Wednesday, December 12, 2018


Michael Cohen blamed his "blind loyalty" to Donald J. Trump for his criminal behavior.

Michael D. Cohen, the former lawyer for President Trump, was sentenced to three years in prison on Wednesday morning for his role in a hush-money scandal that could threaten Mr. Trump’s presidency by implicating him in a scheme to buy the silence of two women who said they had affairs with him. 

The sentencing in federal court in Manhattan capped a startling fall for Mr. Cohen, 52, who had once hoped to work by Mr. Trump’s side in the White House but ended up a central figure in the inquiry into payments to a porn star and a former Playboy model before the 2016 election. 

 Federal agents raided Mr. Cohen’s office and home in April, and he later turned on Mr. Trump, making the remarkable admission in court that Mr. Trump had directed him to arrange the payments. Mr. Trump at first denied knowing anything about the payments, but then acknowledged that he had known about them. This week, he insisted that the payments were “a simple private transaction” — not election-related spending subject to campaign-finance laws.


  1. He had been Trump's lawyer for years. I find it hard to believe the two of them were legally clean all those years except for paying off prostitutes. Like Clinton, it's about sex, so is that enough to get him impeached? I never thought Clinton should have been impeached for lying about a consenting sexual affair. I'm convinced Muller has more than that and I wish he would release his report on whatever he has on Trump, so we can get on with the impeachment.

  2. I thought the apocalypse was upon us... when I read a couple of the extremist posing as main stream GOP blogs, I saw in the comments an admission that yes, Cohen had in fact, committed a crime. Of course the general feeling was that he was only caught because he worked for Trump.

    What they're saying is that the fact they admit, the crime, should not be relevant because he was only found out as a result of his work for Trump. But isn't that how investigations work? You dig in and you go where the trail leads.

    I think the bottom line is that either, in this case, the head [Trump] is rotten, he's clueless as to what his employees have been doing in his name, or he is incapable of hiring good, smart ethical talent. Despite his words to the contrary.

    Maybe, and I know the right will struggle with this, just maybe Pres Trump is a horrible person, hires people "dumb as rocks", like Tillerson and has no idea how to move legislation, how Congress works or how to be a statesman.

    Perhaps we need to send him a few School House Rock videos like this one!

  3. Jerry, Cohen worked for Trump for ten years. He knows where all the bodies are buried. Time will tell us what he told Mueller. Trump is corrupt, and there's no doubt in my mind that there will be lots to learn from what Cohen told Mueller's team.

    Dave Here's what I read at that blog:

    "...Cohen wouldn’t be in jail were it not for working for Trump.

    Even the conservative lawyers on FOX who I admire are saying this doesn’t look good….that Trump should never have hired Cohen because he’s always been known to be a sleaze….and a bunch of other stuff I can’t think about because , let’s face it:


    They, like Trump, are corrupt to their cores. They're p.o.'d because Trump's personal lawyer for 19 years got caught being corrupt, and they believe Cohen is going to jail only because he was Trump's lawyer and not because he committed crimes?

    What they're too blind to see is that corrupt people attract other corrupt people who'll do dirty work for them. Trump has been dirty since whenever. Those bloggers don't get the fact that paying off his paramours so people like them wouldn't know what a moral pig he is was corrupt and illegal, and Trump broke the law.

    Those folks have shown us where their loyalties lie, and they're not with America or our American values.

  4. "...Trump's personal lawyer for 10 yearts..." NOT 19.

  5. Oh I love this piece of hypocrisy:

    "We don’t need a saint in office but we definitely need someone without people like Cohen around them….ugh."

    Funny, they don't mind the UNsaintly Trump, but they never excused the UNsaintly Bill Clinton, did they? Gawd! What disgusting hypocrites they are.

  6. Well... you're not gonna have a guy like trump without guys like Cohen and Manafort around him. When a guy needs fixers, where does he turn?

    Generally not the local Manpower office.

    I think folks with a little bit of conscience are struggling to make sense of this. even FOX News is saying this is all a big deal. This AM the FOX and Friends show grilled Pompeo and he basically refused to answer their question. He spoke, but not to their questions. Scarborough commended them for being tough on him.

    But the blogger crowd, once even the FOX folks see the light, get called RINOs.

    Such a disconnect.

  7. Dahlings, I am not a big Trump fan but, Good Heavens!, the constant forgiveness of anybody like Obama for the Lois Lerner scandal, getting an agent killed by mishandling Fast and Furious, never investigating his sending huge cash in boxes at midnight to Iran, Benghazi......Mercy!, when can I stop?

  8. Hello Lady Pinkbottom!

    Your questions on "the constant forgiveness of anybody like Obama" seem urgent and, therefore, require attention.

