Wednesday, February 27, 2019


  1. Lord Dampnut mut be so sad that his meeting with his BFF Kim got puhe "below the fold" by Cohen,

  2. Want to know how hard today was for Trump World? Look no farther than the USS Mother Ship and her Captain...

    It's "time to move on and defend the paperwork he [Cohen] can show Trump did…signed checks, when he denied signing checks, etc. Tough stuff."

    There's "lots to absorb and paperwork doesn’t really lie."

    "I think Trump IS guilty on maybe much of this Cohen stuff..."

    "Those checks Cohen’s brought with him are pretty compelling… but he has to prove what they were for, which he’s pretty much doing…sadly."

    To the First Mate, the Cap'n asked this question... "Do you not want to know if any of this is true or not?"

    And then, even after the Captain acknowledged that Trump had in fact lied about the payments to Stormy Daniels, that the evidence was right there of his lying and cover up and campaign finance violations, the First Mate responded with...

    "...actually no, I don’t really care."

    That about sums up the folks who care everyday if HRC lied, believe in moral values, and blindly disregard evidence and facts right in front of their faces.

  3. "...actually no, I don’t really care."

    That about sums up the folks who care everyday if HRC lied, believe in moral values, and blindly disregard evidence and facts right in front of their faces.

    Who's surprised at their reaction to what Michael Cohen testified to at the hearing? They belong to the folks Trump said would stick to him even if he shot someone in the middle of 5th Avenue. They care not a whit if Trump is a vile liar, cheat, and charlatan, so long as he appoints judges and pisses off "libtards."

    IOW, as I've said before, they have no moral compass and all their conversations to each other about their moral superiority over everyone is a lie. At least they've exposed themselves for the moral hypocrites that they are.

  4. Ducky, I guess the people who "nominated" Lord Dampnut for the Nobel Peace Prize will have to withdraw their support now. SAD!

  5. Dave, if you want to know why we're such a mess and why the right is so loyal to tRump, read this from the Captain of the Mother Ship:

    Geeez: "Kim goes home to quiet. The public doesn’t know much because they’re not plugged into anything their “Dear Leader” doesn’t want them to hear! Of course, when Trump comes back and talks, in my opinion, a bit too openly at pressers about what went on, I’m for the North Korean way."

    Only kidding? I don't think so. The more shitty news about Trump that comes out, Cohen hearing and tRump's failed summit with KJUn, the more these righties want to buy it, just like KJUn buries bad news and people who go against him. The Mother Ship poster actually has no shame telling her pals that she'd like America to be more like North Korea! I wouldn't believe it unless I saw it with my own eyes.

    They call "libtards" "Commie Lovers," then publish their love for a Communist butcher and wish America was like them. They are crazy. There's no other explanation is there?

  6. Ray... "I'm for the North Korean way."

    That, more than anything sums up the extreme right. If we talk about, or even mention a desire to have gun registration or back ground checks before someone buys a semi-automatic weapon, us libs are called libtards, commies, socialists and America haters.

    Why? Because the Second Amendment gives people a right to bear arms.

    And yet those same people see no issues whatsoever hoping for/wishing for and calling for governmental limits on free speech and for limiting the freedom of the press. Which unless I'm mistaken, are 1st Amendment rights.

    Like their GOP congressmen, no one on the unhinged right is stepping up to defend Trump and arguing that the evidence is fake. Sure, they can call Cohen a liar and a cheat. But how can you argue against the check for $35,000? A sitting president of the US wrote a personal check, to reimburse his lawyer, who, at the president's direction, bribed a porn star to keep his affair private.

    And then he lied about doing it! While in office.

    This admin makes the Nixon gang look like a bunch of beginners.

    BTW... I'm glad President Trump has professed his love for the group of butchers Kim, Putin Duterte and MBS. Birds of a feather flock together, as they say. And yet, while loving on those guys he gives the back of America's hand to longtime allies like France, Great Britain and Germany.

    And yet, only us America haters see any problem with that.

  7. I favor a less transparent administration like the previous one. Always sharing everything including attacks is not something the public can process. Better to say you will have a transparent administration and don't tha follow through on a promise. DJT could learn a lot from BHO.

  8. skudrunner, it must be awful for you to live, day after day after day, knowing what a horrible man the Goopers put in office and what a good, honest, loyal man came before him in the presidency.

    Your snark and digs at Obama and his presidency are pathetic and only proves to those who read them that the present Republican Party is doomed to extinction. IMO, it can't come fast enough. And I hope it takes the LIAR, CHEAT, AND CHARLATAN with it.

    1. Shaw, I too hope the GOP, in its present form soon becomes extinct. Just as the Whigs did in the 19th century. I also know one party government is not good. So, if the GOP becomes extinct we better hope that two or three parties replace it. I sure as hell don't want a progressive democratic party running the show all by its lonesome. Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  9. Oh Skud... you know we've taken the Obama Admin to task for their lack of transparency.Even here, on this blog. But that's not today's subject is it?

    Not at all... today's subject is why the GOP believes Cohen should not be believed, because he's a liar, but they feel differently about Pres Trump, another liar.

    Look, we all know all Presidents lie to some degree or another. They say stuff that is not true, [Tonkin Gulf, I'm not a crook, You can keep your insurance] but no president has taken falsehoods/lies to the level of Pres Trump before.

    Doesn't that concern you? Doesn't the fact that a significant portion of his support does not seem to care about Trump's falsehoods? Do you think his lack of veracity is good for America? Has he elevated the position of the presidency, and the US around the world? Or has he lowered our stature and the need for truth?

    Honestly, I wonder if it possible for people like you and the passengers on the SS Mothership to consider those questions apart from any other president. Can you do it without resorting to "whataboutism"?

    I think Shaw is right. It's got to be hard for folks who championed family values, at one point even saying an adulterer was not qualified to serve as President. It must be hard to have at one time valued truthfulness, humility and compassion, then look at who YOU elected and how he's making a mockery of every moral you once held dear.

  10. RN, perhaps the sane Republicans can reclaim their party. There are many of them out there who had the good sense to disassociate themselves from the current occupant of the White House.They should be the ones to rebuild their party.

  11. Perhaps. We'll jut have to wait to see. More and more I doubt I'll still be living when it happens. If it does.

  12. I don't feel trump will win a second term and totally support Nikki for 2020. I still favor DJT over -H- because nothing would have changed if she won. The previous administration split America in half and it will take a decade or longer to repair that.

    Trump is a blowhard and he says I more times than BHO did and I thought that was impossible. There are extremes on both sides and hopefully the middle of the road can prevail. It does look like the middle class is rebounding from ten years of oppression but they still have a ways to go.

  13. Obama did not divide the country in any REAL sense of the word skudrunner. Initially (during his 1'st campaign) I thought as you do. I learned, by listening and observing I was wrong. He (Obama) was wrong on some things, but, he was correct on many. I grew to both respect AND like our former President. Hillary? Well, not so much

  14. Obama is a fine man with a great family and he gave those flowery teleprompter speeches. The guy just didn't accomplish much.
