Saturday, August 10, 2019


  1. This is great! I would go one step further. I believe in either Australia or New Zealand if the person purchasing a gun is married the police interview the spouse to make sure they are aware and are okay with their spouse buying a gun.


  2. I don't understand why there is so much resistance to background checks, not that they will do much good but they should be required. I also don't understand the push to allow thousands to not obey our laws by crossing our borders.

    Looks like Biden is going to be the chosen one which compared to all the other candidates is a good thing. Trump keeps sinking under his own weight and I don't think he can win. With biden little will be done because it will be an extension of the obama eight. At least biden will not try to destroy the middle class like his mentor did.

    1. I've been patiently waiting for you to explain what exactly President Obama did to try to destroy the middle class skudrunner. Any honest assessment gives Obama credit for steering the US economy back to health following the economic meltdown at the end of the GWB administration.

      I continue to wait

  3. Skud, of course said... "At least biden will not try to destroy the middle class like his mentor did."

    I understand this to mean that you believe Pres Obama was trying to destroy the middle class.

    There is some evidence that the middle class took some hits during the Obama Admin. Whether those hits are due primarily to Admin policies or a remnant of the Great Recession is a debate historians will have for years.

    My struggle with your statement is how you assign blame. You seem to be equating results with intention. It's as if you are saying, since the middle class took those hits, then Obama must have been in favor of that happening.

    It's an interesting philosophy, I'll give you that. But it's also corrosive and offensive. In that kind of thinking, there's no room for someone to act in good faith, and as a result of those actions see just the opposite of what that person was hoping for.

    It is your cynicism that says Pres Obama wanted to destroy the middle class and George W. Bush wanted Americans to die in Iraq and New Orleans after Katrina.

    The presidents we elect, by and large, run to better our country. Some are more effective than others at getting there, but if we are to apply your cynical take across the board, equating unforeseen consequences/problems with a desire to destroy America, where would we be?

    Absent direct contrary evidence or animas, I believe it's best to believe even those we believe were bad presidents, want what they believe to be best for the US.

    Without such a view, one would have to argue that GW Bush did indeed want those people to die and that he wanted the country to lapse into the Great Recession. One would have to argue that Pres Reagan wanted soldiers to die in Beirut when the Marine Barracks was bombed. One would have to argue that Pres Carter wanted hostages taken by the Iranians and on and on and on.

    Would it ever stop?

  4. Dave and RN, skudrunner continues to be posted here because he gives us the far right pov, and he doesn't personally attack me or my commenters. I also don't want to appear like the far right bloggers who will not allow any commenters who do not support Trump and his administration.

    Skudrunner has always thrown jabs and sarcasm at President Obama, and he is slightly critical of Trump. But for some reason, known only to him, almost every comment he posts here has a slam againt President Obama.

    Skud conveniently ignores that the reason Mr. Obama was not able to accomplish everything he set out to was Mitch McConnell and his toxic promise to block any initiative Mr. Obama and the Democrats proposed for legislation.

    Meanwhile, I hear nothing from skud about how Trump had complete control over the government: House, Senate, and SCOTUS, and he didn't accomplish he biggest promises: A wall on the southern border that Mexico would pay for, and repeal and replace Obamacare.

    What Trump has accomplished is debasing the Office of the Presidency and making a pathetic Twittering fool of himself in front of the country and the world.

    None of the above has ever been said of President Obama, even though Mr. Obama was not a perfect president.

  5. Nope Shaw... not a perfect president at all.

    RN... the numbers seem to show that middle class income, while rising through most of the Obama Admin, after hitting bottom during the Great Recession, did not get back to pre-crash levels. Perhaps that is what Skud is referencing.

    I know Skud is critical of the ACA. But Obama hoped the ACA would lift people out of poverty and medical financial ruin. It worked for some, and not for others. But for the ACA, I wouldn't be here today as the insurance I was finally able to purchase made access to the care that saved my life in 2015 possible.

    At the very least, I'd have been bankrupted by the costs.

    So for this middle class person, it worked. However, I do know others who felt it did not help.

    But Pres Obama tried. And he tried to work across the aisle. And the Admin held dozens, if not hundreds of hearings in an attempt to involve the GOP.

