Monday, November 26, 2018


#45 tear-gassed women and babies at the border.

"These children are barefoot. In diapers. Choking on tear gas." --WaPo
A migrant family from Honduras, part of a caravan of thousands traveling from Central America en route to the US, runs from tear gas released by US border patrol near the fence between Mexico and the United States in Tijuana, Mexico, November 25.

"A little girl from Honduras stares into the camera, her young features contorted in anguish. She’s barefoot, dusty, and clad only in a diaper and T-shirt. And she’s just had to run from clouds of choking tear gas fired across the border by U.S. agents."

TrumpCultists' Savior said "Suffer the little children..." But I doubt very much J.C. meant to douse the babies with tear gas. However, Trump's base loves him, even if he makes children suffer.

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, outdoor


Image may contain: 1 person, standing, shoes and outdoor


  1. Today a Border Control Foundation leader actually said the tear gas was " "It's literally water, pepper, with a small amount of alcohol for evaporation purposes. It's natural. You could actually put it on your nachos and eat it."

    Maybe we should use it to season the Taco Salads Trump eats on Cinco de Mayo?

    It is natural after all...

  2. Okay, now let's look at what happened.

    Stepping back, what should ICE or the Border Patrol do if a large group of ppl storm, or try to run across the border? I can tell you, as a guy who has stared down the barrel of M-16's in Mexico as soldiers were looking for illegal Guatamaltecos, that if the Mexican border folks thought they were in danger, they'd shoot to kill.

    The left has to offer an acceptable response to an essentially open border.

    Any ideas? Anyone?

  3. Trump also told the military they should consider a rock a rifle.

    Trump gave official approval for the military to use lethal force against anyone trying to cross the boarder illegally.

    Gassing children! Shooting them is next!

    I can just hear Trump and his cultists now saying, they were breaking the law, they deserved to be shot.

    Trump is a sick, murderous, SOB!!

  4. We cannot wait for the next election, or some investigation results.

    We must impeach this SOB NOW!!

  5. If we were assisting people with the legal process of applying for asylum instead of preventing them from even applying for asylum, you would have a completely different response from them.

    Trump got the response that he wanted...and he should be held responsible for it!

  6. At the turn of the last century we had millions of immigrants entering our country. It was a true invasion. We set up rules. We set up medical conditions. We built special buildings. We created a process. We spent money.

    At this time we could use more judges (which Trump and Republicans love to hire) to speed up the process. Funds to temporary feed and house those waiting. It's estimated it would take two years to process just those who have marched to our boarder, not to mention those who come regularly.

    If you feel we must arrest those people, I see no reason why we have to separate families.

    We could ask more Americans to sponsor those coming in.

    We could ask our president and government to help stop the murderous regimes in South and Central America.

    We could help foster non-discrimination against these people by Americans.

    There is much we could do besides harming these people and treating them like barbarians.

    Immigration is the lifeblood of this country. It is who we are. There is nothing more American than being an immigrant and the process of coming to America.

  7. Jerry... great solutions. Too few Dems are arguing for following the law and hiring, or getting in place, the proper people to process ppl quickly and properly.

    Many, like Trump, want to circumvent the law and ad hoc their solution. Legal or not...

  8. President Trump sure has driven the hooting lefty loonies like you over the edge.

    President Trump has you leftwing nutballs on a runaway train to Batshiteville. Hilarious! #WINNING!


  9. I.K.I.R.,

    Watching a historically disliked preznit continue to drop in approval ratings (he's never broken 50%, even on his prezidential honeymoon) drives the "lefty loonies" over the edge?

    Knowing that the "Christian Family Values" crowd supports a serial adulterer who bragged about bedding other men's wives, who invited a shock jock's salacious comments about his own daughter? who brags about touching women's crotches? because he's "a star?" drives lefies over the edge?

    Seeing an historic BLUE TSUNAMI where the so-called "president's" party won only two seats in the Senate and lost an historic amount in the House, in state legislatures, and many governorships is driving lefties on a runaway train to Batshiteville?

    I understand your trying to create your own fake reality to soothe your bitter, aching ego, but facts are stubborn things, and the facts are this:

    It is the Goopers who are being driven batshit crazy by the truth that DJT is an historically hated president -- at home and abroad -- and is the butt of mockery unprecedented in modern American history.

    People like you don't deal with facts, so you turn reality on its head and lie to yourself with the fantasy that it is liberals who are being driven crazy.

    You poor deluded idiot.

