Thursday, April 18, 2019

For people who believe there's nothing to see, read this:

When Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Mr. Trump that a special counsel had been appointed in May 2017, Mr. Trump grew angry: “I’m fucked,” he said, believing his presidency was ruined. He told Mr. Sessions, “This is the worst thing that ever happened to me.”
Mr. Trump began trying to get rid of Mr. Mueller, only to be thwarted by his staff. In instance after instance, his staff acted as a bulwark against Mr. Trump’s most destructive impulses. In June 2017, the president instructed Donald F. McGahn II, the White House counsel, to remove Mr. Mueller, but Mr. McGahn resisted. Rather than carry out the president’s order, he decided he would rather resign.

Image may contain: 2 people, text


  1. O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!
    O my God this is terrible! This is the end of my presidency! I'm fucked!

  2. It's going to get messy. It's going to get stinkier. It likely will still be around unresolved until after the 2020 election.

    It ain't over until the fat lady sings.
