Monday, August 19, 2019

From the fingers of the little orange dictator wannabe:

WASHINGTON — In tweets on Sunday morning, President Donald Trump suggested supporters might not want him to leave office after two terms. 

 "The good news is that at the end of 6 years, after America has been made GREAT again and I leave the beautiful White House (do you think the people would demand that I stay longer? KEEP AMERICA GREAT)," Trump wrote. 

 The president had also been criticizing the Washington Post and the New York Times, calling them "both a disgrace." 

 Trump has talked about the issue before. In March last year, according to a recording obtained by CNN, he told a closed-door fundraiser at Mar-a-Lago that "maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day," in reference to Chinese President Xi Jinping's abolishment of term limits. 

It was unclear if the comments were made in jest.

Just imagine how his minority supporters -- TrumpCultists -- would have reacted had President Obama spokent or tweeted those stupid words.


Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text


  1. Who's surprised by this example of Trump lust for power?

  2. From a far right blog:

    "I just read an article on Townhall in which the leftists tried to point out that Trump’s last rally had empty seats. It was a distortion of the truth, of course, but now he has them arguing about crowd size, something they used to use to point out his pettiness. He is winning."

    This person thinks polling at 41% approval way into a president's 2nd term and never, never getting 50% is "winning." They truly are delusional. In which universe is that winning. America's been watching tRump president for over 2 1/2 years and he's never gotten 50% approval. Does that mean he's winning?

    PS The liberals have been laughing at tRump's stupid obsession with crowd size ever since he lied about his inaugural crowd. The idiot who wrote the above obviously has their head up their ass for not knowing that.


  3. Ray, are just like their idol, Trump, they twist everything around to suit their reality which will never allow them to see what a malignant narcissist and lying conman he is. It's a sort of illness with them. The 41% who think he's a winner.

  4. Anon,

    No one who has a functioning brain.

  5. Apparently 41% of America is intellectually AND emotionally challenged. His rampant narcissism AND disregard for what really makes America Great is very troubling.
