Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Trump's America

Since self-identified (white) "Nationalist" Trump was elected, Nazi salutes and marches and acceptance have been on the rise. 

Trump has made it comfortable for every bigot, Nazi, White Supremacist, KKKer, misogynist and racist to act out what once was kept in the sewer. Trump has unleashed that filth from the sewer. His cultists are comfortable with this creeping white nationalism, and  they adore him even more for his desecration of American values and honor.

Here's a Baraboo, Wisconsin, high school photo of young, white male students laughing while giving the Nazi salute. 

Let's hear from the folks who fetishize our American military what they think about this disturbing photo. 

Let's hear from the far righties who pound their chests about supporting the troops and respecting the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform how they justify this photo of a salute that their fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, daughters and sons gave their lives to wipe off the face of the earth.

Their idol, Trump, has made this disgusting display acceptable -- even fun -- to young people.

This is what Trump has done to America:

One student in the upper right-hand photo refused to join in the disgraceful display. You can read about him in the link I provided above.

For those thoughtful Americans who wonder how Germany sank into bloody Nationalist Nazism in the 1930s, look at this photo and understand.

It IS happening here.


  1. From the linked to article: State Sen. Jon Erpenbach took to twitter to post a letter addressing the photograph and said the Nazi salute may been seen as okay by students based on remarks and actions by Pres. Donald Trump.

    "There is no place for hatred, intolerance and racism in our society. Unfortunately, based on what these students see coming from the White House, some of them may believe what they have done is acceptable. It is absolutely not. Leaders, from the President on down, need to condemn racism in all its forms and work toward a world where we learn from the mistakes of history". [end excerpt].

    A fish rots from the head. Although the trumper Minus FJ might accuse you of "mind reading" if you say you know these students' intention was to endorse anti-semitism. Maybe they were just having fun riling up "libtards".

  2. Dervish: "A fish rots from the head. Although the trumper Minus FJ might accuse you of 'mind reading' if you say you know these students' intention was to endorse anti-semitism. Maybe they were just having fun riling up "'ibtards'."

    Minus FJ is a typical TrumpCultist who attacked me with sexual comments on your blog. Just like the creepy POTUS, his default position toward women he disagrees with is to insult their sexuality. Of course, this is to be taken as what a weak, frightened little man does when dealing with a woman who has opinions different from his. It's tiresome, but all of a piece when dealing with pissant pedants like Minus FJ a/k/a Thersites, Joe Conservative, and any other of his boring sock-puppets.

    Remember, Derv, the way to deal with these weak little men is to point and laugh at them.

    Meanwhile, their weak hero, Trump, is having a bad time dealing with the repudiation of him and his awful presidency that the voters gave him last week.

  3. Watch the court decisions. When the Republican court starts giving Trump what he wants....that's how Hitler started. The Supreme Court gave Trump his immigration law and they are about to give him his citizenship question on the Census. I can only hope the new Democratic House cuts off Trump's money to do anything.


    The Trumpanzees over at the Mother Ship are proud to be called "Nationalists." IOW, they're proud to be a threat to the U.S. as bad as ISIS.
