Monday, January 14, 2019

The Rogue and Possibly Traitorous Donald J. Trump, POTUS

The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump concealed the details of five meetings with Putin and that he even went so far as to physically take possession of interpreter Marina Gross’ notes, further instructing her not to speak to anyone about the contents of the meeting, not even senior White House or State Department officials. That’s rather damning behavior on the face of it. 

Why wouldn’t Trump want his closest national security advisers to be aware of the content of the discussion between him and Putin?

Possibly because he's not fulfilling his oath of office to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America?

Why would the FBI open an investigation into whether or not Donald J. Trump is working on behalf of Russia, a country hostile to the United States of America?

Possibly because he refuses to disclose, even with high ranking officials in his own administration, secret discussions he's had with Russian dictator, Vladimir Putin:

From Vox:

President Donald Trump hid details of his meetings with Russian President Vladimir Putin, going so far on one occasion as to seize his interpreter’s notes to prevent them from reaching the public, according to a new report published Saturday. 

 Washington Post reporter Greg Miller outlines how Trump went through “extraordinary lengths” to conceal the contents of his conversations with the leader of one of America’s biggest adversaries. On at least one occasion, during a meeting with Russian officials and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in Hamburg in 2017, Trump asked his linguist to not share details about what had transpired. Even high-ranking officials within Trump’s own administration were unaware of specifics discussed between the two leaders, 

The Post reports. They only found out about possible subterfuge after an unnamed White House advisor and another unnamed senior State Department official specifically sought out the notes from Trump’s interpreter — but the records weren’t there: 

 As a result, U.S. officials said there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump’s face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years. Such a gap would be unusual in any presidency, let alone one that Russia sought to install through what U.S. intelligence agencies have described as an unprecedented campaign of election interference. This isn’t the first time that Trump’s interpreter has been sucked into the drama of Trump’s dealings with the Russians — she is one of the few Americans, if not the only person other than Trump himself, who knows what was said at these meetings. 

 The new revelations come just a day after another damning story for the president, which included allegations that the FBI opened an inquiry into whether Trump was secretly working on the behalf of the Russians. The New York Times reports that soon after Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, law enforcement officials expanded their open investigation into Trump’s campaign to include the president himself.


  1. Why did this SOB traitor of a bastard rip up the notes taken in his private meeting with Putin? What is Trump hiding? No other president in American history has acted the way Trump acts with Russia. It all points to Trump being a traitor to America.

  2. At least obama the great discussed colluding with Russians on a hot mike. Trump should be ashamed that bho upped him in that part of transparency.

  3. Trump sold America out to the Russians!

  4. R.D., Nokka,

    Why, if you are Trump, would you purposely shield your conversations with Putin even from your own aides? Why would you take notes from a translator at one encounter and urge that person not to reveal what transpired -- even to your senior aides? Why would you ensure that there is no detailed record, even in classified files, of Trump's face-to-face interactions with the Russian leader at five locations over the past two years?

    Because Trump is betraying America, that's why. There's no other explanation. No other POTUS in American history has ever acted this way toward the leader of a governmebnt hostile to the U.S.

    It sure does smell like treason to a lot of Americans.

    skudrunner: You comment is g-d foolish. If you don't know the difference between what President Obama said and what President Russian Asset has said and done, then you and the rest of the 30 percenters are hopelessly naive. And maybe that's why you guys continue to defend the indefensible.

  5. From the start Donald J. Trump has been in the pocket of Russia. He would not even say anything against his boss. trump knows his time is coming, and that we know he is what is bringing America further down. He's a clear and present danger. He's been dangerous from the very beginning of his sham campaign, it was obvious, he was on the take, and being bought was deeply established with foreign dictators, primarily Russia.

    Too many of Americans lined up to cooperate and did not want to believe that this could happen. Well guess what.. It happened!!

    The USA is in trouble.

    And yes I agree it looks like Trump is a traitor.

  6. Is our nation rapidly approaching curtain time on the American experiment in self government? Methinks it is a definite possibility.

    Trumpian cons are accelerating our descent into darkness and the evil lurking therein.

  7. Here is a pretty good like of the indications that Donald is a Russian asset. ( )

    skud, Let’s see your list that Obama is a Russian asset?

  8. TODAY I AM WORRIED….I’m watching the Barr Hearings and I find him a bit egotistical and ‘not my type of guy’ but I also find him FAIR and HONEST.

    The new fact publicized today that he and Mueller have literally been BEST FRIENDS (and their families, too) for 20 years, and the way he said Mueller is such a man of integrity, really rather scares me and awakens my fears I’ve carried inside about the Mueller findings ….not happy about that. I'd much rather have heard Barr say that Mueller was a lying sack of sh*t like President Putin, I mean TRUMP!, instead of telling the nation that Mueller is a man of integrity, decency, and courage.

    Why can't we have a serial adulterer and liar investigating Trump, you know, one of his peers?

    I'd be more happy about that.


  9. Well, "CHEEZE" or whoever you are, I'm sorry to hear that finding out Mueller is a man of integrity scares you so much. What the hell does that mean? Would you have felt better if Barr had characterized Mueller as dishonest, a cheat and liar? I'm guessing you would, since that's the character of the man you support for president.

    When will you people wake up and listen to your own words!? You actually said you're
    afraid that Mueller is honest!!!!