    But they refused at every step.

  6. The middle class consists of working taxpayers and Small business owners. The former president declared the he wanted to raise taxes on anyone, including small business owners, who made over $250K per year and as everyone knows small business owners didn't build their businesses the government did. Of course while he was attacking the middle class he was attending 10k a plate dinners from his billionaire friends.

    It is a credit to McConnell that he was able to stop what obama/soros wanted to do. He was successful in trying to ruin healthcare for everyone and we all know how well that went. He did enact a temporary reprieve for illegals then passed the buck to the next administration.

    I agree that in the first two years of the current regime he had an opportunity to repeal obamacare but because the republicans do not march in lock step he was unable to get it through congress.

    The special interest president was good if you were part of a special interest group. Unfortunately the middle class and small business owners were not part of that class. Obama was a horrible president for the majority of Americans but he was and remains a swell guy.

  7. "The special interest president was good if you were part of a special interest group."

    Hey skud, tell us how that tax cut for the 1% helped you. I can tell you it did nothing for me, or the rest of my family.

    Dave, Both Social Security and Medicare were not perfect and had lots of problems in the beginning, but in those days Congresses worked with the Executive Branch and smoothed out and/or addressed other problems with those paid-for-by-workers social programs. There was no coming together to work out the many problems with Obamacare. I'm grateful it helped you through your ordeal in 2015 (as I was saved in 2015 as well through my health care plan.)

    Skudrunner talks about Mr. Obama as though no other president has $$$$ raising events. Again, he's selective in his criticixms because Obama has a "D" after his name.

    Skud ignores all he damage Trump is doing to American in service to the 1% tax cuts which have contributed billions and billions and billions of $$$$ to our deficit. It that were Mr. Obama, skud would be purple with rage over the debt he's placing on furture generations. As it is, not a word about that. It's only OBAMA! OBAMA! HILLARY! HILLARY! 24/7. I understand. He tends to go lockstep with the far right bloggers who don't allow any comments from liberals (except Ducky). Even when he gets under their cognitive dissonance skins, they give him a warning to "back off!" Hahahaha!

    The fact is, those folks are a distinct and troubling minority. They don't seem to understand that the rest of this country rejects their Trump worship and everything connected with Trumpism.

    They are this generation's Jonestown Kool-Aid drinkers.

  8. Well Ms.Shaw, you live in your coastal elite liberal bubble and have no understanding of the folks between the mountains. I think you're in for quite a surprise come Nov. 2020.

  9. The tax cuts for the 1% is a little tired even for you. The tax cuts did help most taxpayers and actually helped the middle class more than most. Of course the 1% got more of a cut but they pay the most. Obama disliked small businesses and you dislike the 1%.
    Medicare is a prepaid healthcare system you pay for all your working life and even after you start receiving benefits you continue to pay. Obamacare is a program designed to punish 90% and reward the 10% although not nearly 10% of eligible people subscribed, shows what a great program it is/was. I have nothing against a politician who has a D after their name. I am an independent although I will vote for a fiscally conservative candidate over a give away liberal any day even though all of them are crooks who just want to line their own pockets and keep their job.

    BTW I don't always attack obama as you suggest. He is a swell guy who was a lousy president for many of us.

  10. To Anonymous: In case you weren't aware, Donald Trump is the quintessential COASTAL ELITE. He was born and raised in a coastal "elitist" city. He lived in a golden tower and owned his own jet airplane and owns several houses and golf courses. He is the very definition of "elite" and you suckers think he cares about you?

    PS. As of July 32, Trump's approval was 42%. When will you cultists understand that you are a minority supporting a president who's never had 50% approval of the American people? I'm you have no idea of how hated Trump is throughout this country. You live in a bubble that will burst very soon.

    1. Ms.Shaw, you do realize over 94% of republicans approve of Trumps performance. I guess they are the deplorables Hillary spoke of.

  11. skud: "The tax cuts for the 1% is a little tired even for you."

    Oh Gawd! Sez the commenter who bitches about Mr. Obama in every comment he leaves here.

    BTW. Donald Trump is an awful human being who is a lousy president for the majority of the American people.

