Thursday, January 24, 2019

All the screaming and hollerin' over the Covington< Kentucky, boys' school incident is a distraction from this...

Trump's disapproval rating reaches record high as majority of Americans blame him for government shutdown

"Donald Trump's disapproval ratings have reached record highs as the president refuses to back down from his border wall funding demands, sparking the longest government shutdown in US history. 

 A new CBS News poll released on Wednesday shows the White House and GOP leadership are losing support for the president’s campaign promise of a wall sprawling the entirety of the US-Mexico border, with 71 per cent of voters saying they do not believe the issue is worth keeping the federal government closed. 

 Meanwhile, Mr Trump’s disapproval rating has reached an all-time high at 59 per cent — a figure that’s just one per cent higher than his previous record yet indicative of the president’s declining support amid the border wall battle." 


President Porn Star Shagger is hellbent on ruining not only this country, but himself over his unnecessary partial shutdown of the federal government.

His disapproval numbers continue to grow and his approval numbers continue to sink into the toilet, where they belong.

Plus, Trump showed Americans why Speaker Pelosi is a far, far better leader than he could ever hope to be.

Continue to be resolute, Madam Speaker.


  1. The American people don't want a wall and certainly don't want the shutdown.

    Now tRump is left trying to understand how he got himself in this situation when Putin never has this kind of problem.
    He simply doesn't understand why people see his tantrum for just that.

  2. Ducky,
    All you need are the first four words of yiynlast sentence.
    “He simply doesn’t understand”
