Friday, February 22, 2019

Just another day in the corrupt presidency of Donald J. Trump

No one's surprised that the current occupant in the Oval Office would tweet about Smollett, an unknown until now actor, and ignore the far right white supremacist who planned to assassinate members of the media, Democratic politicians, and others who Trump has labeled "enemies of the people."

A tale of two criminals: President Trump lambasts Jussie Smollett and ignores the far more dangerous Christopher Hasson

Meanwhile, in the Swamp that is the Trump Presidency, we now find out that his Secretary of Labor, Alex Acosta, broke the law. 

The scandal that could force out another Trump cabinet secretary

Just another day in the corrupt presidency of Donald J. Trump.

(Meanwhile, the usual rabid far right bloggers are talking about Smollett and AOC, anything to keep themselves from facing the fact that they support the most dishonorable man ever to sit in the Oval Office.)

"Federal prosecutors, under former Miami U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, broke the law when they concealed a plea agreement from more than 30 underage victims who had been sexually abused by wealthy New York hedge fund manager Jeffrey Epstein, a federal judge ruled Thursday. 

 While the decision marks a victory for crime victims, the federal judge, Kenneth A. Marra, stopped short of overturning Epstein’s plea deal, or issuing an order resolving the case. He instead gave federal prosecutors 15 days to confer with Epstein’s victims and their attorneys to come up with a settlement.

The victims did not seek money or damages as part of the suit. […] Marra, in a 33-page opinion, said prosecutors not only violated the Crime Victims’ Rights Act by not informing the victims, they also misled the girls into believing that the FBI’s sex trafficking case against Epstein was still ongoing – when in fact, prosecutors had secretly closed it after sealing the plea bargain from the public record. 

For those who might need a refresher, Epstein, a politically connected multi-millionaire, was accused of sexually abusing dozens of underage girls in the early 2000s. A federal criminal investigation into his alleged activities raised the prospect of Epstein spending the rest of his life behind bars, but his high-profile legal team – which featured Alan Dershowitz and Ken Starr – were able to strike a plea deal. And what a deal it was.

Epstein ended up pleading guilty to a state charge of soliciting sex from a minor in 2008, which led to an 18-month sentence. He was released after 13 months – during which time he had been permitted to leave the prison and go to work during much of the day – and then went back to living the high life."

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