Friday, December 7, 2018

Justice Department Calls Trump a Criminal

Federal prosecutors released sentencing recommendations for two alleged criminals who worked closely with Donald Trump: his lawyer MichaelCohen, and campaign manager Paul Manafort. They are filled with damning details. But the most important passage by far is this, about Trump’s fixer: “Cohen himself has now admitted, with respect to both payments, he acted in coordination with and at the direction of Individual-1.”
The payments in question, as the document explains, concern a payoff to two women who claimed to have affairs with Trump. The payments, according to prosecutors, were intended to influence the campaign, and thereby constituted violations of campaign finance law. They have not formally charged Trump with this crime — it is a sentencing report for Cohen, not Trump — but this is the U.S. Department of Justice calling Trump a criminal.


  1. Is it? Perhaps this is why he is nominating Barr to replace Sessions as AG (attorney general).

    The Orange Turd just may find himself in deep s*it soon.

  2. RN, this may be the beginning of the end of the corrupt O.T. and his criminal administration.

  3. I think in the end, Trump is gonna say all those guys are a bunch of liars and claim he was never involved, even if it did happen.

    And in the end, none of his supporters are going to care. Because they are convinced Pres Trump is fighting for them. And in a sense he is, for a primarily older white America. With his T Roosevelt carry a bug stick attitude, a significant portion of our population doesn't like the changes coming and wants a bulwark against it. For that they love Trump, so no "evidence" from Mueller is going to dissuade them.

    Besides, it's all made up anyways.

    PS... Hope you're enjoying family...


  4. Trump has set that up already by calling any news source that reports the truth about him and his administration "FAKE!" The weak-minded will buy into his undermining the media, and they will, like trump, dismiss any legitimate charges brought against him.

    He's a sly and mendacious weasel who's been able to get away with all sorts of immoral and illegal behavior all his life, but this time he faces Robert Mueller, a man superior to him in every honorable human trait.

    I was told that the hostess of WYD has a meme up calling Mr. Mueller a "turd." So, you see, trump has worked his black magic on the weaker minded among us.

  5. Trump will draw this out as long as possible, which should take the rest of his term. Then he will cut a deal that lets him get off. The Republican biased Supreme Court will probably decide that a sitting president cannot be indited. Trump will simply not run for another term.

  6. Remember it is all about the party and not about the people. Yellow hair is a thin skinned privileged individual who says what ever he is thinking, or in most cases not thinking. He is all about trump but on the other end the democrats are all about the party. No matter what or who the American people are of no concern to either side. Our elected elite will always do what is best for them.

  7. skud: "...but on the other end the democrats are all about the party."

    Really? Remember how the Democrats kicked Al Franken to the curb and out of the Senate when accusations about sexual harassment surfaced? Yeah. I do.

    Remember how the Republicans kicked Trump to the curb when NINETEEN women accused Trump of doing EXACTLY what Franken did? Yeah. Me neither. They elected trump president anyway and continue to excuse every lie and dirty scam he's pulled because: GOP! THE PARTY ABOVE COUNTRY!