  12. Can I get some info on who exactly the tax cuts helped as it sure as hell wasn’t me or anyone else I know. Not getting my tax refund that I’ve gotten for the past 20 years and that I budget for meant I had to cancel my planned trip next week to celebrate my 60th birthday with friends. So you can take your “tax cut” and shove it.


    1. You got it each week in your pay check

  13. Anonymous, you do realize that only a quarter of Americans identify as Republicans. How many of them vote?

    Only 42% of the American people approve of DJT. Tell us how that's a path to winning again.

    1. You actually think one of those 20 candidates can handle Trump head to head? Do you really believe taking away private healthcare for 150 million will be popular or free healthcare for illegals will go over in Kansas or The Green New Deal will excite the voters in Oklahoma? Come on you're smarter then to believe those things will be popular at the kitchen tables of average americans.

  14. Anonymous at 8:07, I’m not an idiot. I received a whopping $60.00 extra a month. That comes to $720.00 “extra” for last year. Well, my typical refund has been around $2,500. I not only did not get that $2,500, I had to pay over $200 to the IRS. So you tell me, did I do better under trump’s tax cuts?


  15. Anon @8:29 PM "You actually think one of those 20 candidates can handle Trump head to head?"

    My ten year old grandson could go head to head because he knows how to speak English in complete and coherent sentences. Plus, he know quite a bit about American history and the Constitution. You must be under some illusion that Trump can speak about policy, domestic and foreign, without calling someone names. He can't. He a big dumb clown.

    "Do you really believe taking away private healthcare for 150 million will be popular"
    or free healthcare for illegals will go over in Kansas or The Green New Deal will excite the voters in Oklahoma?

    Y'know what? I really don't care right now what the voters in Kansas or Oklahoma think. They're the ones who voted for this malignant lying narcissist and gossiping disgrace. IMO, they have no judgement in a person's character.

    "Come on you're smarter then to believe those things will be popular at the kitchen tables of average americans."

    If Trump's policies and administration were so wonderful in solving people's most pressing problems like health care and immigration, why is he polling at only42% approval? The American people want someone who will stop embarrassing our country and come up with workable solutions to our worst problems: gun deaths, climate change, health care, immigration.

    Screaming at people at bund rallies haven't solved any of those issues.

  16. Anon... regarding those 20 candidates... I hear you. I'm not sure a Dem can beat Trump at this time. As for head to head, I'm pretty sure Trump won't even debate a Dem.

    Why should he? The risks would be too high.

  17. Ms Shaw, Your comment about not caring about the flyover states is the main reason princess -H- lost. If it was based on just votes she would have won but there is a system in place that gives the flyover states some say.
    No politician cares about immigration reform and that is the reason the last three presidents have done nothing about it. Pelosi and crew tried to take away healthcare from the majority of Americans and that didn't work out so well for her side.

    I agree with you in I don't think Trump will win. I just hope the RNC puts in a reasonable candidate or Trump drops Pense for Nikki. The dems seem to be going down the same path as 2016 with candidates who are far to extreme and few people support. If -H- won in 2016 we would be faced with four more years of the previous eight and that didn't do well for the taxpayer and they voted her out.

    1. Skup, what the reason for you unrequited love for Nikki Haley?
      What has she ever really accomplished?

  18. Anon, She is a women, ran a state successfully, is from immigrant parents, has international experience, has shown she is not afraid to stand up to foreign governments or trump.
    The last two presidents had zero experience in any of these categories.

    1. Shes a woman? So what. The only memorable thing she did in S.C. was force out the Stars & Bars. Having immigrant parents qualifys her to be president?

  19. Trump’s UN pick brings limited foreign experience to job
    Politics Nov 23, 2016 10:55 AM EDT

    She served one year as UN Ambassador and served most of that time supporting Trump administration's foreign policies. She did oppose some and is smart and capable, but Trump has so destroyed the Republican Party that I doubt people would want to put anyone with an "R" after their name in the Oval Office for years to come. She was smart to get out while her reputation was still unharmed by the stench of Trumpism.

  20. Anon, I guess you are against women and immigrants, legal that is. What qualified a TV star at become president or someone who organized a block party.
    Ms Shaw, she has far more experience in government and foreign affairs than the swell guy and you thought he was great.
