Wednesday, January 9, 2019

In his first Oval Office speech, #45 said nothing new.


Once again Trump listed a series of gruesome crimes committed by undocumented immigrants, and argued that the entry of immigrants must be blocked by a wall at all costs. But his argument is false: 

"The data show that undocumented immigrants are actually considerably less likely to commit crimes and have lower crime rates. "

Network executives need to ask themselves serious questions as to why they chose to air this, and just how complicit they are in giving Trump opportunities to spread lies about immigrants with such ease. 

In 2014 they refused to let Obama speak on the issue of immigration, saying it was "overtly political." Last night they allowed America's Liar-in-Chief to embarrass and dishonor himself and America by once again lying to the American people.


Trump’s immigration speech was an insult to the nation’s intelligence

Trump’s speech failed fact-checks. It misinformed and persuaded no one. Why was it aired?

The data shows that undocumented immigrants are actually considerably less likely to commit crimes; states with more undocumented immigrants actually tend to have lower crime rates. 

 So the most striking part of the whole presentation was a lie, a recitation of anecdotes designed to mislead Americans about immigration and gin up anti-immigrant sentiment to score political points. There was no reason this should have been nationally televised. 

The president was not announcing news of grave national import, like an attack on American soil or a declaration of war. There’s no rule that networks have to air a presidential primetime address. 

President Obama once tried to deliver a similar immigration address, but the networks turned him down, saying it was overtly political. Yet they let Trump deliver a propaganda speech, one that likely persuaded very few people and left at least some Americans marginally less informed than when it began. The networks could have chosen not to air this. They did not. The result was a national embarrassment.


  1. Watching Trump’s flat delivery of sentiments that he can’t possibly believe was the inverse of comforting. Instead, the address had the queasy effect of a serial killer’s mask in a horror movie. It was a failed attempt to look normal that concealed something even more terrifying underneath.

  2. Yes, Ray.

    I thought of this:

    “His voice, made metallic by the amplifiers, boomed forth an endless catalogue of atrocities, massacres, deportations, lootings, rapings, torture of prisoners, bombing of civilians, lying propaganda, unjust aggressions, broken treaties.” - George Orwell

  3. Funny how fake potus doesn't mention this: Gun deaths in US reach highest level in nearly 40 years, CDC data reveal

  4. Donald says we need his wall to stop terrorists and drugs. What he needs to explain is how the Wall helps when the vast majority of suspected terrorists enter through airports and drugs come by car through legal ports of entry.

  5. His delivery was downright insipid as if he knows he has a tiger by the tail. He thought he could justify the shutdown with the same tired lies and appeal to fear.
    The speech was such a tired rehash I think he wrote it himself. A confused wasted man who no longer has the gravitas to appeal to anyone but the hard core right wing.

    The question is whether the Republicans are going to desert this disaster. A truly pathetic address.

  6. Anon, more Americans are killed each year by firearms than are killed by illegals, but Trump and what's left of the Republican Party don't want to address that real emergency. We're arming children in public schools. That's how this country deals with American white male mass murderers with AR-15s.

    Jerry, you cannot win arguments with wingnuts by using facts. They are impervious to them but swallow with gusto all the lies and b.s. fed to them by their hero, President Porn Star Shagger.

    Ducky, He read Steven Miller's words and the gullibles swooned. It was an update of his deplorable "American Carnage." Funny. Trump NEVER mentions the carnage of mass shootings by white American males, does he. More innocent Americans are slaughtered by them than are slaughtered by illegals in this country. The current GOP are all compromised by Putin's Russian asset installed in the White House.

  7. Why would anyone expect competence or greatness from something that lives its live in slime?

  8. The facts on the ground were no different two years ago then they are today. The entire immigrant problem that Trump campaigned on never existed in the first place. The difference today is that fewer people believe the tremendous lies that Trump spews constantly. Oh, he still has his 35%. They will never desert him. They will be more loyal to him than all of his ex wives put together. But there is about 5 to 10% of the voting public that originally fell for it and figured out that they have been conned.

    If Trump ever read children's stories to his kids, he might be familiar with the fable of the boy who cried wolf. It's a great teaching fable. One would assume that all of us have it implanted in our brains by osmosis, but we are talking about Trump here. His world consists only of himself, his ego. People like that are incapable of learning anything and Trump demonstrates his incapability each day.

  9. We now know that Trump didn't want to give the speech and doesn't want to go to the border. He only did them to appease his politically minded press people like Bill Shine and Sarah "I'm an Honest Person" Huckabee Sanders.