  10. This has nothing to do about the people trying to enter but is all about political posturing. The democrats see an advantage in allowing all of them in and the republicans want to stop them. The previous three presidents could have done something about immigration reform but there was little political advantage in pushing it so they ignored it.

    Lets blame the people responsible for all this mayhem and it is not just the democrat elected elite, although they are delighted with the outcome. Obama the great set this up with his deferred action plan and chuckie refused to do anything when pushed because that would give trump a win.

    We could just open the border and let thousands of non skilled people in and then pay for them for life. Burden our medical system and further decimate our government education system which is a disaster as it is. We could work on immigration reform and sole this issue but that won't happen because the political royalty see no advantage to that approach.

  11. For your information -- AGAIN -- President Obama DID try to do something about immigration reform, and he worked with some Goopers who actually were on board. But guess what?

    [After the 2012 election], Republican leaders, coming off a presidential election in which their candidate received barely a quarter of the Hispanic vote, made a concerted push to reach a compromise on immigration reform. President Obama, too, elevated it as one of the top issues of his second term. Two days after the election, Speaker John Boehner told ABC News that reform was “long overdue,” saying that “I’m confident that the president, myself, others can find the common ground to take care of this issue once and for all.” At a time when Congress, because of the strategic calculus of its Republican leadership, was struggling to pass such once-rudimentary measures as budgets and highway bills, and bipartisan legislative efforts had become a snow-leopard-like rarity in Washington, it was a remarkable moment: The parties’ imperatives had converged on what everyone involved envisioned as a historic piece of legislation to resolve one of the nation’s most conspicuous problems, a broken immigration system that had left 11 million people undocumented.

    The immigration bill was supposed to be a relatively straightforward endeavor — not politically painless, by any means, but a clear win for all the parties involved, enough so that it came much closer to happening than most people think. “I’ve never been involved in an issue where there’s no organized opposition to it,” Representative John Yarmuth of Louisville, Ky., one of Labrador’s Democratic colleagues in the Group of 8, told me. “It’s so bizarre when you have the business community, organized labor, the faith community, law enforcement, you name it, everybody’s for it. Come on — how can you have something everybody’s for and not get it passed?”

    But the bill did not pass.

  12. So you are pointing out another of the previous administrations failures which truly was significant. Maybe instead of trying to ruin healthcare for 90% they could have passed immigration reform.
    Now that the borders are under attack there is no easy action we can take. If Mexico cooperates and turns them around there could be peace. Chuckie is throwing fuel on the fire and will keep it up now that the dems control the house.
    Maybe go to Cortez to provide a solution like letting all in and guarantee free education, in spanish of course, free healthcare, housing and food.

  13. When Immigration reform generates political capital (both votes and dollars) mabey it will get done.

    See, American political parties rarely do the right thing these days just because it's the right thing to do.. Presently the GOP and its "leader" tRump rarely recognize what's right anyway.


  14. Obviously skud didn't read the article. It was the Goopers who sabotaged the immigration reform, not President Obama. Unlike the present so-called POTUS, Mr. Obama did not behave like a tin-pot dictator.

  15. skud,
    Democrats are not saying let “all of them in”. Democrats are saying let them go through the legal asylum process. And th ACA is popular with most people.

  16. Actually Ms Shaw the republicans sabotaged GWB immigration reform which is something he was fully behind. Obama the great didn't see enough political capital to get fully behind it.

    Jerry and the administration is saying do it the legal way and go to a port of entry like all foreigners are directed to do. How would you suggest we get them to comply with our laws, ask them nicely and they will march in line, they are not democrats Yet.

  17. skud,
    Once again you are wrong, I suggest you read the law. Since I know you won’t, I will give it to you.

    “To apply for asylum in the US, you must be physically present in the US, or seeking entry into the US at a port of entry.”

    See! The port of entry is not the only option. What do you expect desperate people to do when the port of entry is barred from them and no assistance is being offered?

  18. Thanks JC you made a valid point, when you said port of entry. You must enter the country through a port of entry to seek asylum and climbing fences is not considered by most including the law as a port of entry. Glad you agree.

  19. skud,
    Did you leave your reading comprehension at the door? Read what I quoted again, and concentrate particularly on the word “or” .

    Here, let me make it easy for you.

    “ must be physically present in the US, or seeking a port of entry.”

    As further assistance, let me give you the definition of the word “or”

    Definition or: used to connect words, phrases, or clauses representing alternatives.

    Now, skud, concentrate on the word “alternatives”. Do you want me to define that word for you also?
