Sunday, July 14, 2019

The GOP's Racist President...

Tweet raged Sunday morning implying that certain freshman US Representatives should go back to their "catastrophic, corrupt, and inept" governments.  Thing is we know who President Dotard means:  A.O.C. of New York, Ayanna Pressley of Boston, Mass., Rashida Tlaib of Detroit, Michigan, and Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, but born in Somalia.

Of the four women Trump indirectly attacked in his Tweet Rage, ALL BUT ONE IS AMERICAN BORN. The idiot  GOP president indirectly called  the government he heads "a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world."

Yes, President Dotard described his GOP government quite aptly!

The unmistakable ugliness of Trump urging brown-skinned congresswomen to ‘go back’ to their countries

In tweets Sunday, Trump portrays the lawmakers as foreign-born troublemakers who, he says, should go back to their home countries. He tweets: “You can’t leave fast enough.” In fact, the lawmakers in question are Americans, and all but one were born in the United States.

....and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how.... is done. These places need your help badly, you can’t leave fast enough. I’m sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out free travel arrangements!

Representative Brendan F. Boyle, Democrat of Pennsylvania, made the point that he is from an immigrant family, but had never come under racially charged criticism from the president. He is white. 

 “Like some of my Democratic colleagues, I’m young, from an immigrant family, also very critical of Trump,” Mr. Boyle wrote on Twitter. “Funny thing though, he never tells me to ‘go back where I come from.’ Hmm I wonder why?”


  1. There's no question that tRump tweeted out a racist rant. He's a racist and the people who support him have no problem with that.

    1. They have no problem because it is MORE than likely they are racist too.

      Real Americans wish tRump would return to HIS family's country of origin.

      I know I would donate HEAVILY to get the Dotard's racist a*s out if my country.

  2. Why doesn't someone suggest tRump send his soft porn star #3 wife back to the shithole she came from?

  3. How is Donald Trump still in Office?

    3 out of the 4 Congresswomen he attacked were actually born & raised in America. IIhan Omar is a naturalized American like his current & ex-wife.

    He is a certified lunatic.

    1. He sure is a "certified lunatic" alright. The sad reality is 40+% have no issue with supporting the Dotard. So, what does that say about THEM?

  4. The WYD inmates would support a child rapist if he belonged to the Rethuglican Party.

    Oh. Wait...

    1. Oh Wait Epstein and Bill Clinton are DEMOCRATS!

  5. Why would a racist invite them back?

    Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....


  6. You really are that dense, aren't you? I often wonder what kind of a mind it would take to be a trump supporter. And then one of them comes here and exposes himself and exactly the kind of mind that supports trump.


  7. BTW, -FJ, Three of the US Representatives were born in America and the 4th is a naturalized American, just like two of his wives, and the 4th has been here since she was 10.

    Their counry IS AMERICA and the idiot president you support labeled their country as "broken and crime infested." Trump described America. The America he's supposed to make great.

    Your idiot president told them to go back to a broken and crime infested America that HE leads!

    If stupidity were a disease, trump would be terminal.

  8. Your initial charge was "racism". Now that THAT has been disproven, you want to change the subject and argue that America ISN'T a nation of immigrants? Typical lol!

  9. btw - Just how do you know that the congresswomen YOU are now referring to are the same one's as HE was referring to in his Tweet... as he named no one specifically.

    Sounds like Ms. Omar fit's his bill just fine.

  10. Asked whether Trump’s comments were racist, Marc Short, chief of staff to Vice President Mike Pence, defended Trump, telling reporters he had been responding to “very specific” comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, who was born in Somalia, and was not making a “universal statement."

  11. You are repeating spin doctors' excuses. What trump tweeted was pure and simple racism. Everyone who has even half a brain knows who he was referring to.

    Your trying to spin even more. Won't work here. And it isn't working in the general public. We know what he said and it was a blatant racist attack on 4 members of Congress, who happen to be minorities.

    Funny, isn't it. Trump was vicious in his criticism of America when Barack Obama was president to the point where he questioned Mr. Obama's citizenship up until he was forced to recan't and admit he was full of shit.

    No one told trump to leave America if he didn't like how it was then, did they.

    Trump is a racist. Always was and always will be.

  12. And here trump is singling out the 4 minority women:

    The president went on yet another rant about the four Democratic congresswomen whom he’s repeatedly singled out over the last few days. During an off-the-cuff press conference Monday, he went off on Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley — all progressive Democratic women of color in their first term, known as “The Squad.” The president accused them of “always complaining” and singled out Omar — one of two Muslim women currently in Congress — as preferring al-Qaeda to the United States."

    When Mr. Obama was president, trump complained all the time about what a mess the country was in. Here he is questioning these Congresswomen on their loyalty to America for doing EXACTLY what he did when Mr. Obama was president.

    Why do you suppose he's attacking them for doing what he did?

  13. Damn those trumpers really and truly are f'ing idiots. In EVERY GD sense of the word IDIOT. Just like their cult leader.

  14. RN Yes, I agree. I don't understand how they can continue to support trump. I just don't.

    Sam Huffington, what does that mean? Trump is a Republican and he's a moral pig and racist. Right? So?

  15. You can't criticize minority women w/o being racist? Who knew?

  16. Thanks to trump, and his flying purple monkey supporters, the USA is now firmly in the toilet. Talk about a shithole country!! We will never be able to complain/denounce human rights issues in any other country.


  17. Thersites said...
    You can't criticize minority women w/o being racist? Who knew?

    He didn't "criticize" the minority women. Or maybe you're just not bright enough to get what he did?

    It isn't my job to point out the obvious. If you don't understand why a majority of men and women of good conscience in America and around the world are sickened by what trump said and agree that what he said was racist, then you are truly a lost cause. Like all of the TrumpCultists.

    It's not my job to enlighten the willfully blind.

    1. Indeed Shaw. Blind and ignorant are synonymous when referring to tRump cultists.

  18. Shaw Kenawe, by your posting that horrible picture, You have proven to me that you are TRULY a very stupid, and Sad women. I really feel sorry for you. You don't deserve ths privilege of living in America.

  19. Dear "Doris,"
    The privilege of living in America means an American citizen can criticize, condemn, and complain about the government.

    You suggest I leave my country for exercising my Constitutional privilege? BTW, it's not a "privilege" it's a Constitutionally guaranteed RIGHT.

    That you have no understanding of this basic principle of being an American is depressing but, sadly, not at all surprising. Most of trump's supporters are ignorant about the Constitution.

  20. I'm betting Doris would have been a huge George III supporter.
