Monday, November 19, 2018

The inarticulate and stupid POTUS:

Donald Trump insisted he had not changed his mind on climate change after witnessing the devastation caused by the California wildfires.

“I have a strong opinion,” the US president told reporters as he assessed the damage from one of the blazes that has so far claimed the lives of 71 people, while more than a thousand are missing. 

 “I want great climate, we are going to have that and we are going to have forests that are very safe.” 

“We’ve got to take care of the floors, you know the floors of the forest, very important,” he said. 

“You look at other countries where they do it differently and it’s a whole different story. 

 “I was with the president of Finland and he said … we’re a forest nation, he called it a forest nation, and they spend a lot of time on raking and cleaning and doing things. They don’t have any problem, and what it is, it’s a very small problem.”

NOTE; Finnish President Sauli Niinistö said in an interview published Sunday that although President Donald Trump claimed the European leader told him Finns rarely have forest fires because they "spend a lot of time raking," he doesn't recall discussing that with Trump when they met last weekend in Paris.
Niinistö told the Finnish newspaper Ilta-Sanomat, a CNN affiliate, that the subject of raking was never brought up in his conversations with Trump. 

AND THIS: The GOP preznit calls a Democratic member of the House of Representative "schitt."

Adam Schiff for the win --Democratic Underground

Last edited Sun Nov 18, 2018, 04:59 PM - Edit history (1)


  1. He's going to have great climate the same way as he makes everything else great - simply by being. He doesn't have the inclination, ability, nor knowledge to actually work at things, but he (and his worshippers) believe that being Trump is sufficient.

  2. Howard, perfectly stated. Trump is all words and no brains.

  3. Shaw... everyday Trump takes questions, he should be asked if calling a sitting Congressman Shitt, is appropriate behavior for a President. Everyday Melania shows her face in public, she should be asked if calling a sitting Congressman a Shitt is how you "be Best." She should be asked if she has any examples of what cyber bullying looks like. She should be asked everyday if a kid does what her husband does, is that good cyber behavior.

    These people are reprehensible... to their cores. And as I've noted countless times before, the church, that one day years ago demanded moral actions and behavior from presidents, that one day at least publicly stated that character mattered in a president, that claimed moral deficiency disqualified you from the highest office, once again sits quietly by, saying and doing nothing.


  4. tRump is a study in stoopidity. Not to mention narcissism, misogyny, hypocrisy, and bigotry.

    To think, we have at least two more years of Our Great National Disgrace (OGND).

  5. Dave, Mike Pence hinmself, long before becoming v.p., stated this during the Clinton-Lewinsky sex scandal:

    Dismissing the idea that the president is "just the like the rest of us," Pence wrote, "If you and I fall into bad moral habits, we can harm our families, our employers and our friends. The President of the United States can incinerate the planet. Seriously, the very idea that we ought to have at or less than the same moral demands placed on the Chief Executive that we place on our next door neighbor is ludicrous and dangerous.

    "Throughout our history, we have seen the presidency as the repository of all of our highest hopes and ideals and values. To demand less is to do an injustice to the blood that bought our freedoms."

    Mike Pence and the bloggers we know who invoke the name of God in their posts and comments are the absolute worts hypocrites on this. Their excuse for continuing to support Trump's malignant immorality is that "God sometimes uses imperfect people to carry out his plan" (but...but...I thought we humans had FREEE will.) Of course those same hypocrites never said this about Bill Clinton's lurid, immoral behavior.

    This leads to only one possibility: Those bloggers and people like Pence are not just hypocrites, but they've debased their religion and they've degraded those Christians for whom character really does matter and who have spoken publicly, condemning Trump's degeneracy and corruption.

    The ONLY reason they dismiss Trump's disgusting morals is that he put an "R" next to his name while bragging about bedding other men's wives, cheating on his 3 wives, and bragging about sexually assaulting women, cheating people out of money due to them, and shamelessly lying about everyone and everything every day of his sorry presidency.

    You and I know that the so-called Christian bloggers would be swallowing their tongues in rage if President Obama behaved like Trump does.

    Pence is a perfect example of how shallow and fake their claim to Christian morality and family values are. In fact, their reaction to Trump has shown America and the world they have none.

  6. I'm sure no one will ever get a chance to ask Pence about that statement.

  7. I'll give Donald this: He knows how to get down to the level of his adolescent supporters.
