Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Hypocrisy on the Right, Part the Infinity

The egregious hypocrites on the right agonize over the attacks on Christian churches in Europe but ignore what the administration they support is doing to Christians at the border in the U.S.of A.

Those same people blubbered over what happened to France's Notre Dame cathedral but ignored what a white supremacist did to four Christian black churches in Louisiana. 

What could the reason be for those Christian right wingers to ignore the destruction of black Christian churches by a white supremacist and the attacks on Christian Latinos at the border.

There must be some reason for those professed defenders of Chistianity to ignore the injustices and crimes against black and brown Christians right here in their own country.

I wonder what it could be?

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  1. Bad as taking rosaries from immigrants, either with or without papers, worse is the taking of children.

    I'm sure the parents of the roughly 2700 kids lost in the system would gladly give up religious icons for the whereabouts of their kids.

    But of course, the right to life folks have nothing to say about that either.

  2. Have the Merchants of Hate on the Mother Ship found the "Moslem vermin" who torched Notre Dame yet? They were wetting their pants on Monday thinking about who the "Moslem vermin" might be who perpetrated the fire. They're awfully quiet today. I guess their hopes of having a "Moslem vermin" blamed for the fire is fading, and now they'll have to find someone else to slander and hate.

    I've got an idea, they can always join the Westboro Baptist Church in slandering Mayor Pete! We know how much those Ship of Fools detest homosexuals!

  3. Here's one of their best Merchant of Hate (bocopro):

    "And today the Democrats’ top contenders for the PotUSy are a stuck-in-the-past socialist, a habitual groper, a homosexual, an ethnically confused Irishman, a skank, and a faux Cherokee. And for 8 years we had a determined foreigner and closet Muslim setting race relations back half a century while destroying the economy."

    But I think I've found where the Mother Ship of fools has been over the past two days:

    A group of anti-LGBT protesters followed Pete Buttigieg to another town in Iowa for a bizarre demonstration.

    One man demonstrated his hatred for homosexuality by dressing up as Buttigieg and whipping another man dressed as Jesus on the cross, while a third man dressed as Satan harangued confused onlookers in front of a garage in Marshalltown.

    “Beat the savior, beat him — I hate this guy,”said the man dressed as Satan. “Yes, more blood, Peter. Every vote is a lash on the back of Christ.”

    Hecklers interrupted the South Bend mayor’s campaign stop Tuesday in Des Moines by shouting, “Sodom and Gomorrah,” but Buttigieg calmly brushed aside their anti-LGBT slurs.

    “The good news is,” he said, “the condition of my soul is in the hands of God but the Iowa Caucuses are up to you.”

    The 37-year-old Buttigieg’s campaign has been drawing more attention lately following a series of TV appearances that won him praise and new fans, and the openly gay military veteran’s sudden popularity appears to have rattled some conservative Christians.

    “We had bathhouses, you have no idea the stuff we used to do,” the man dressed as Satan told onlookers, sipping from a mug of coffee. “Blood, I would drink blood in the mornings. There’s nothing like a warm cup of blood in the morning.”

    Satan’s stand-in then warned that Buttigieg was “polling number one in hell.”

  4. "...and the openly gay military veteran’s sudden popularity appears to have rattled some conservative Christians."

    This is the reason the Merchants of Hate are out there already against Mayor Pete.

    Mayor Pete is everything Trump isnot and has not: Intelligent, eloquent, a veteran, executive experience, young, fit, honest, and likeable. Put Mayor Pete up against the wreckage that is Donald Trump and the contrast will be deadly to the liar, cheat, and fraud currently defiling the Oval Office.

    BTW, that rightwinger needs to shut up about "skanks" and "habitual groper". The current FLOTUS is all over the internet naked as a jaybird and in bed with another woman (I suppose if Melania posed for good Christian soft porn, it's okay with him), and Trump has 20+ women credibly accusing him of sexual assault and harrassment. But those fools continue to ignore all of that and project what's dirtying the White House now onto the current field of Democratic contenders. SAD!