    The facts are, M'dear, that there was NO FINDING by the FBI and the DoJ of any wrong-doing by Ms. Lerner -- there was no scandal, Dear Lady Pinkbottom. The Trump administration had the choice of re-opening the investigation, but the REPUBLICAN TRUMP ADMINISTRATION declined reopen the case to further investigate. Why do you suppose that was? Do you really believe the vindictive and corrupt Trump administration would have declined a chance to open up an investigation into the IRS during the Obama administration? Of course not! THE REPUBLICAN TRUMP ADMINISTRATION declined because THERE WAS NO SCANDAL.

    We "libruls" understand you and your obtuse friends refuse to believe facts, but, "Dahling," facts are stubborn things. Pretending facts are lies and lies are facts are what got you and your chums to support Trump, who has been under CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION BY THE FBI since 2017 and whose closest aids are under indictment, serving prison time, or about to do so. No one in the Obama administation was indicted or served time. Even if you refuse to put that FACT into your stubborn head, it doesn't change the reality.

    In January 2014, James Comey, who at the time was the FBI director, told Fox News that its investigation had found no evidence so far warranting the filing of federal criminal charges in connection with the controversy, as it had not found any evidence of "enemy hunting", and that the investigation continued. On October 23, 2015, the Justice Department declared that no criminal charges would be filed. On September 8, 2017, the Trump Justice Department declined to reopen the criminal investigation into Lois Lerner, a central figure in the controversy." --Wiki

    As to your question: "When can I stop?" How about now. Is now good for you? Because you've got nuthin'.

    Thank you. And have a nice day.

  9. Pinky... when you get some facts, maybe then you can stop.

    Let's just take your "cash boxes" to Iran comment. It's been widely reported and confirmed that the cash that was delivered to Iran was their money. Money that we had frozen in the sanctions that were, at the time, being lifted.

    Are you arguing that we should not have returned their money?

    Because that seems to be the only other interpretation of your remarks.

  10. PL do not come here and infer that obama the great was not a saint because you will get chastised. The sole desire of the liberal dems is to bring down trump even if it destroys the country and punishes the middle class. That is a direct reference from billy mayher.

  11. Giving sponsors of terrorism and Hamas billions of Euros is always a good idea Dave

  12. skudrunner: "The sole desire of the liberal dems is to bring down trump even if it destroys the country and punishes the middle class."

    How does getting rid of a corrupt, immoral man in the presidency "destroy" America? Where are your values?

    BTW, you never speak of jobs being lost because of Trump's reckless tariff wars, do you. How is that helping the middle class? You contantly defend a man who has defiled the presidency with his immoral behavior, personal and in business. A majority of Americans - 60% of us, do not understand people who still support a man who surrounds himself with corrupt people and who has no core values, except to promote himself, his businesses and his equally corrupt children.

    No matter how many times you repeat your slander of Barack Obama, the truth is that he is morally superior to the pig in the WH who continues to trash America and all her values.

    You apparently are good with that. Trump's approval is now at 38%. If he, as you say, is benefitting the middle class, why do the American people dislike him more than any president in modern history?

    Can you answer that -- honestly and without trashing Barack Obama?

  13. Hey SKUD! Why do you say nothing about tRump being called a felon by his own Justice Department and his own personal lawyer who worked for him for 10+ years said tRump KNEW he was breaking the law when he made the payoffs to his whores? Where's your outrage? Do you think it's a good thing for America to have a crook as president?

    PS. Shaw is right. Obama isn't a crook. tRump is!

  14. Anon at 6:38... Regarding giving cash to terrorists.

    President Obama did send a boatload of $$$ to the Iranian Mullahs. However, it was Iranian money that we seized years ago and which we said in an agreement that we would return. It was not a payment to them. It was a return of what was once theirs, in the spirit of better relations.

    Today we returned the Belangiga bells that US soldiers took from the Philippines during the US/Philippine War a hundred years ago. Should we not have returned those? What about paintings Nazis took from Europe during WWII. Should those not be sought out and returned to their rightful owners?

    It's the same concept.

    But as to your point of supporting terrorism, the US has a long sordid history of doing just that. Across the Middle East, the problems we experience today are a direct result of our overthrowing elections to install dictators we approve of. We've negotiated for years with terrorists, despite our call to never do so, most recently the Taliban. And yes, we've paid terrorists before, most famously the rebels in Iran, after President Reagan straight up negotiated with them.

    International relations is nuanced, multileveled and hard. You seem to belong to the black/white binary school of thinking that permeates the GOP when there is a Democratic President but looks the other way when the GOP folks do the same thing, pretending they're the moral compasses in the world.

  15. Skud... we've been down this road before.

    You said... "PL do not come here and infer that obama the great was not a saint because you will get chastised."

    You, or anyone else will not get deleted if you use reasonable language, don't misrepresent the facts, as PL did regarding the "huge cash boxes" and deal in facts, as opposed to rumor and FOX News talking points.

    If you've read this blog over time, you'd know that all us libs have been critical of Obama and the Clintons many times over the years, so any thought that we will not tolerate legitimate criticism is nuts.

    And you know that.

    BTW... ANON at 9:50... Skud has been critical of Pres Trump. He seems more like a guy who's angry and upset at both Trump and Obama.
