Wednesday, November 7, 2018

That didn't take long!


AG Sessions resigned. 

Trump's been humiliating him since Sessions acted like the Attorney General of the United States instead of President Porn Star Shagger's personal attorney.

I won't miss him, but who knows who #45 will call up from the swamp to replace him.


Julie Annie?

And in other election news:

"Minnesota Republican Rep. Jason Lewis, who once lamented that he could no longer call women "sluts," has lost his seat to Democrat Angie Craig.


  1. PIERCE:

    The Pussy-Hat Jokes Aren't So Funny Now, Are They?
    Women rise up to rebuke Donald Trump, while Scott Walker gets shit-canned in Wisconsin.

    Progressive issues won almost everywhere. Idaho, Utah, and Nebraska all voted to expand Medicaid, three victories for the Affordable Care Act in very red states. Gerrymandering had a very bad night. (There were other conservative initiatives that passed, too, but the anti-choice referenda in Alabama and West Virginia are, for the moment, nakedly unconstitutional in their hand-waving at the Supremacy Clause.)

    And then there was Wisconsin, where Scott Walker, the goggle-eyed homunculus hired by Koch Industries to manage this particular midwest subsidiary, took a massive haymaker in the late rounds from the voters that he and his administration have tried so hard to suppress over the past decade, especially those in Milwaukee. Although this is cold comfort in Georgia, where Stacey Abrams was victimized by voter-suppression tactics that were not even subtle, in Wisconsin, voters simply overwhelmed eight years of legalized ratfcking through sheer numbers. This was a real blue wave, and it also was enough to oust Republican State Attorney General Brad Schimel as well. From The Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel:

    On a night when Democrats retook the U.S. House and both parties piled up striking wins and equally striking losses, voters in Wisconsin turned the page on one of the nation's best-known and most polarizing governors. They did so by a very small margin, when a late tally of absentee ballots from Milwaukee County put the race out of reach for Walker. In the other marquee race in Wisconsin, Democratic U.S. Senate incumbent Tammy Baldwin won her own re-election bid handily against Republican Leah Vukmir. The most arresting features of Evers' win and Walker's loss were massive Democratic landslides in Dane and Milwaukee counties, the two big blue bastions that delivered far higher margins for Democrats than they did four years earlier.

  2. I'm guessing it will be an a*s whoever it is. Further complimenting tRump's cesspool of ignorants.


  3. Graham is a real possibility, Dave.

    I don't know if Cruz would see it as a step toward running for the presidency.

    The mother ship is handicapping Jeanine Piro. They hate Graham.

  4. It's Whitaker. A guy who threatens to can Mueller.

  5. 7/2 odds says it's Chris Christie.
    A friend of Trumps for 20 years
    A successful prosecuter for 18 years
    A two term (R) governor in a really blue state.
    Only negative....he locked up Jared Kushners father.
