Friday, January 25, 2019


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The Trump administration is crawling with crooks:

Donald Trump ally Roger Stone arrested on seven counts of perjury and obstruction

Trump adviser and original Nixon dirty trickster Roger Stone was arrested on Friday morning in a pre-dawn raid of his Florida home following a seven count indictment by the grand jury. The raid was captured on video, as CNN was at Stone’s home at the moment agents—who were working through the shutdown without pay—arrived to burst into Stone’s residence in a SWAT-style procedure and take the long-time Republican strategist away.

Roger Stone, Adviser to Trump, Is Indicted in Mueller Investigation 

The longtime informal adviser to President Trump was charged with seven counts, including obstruction of an official proceeding, making false statements and witness tampering, according to the special counsel’s office. 

Mr. Stone has spent decades plying the dark arts of scandal-mongering and dirty tricks to help influence American political campaigns. 

Image may contain: 3 people, people smiling, text


  1. None of the MAGAts on the far right blogs are coving the arrest and indictment of Trump close friend and part of his campaign Roger Stone. Of course they'd be howling if this weree a Democratic president with all his close associates being called out as crooks. If they try to say Trump didn't know any of this, it shows Trump is a lunkheaded idiot who was oblivious to the corruption all around him, a very bad thing since it shows him to be weak and out of touch with his own people, if he knew all about it, and covered it up, he's a g-d traitor and should be thrown out of office.

  2. Ray, Roger Stone is very, very close to Trump and has advised him through the years. This smells and where there's a smell, ususally there's a rat nearby contributing to the stench.

  3. I hope they film Don Jr when he gets arrested. It will be so funny to see him crying and soiling himself at the same time

  4. Ray... why would they cover it? To them this is all a bunch of made of baloney. Even the impeachment of Nixon was gotcha politics if you really read these folks.

  5. BIG surprise, NOT.

  6. Just a matter of time before the trap snaps.

  7. Re Ray's comment about this story being ignored on rightwing blogs, trumper Minus FJ says the arrest of Roger Stone is bogus because the "Russia narrative" is a fake narrative. How can he be arrested for lying about something that didn't happen?

  8. Dervish, Minus FJ is obviously minus his brain. No one with a functioning mind says this is a witch hunt. What Minus FJ is doing is avoiding the truth and going with conspiracy theories ala Alex Jones. It's rather pathetic, but not surprising.

    BTW, how many witches are in jail, indicted, awaiting sentencing, or being investigated?

    Also, if Sen. Graham opens another Senate invesigation on BENGHAZI! would Minus his Mind FJ think that was legit? Of course. Old Minus is a whacky partisan, that's all.

  9. Not a good time to be friend of the pres. I am surprised anyone would want to associate with him or work for him. There is so much attention about anything he does that just being in the same room as him is toxic.
    Never has one person dominated the news lie trump. Never has there been a network devoted against a president. This should be a lesson to any politician, if you defeat the anointed democrat princess, no matter how bad she is, be prepared for an all our assault from all media fronts.

  10. skud,
    This has nothing to do with Clinton, and everything to do with Trump, his behavior, and his associates. Are you saying that none this (see below) is true?

    4 people sentenced
    1 person convicted
    7 people plead guilty
    37 people & entities charged
    199 overall criminal counts

  11. skudrunner said...
    Not a good time to be friend of the pres. I am surprised anyone would want to associate with him or work for him.

    SK: So are we. 3 military men with sterling reputations all left Trump with nothing good to say about him. Does that get through to you at all? Generals McMaster, Kelly, and Mattis had NOTHING GOOD TO SAY ABOUT TRUMP. Think about why that could be.

    Skud: "There is so much attention about anything he does that just being in the same room as him is toxic."

    SK, Skud, do you read his Tweets that he blasts out evdery day? The Tweets where he calls people names? Spreads lies? Calls people who cooperate with law enforcement "RATS!" Are you so marinated in right wing ideology that you're still blind to the reason the media report his absurd Tweet rages? In the history of this country, we've NEVER had such an immature, crybaby incompetent in the Oval Office.

    Skud: "Never has one person dominated the news lie trump. Never has there been a network devoted against a president."

    SK: "...lie trump." Truth in a typo! Never has there been a network devoted against a president? Oh fer Gawd's sake skud. Now you're being obtuse. FAUX NOOZ dedicated itself to destroying anything and everything about Barack Obama. Perhaps you agreed with that propaganda cable station so you didn't see it for what it was?

    skudrunnmer: "This should be a lesson to any politician, if you defeat the anointed democrat princess, no matter how bad she is, be prepared for an all our assault from all media fronts."

    SK, skud if you really believe 60+% of the American people are disgusted with DJT only because Hillary lost the electoral vote, you are deceiving yourself, along with the other 30 percenters. Trump gets bad media because he's a LIAR, A CHEAT, AND A FRAUD. And he has no idea how to negotiate anything. We just saw him lose to a professional who is competent and smarter, way smarter, than he says he is.

    Only the misbegotten 30 percenters refuse to see Trump for the incompetent baboon that he is.
