Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Trump "knows exactly what he's doing' in pushing the Kremlin's agenda."


"Democratic Representative Eric Swalwell of California in an interview Tuesday claimed that President Donald Trump has “betrayed” his country and is knowingly working to promote Russian interests. Swalwell, who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, told MSNBC’s Hardball host Chris Matthews that the president “knows exactly what he’s doing” in pushing the Kremlin’s agenda. “He is acting every step like someone who wanted to work for the Russians and who has betrayed our country and put them first every single time,” Swalwell told Matthews.

Trump has denied working for the Russians, or hiding the content of his conversations with Putin."

Trump is a known LIAR. I do not believe his denial, nor should anyone.


  1. I would trust nothing from the mind of President Russian Asset. He is corrupt, deceptive, hateful, and on the cusp of being non compos mentis.

  2. Let's take the high road for a few moments.

    I'm willing to say President trump is not a Russian asset, nor worked with them during the election so he could win. I know that's a heavy lift for libs, but stay with me. Just assume that what I said is 100% true.

    We're then left with the reality of what we are seeing. Over a dozen people connected to Trump and his campaign were in fact shown to have had direct contacts and communications with Russian official at various levels. That's not even debatable. Even Pres Trump has semi acknowledged this when he asks "so what, contact is not illegal."

    In a sense, he's right. Contact is not illegal, perse. Lying about it to the FBI however is illegal.

    So again, remember, in this scenario, Trump is the Sgt Schultz of Presidential Campaigning and Politics. He knows nothing about the work of his minions.

    Would we really want someone so unable to control his own org/admin as our President? How did all these liars get hired? Of course we know... Donald Trump hired each and everyone of them. The man who told us he'd have only the best and brightest hired a bunch of lying people who are in jail now, or waiting their turn.

    What President ever has that kind of record?

    While he may not be a Russian agent, he is most certainly a liar and the worst judge of the character and talent needed to be part of a White House Admin we've ever seen.

    One last thing... Skud, if you're reading this, please please please, post no comments about Obama or HRC. I get you dislike them and that's fine. But think about and comment on Trump without a bothsiderism comment about either of those 2 dems.

  3. Dave, here's more information that speaks to your comment:

    All of Trump’s Russia Ties, in 7 Charts

    How Russian Money Helped Save Trump’s Business
    After his financial disasters two decades ago, no U.S. bank would touch him. Then foreign money began flowing in.

    Following the Money: Trump and Russia-Linked Transactions From the Campaign to the Presidential Inauguration

    In addition to these articles about Trump and his administration's ties and family's financial ties to Russia, we have professionals in the intelligence community telling us day in and day out that what is in the PUBLIC record points to a MORE THAN POSSIBLE connection between Trump and Putin and the Russian oligarchs and their money laudering schemes.

    In addition to the professionals in the intelligence community, we have former military personnel who see Trump as a threat to the security of the United States. Also, dozens of Republican pundits and thinkers who do not support Trump and speak out against his destructive behaviors as president on a daily basis.

    The far right bloggers are immune to these undeniable facts and continue to deify this incompetent fraud. I don't know what they expected from a man who is on record for cheating not only on all three of his wives, but cheating just about everyone else who's done business with him, and who has been proved to tell lies on a daily basis.

    The ONLY major legislation he's managed to pass in the two years he had both houses of Congress is a tax break for the rich. He's done nothing else.

    And now we see what he's doing to hundreds of thousands of Americans for something Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity told him to do.

    Today we learned that American soldiers were killed in Syria after Trump lied to the American people again when he declared that ISIS has been defeated in Syria and while VP Pence claimed the same at some speech he gave today.

  4. KKS on the cusp? I think he's already there.
