitter that the use of Trump Organization resources probably violates 11 CFR 114.2(f). That reads, with our added emphasis:

    “Corporations and labor organizations (including officers, directors or other representatives acting as agents of corporations and labor organizations) are prohibited from facilitating the making of contributions to candidates or political committees, other than to the separate segregated funds of the corporations and labor organizations. Facilitation means using corporate or labor organization resources or facilities to engage in fundraising activities in connection with any federal election …”

    “The use of the Trump Organization email is evidence that Cohen’s services were, at least in part, being paid for by the Trump Organization,” Noble said in an email. “That would be an illegal corporate contribution to the campaign even if the company did not pay the $130,000.” Washington Post


    There is also a lot of evidence that Trump viewed the payments to McDougal and Stormy Daniels as political expenditures (which is to say, that they were illegal).
    During his 2008 presidential run, former North Carolina senator John Edwards paid a former lover not to go public about their affair. The Justice Department considered this an illegal campaign contribution. But Edwards insisted that the payment was intended to benefit him maritally, not politically — and the jury refused to convict him.

    Thus, for Trump to face legal liability for his role in the payments to Daniels and McDougal, prosecutors would need to establish that the transfers were politically motivated.

    The Journal’s report suggests that that shouldn’t be too difficult:

    As a presidential candidate in August 2015, Donald Trump huddled with a longtime friend, media executive David Pecker, in his cluttered 26th floor Trump Tower office and made a request. What can you do to help my campaign? he asked, according to people familiar with the meeting.

    Mr. Pecker, chief executive of American Media Inc., offered to use his National Enquirer tabloid to buy the silence of women if they tried to publicize alleged sexual encounters with Mr. Trump.

    Less than a year later, Mr. Trump asked Mr. Pecker to quash the story of a former Playboy model who said they’d had an affair. Mr. Pecker’s company soon paid $150,000 to the model, Karen McDougal, to keep her from speaking publicly about it. Mr. Trump later thanked Mr. Pecker for the assistance."

    Under no circumstances could anyone EVER imagine you excusing, say Barack Obama if he had directed his personal lawyer to pay off a porn star and playmate and then lie about it only a few weeks before the presidential elections.

    You dismiss this illegal and sleazy behavior ONLY because a rich white man who recently put an "R" after his name did this.

  8. Nancy Pelosi has emphatically said there will be no impeachment articles brought forth when she becomes SotH. You don't even bother to read the truth anymore.

    skud: "...the problem is he has done nothing illegal..."

    Excuse me, did Robert Mueller tell you that? How do you know that?

    skud: "...just immoral to justify removing him."

    I know you and your fellow TrumpCultists believe being an immoral pig is fine as long as corporations and billionaires get tax cuts.

    I wonder if you Republicans teach you children that. I can almost hear the conservative explaining their support for Trump to their little ones:

    "Honey, it's true that President Trump lies all the time, cheated on all of his wives and bragged about sleeping with outher men's wives and grabbing women's private parts. Also it's true, Little One, that President Trump scammed innocent people with his fake University, and he also doesn't pay workers their due wages, but makes them sue him for what they earn. Also, Sweetie, he has attacked on of America's most cherished institution that is protected by the Constitution and calls the free press "enemies of the people."

    All of those things are true, my sweet little budding conservative child, but we will continue to support him, even if Jesus would throw up all over President Trump were he to come back today. But Trump is one of us, he understands us, and he reflects our fine Christion values.

    Got it, sweet little Conservative child?


  9. Shaw, you can only educate a person if they WANT to be educated. The tRump cultists clearly do NOT want to be educated. They're perfectly content with their guns and bibles as well as whatever BS the Yuuuuuge Orange Turd tells them.


  10. RN, skudrunner keeps using President Obama as a comparison to DJT, not understanding that it is THE REPUBLICAN PARTY that yelled to the rafters that even if someone is a clever, talented politician (Trump is neither), CHARACTER MATTERS! Clinton was a talented, knowledgeable, clever pol, but the Republicans pointed to his sordid character. President Obama's personal character is impeccable, and that seems to burn their so-called "Xtian" backsides because it is a black man whose personal morality is far, far superior to their adored pol's morality. It's too much for them to internalize, so they demonize Mr. Obama.

    Faced with a POTUS who has neither knowledge of how government works nor personal morality, they abandoned what they proclaimed was necessary for a person to be considered as a leader and representative of their beloved America. Those flag-waving hypocrites are the very definition of hypocrisy and sleaze.

  11. Well said Shaw, very well said. Truth is ALWAYS what folks should aspire to. You spoke the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

    Truth WILL set you free skuddrunner. If you accept and embrace it.

  12. I realize that we are now guilty until proven innocent but every opinion you cited was probably, if, would be would constitute. Until these are proven as fact he is innocent until proven guilty.
    Madam Botox said she would review everything before she made decision, you must use different references than I do.

    As to your support of obama which is widely understood. He is such a nice guy that I should bless him for attacking me for eight years and saying the middle class business owner did not build anything it was all the government. He then proceeded to regulate me almost out of business. Guess I should thank him because if he was competent -H- would have won.

    1. Really skud. With your last response educated folks can only conclude you are indeed a hopeless trumpian cultist.

  13. Reality check to skudrunner: Hillary DID win. She won more votes (3 million) than Trump did.

    Reality check #2 -- Innocent until proven guilty is for a court of law when someone is accused of a crime. Public opinion, OTOH, often decides by observing someone who's been accused of a crime if he or she is guilty or innocent. Did you really, really go around defending OJ Simpson saying "Innocent until proven guilty!"? Did you really go around defending Hillary during the BENGHAZI! hearings with "Innocent until proven guilty!"? So please spare us your concern about how we perceive Donald Trump.

    There is more than ample, overwhelming evidence out in the public domain that points to the fact that he is a lying, malignant narcissist who self-admitted in his book "The Art of the Deal" that he lies to get the results that he wants.

    He's also a self-admitted sexual assaulter and harasser, and is morally diseased.

    But keep talking about Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and Barack Obama's injury to your business, because, apparently all that matters to what's left of the Republican Party is how much money Donald Trump gives to corporations and billionaires.

    Meanwhile, in other parts of the country, character does matter. We, at the very least, try to teach our children that. Ignore Donald Trump's sordid character all you want and bash President Obama's impeccable character -- your children and grandchildren are watching and learning from you.

  14. Ms Shaw, If -H- won why is she not in the WH. She won 22 states and trump won 30 so if we all have a say he won the majority.
    I am far from a billionaire but who is not in favor of extending the tax cuts to the middle class, oh that's right it is the democrats. Who is promoting civil rights abuse, that's right marvelous maxine. Who says lets start a recession to cripple the middle class, bill maher a devout democrat.

    So please tell me who supports the middle class? When do you think the hate attack will end, 2020 with a democrat in office? I doubt the conservatives will tout violence against WH employees.

    RN, I see you still have little to offer except to attack. Shaw and I may differ on occation but at least she has something to say. I not a trumpian cultist just a taxpayer tired of always getting screwed by our elected elite. Did you place yourself in educated folks bracket?

  15. Matt Whitaker, according to Fox Nooz's Judge Napolitano, is an illegal appointment. Because his position at Justice was not Senate confirmed. That's a Fox Nooz tRump supporter saying that "under the law, the person running the Department of Justice must have been approved by the United States Senate for some previous position. Even on an interim post".

    More OBVIOUS obstruction of justice from tRump. Given that the ONLY reason he wanted to get rid of Sessions was because he recused himself from the Russia investigation.
