Thursday, August 15, 2019

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  1. I saw that I got special mention but I didn't read where the current administration actually attacked the middle class and say the government needs to take from the middle class because they didn't deserve what they have. I am all for a change in administration but socialism is not something I support.

    No government actually cuts taxes it is not something they do. They shift how they get the money but the overall effect is you pay more to support those who pay none. I have mixed feelings about the China tariffs because it does hurt most people. The alternative is akin to the immigration problem. We can either take a hit now and resolve the issue or we can do what we have done for five administrations and ignore. My guess is that the elected elite (AKA the political corruption machine) will do nothing and your grandkids will have to deal with it.

    Maybe we need a ground swell of support for The Fair Tax where everyone pays and the rich cannot deduct a thing.

  2. The Trump administration and the GOP passed a PERMANENT reduction I corporate tax rate (to 21%) while giving a reduction to individuals (some didn't get a break) that would sunset in 5 years.

    Trump and the GOP really don't give a damn about the MC but they DO take care of the very rich and corporations.

    What's up with that skudrunner?

  3. Skud... maybe we should tax income that people who have over $10 million [no deductions] in annual non working income at a rate that GOP Pres Eisenhower used when we built the US transportation system, colleges across the land and the rest of our now deteriorating infrastructure system.

    I think it's about 90%.

    1. Dave, there was no one paying remotely close to 90%. There were so many deductions and shelters the tax structure was actually pro rich.

  4. Hahahahahaha!

    This is a real post from a Trumpanzee. I'm not making it up. Take a deep look into how their feeble easily manipulated minds work.

    Do you think as many Democrats on the candidacy ticket REALLY want to run or is having a LOT of them spouting off on really stupid ideas like this, demeaning us, demeaning Trump, demeaning Capitalism, etc., is legit or do you think someone like Soros is paying them all BIG chunks of money and supplying ideas like Booker’s in my link above, to run and TALK TALK TALK…demean, demean, lie, put forth incredibly ridiculous Republican supposed agendas, etc……… ????

    Demeaning Trump? How can anyone or anything demean Trump whose already in the gutter with pedophiles, gangsters, rapists? Those peeps filter out anything disgusting about their Dear Leader.

    Because they have a Hive Mind, they actually believe Soros is funding all 20+ candidates. Because they suffer from groupthink, they believe anyone who has an opinion contrary to them is being financed to have that opinion.

    We're in a shitty state of affairs because of stupid people like the one quoted above!

  5. RN and Rev, We tax corporations to much now and before it was ridiculous so I am in favor of lowering the tax rate on corporations. Our tax system is totally unfair. Why should someone who makes 10mil pay a higher rate than someone who make 10k. The end result is the person making 10mil is going to pay a lot more than the person making 10k, I know that is higher math and I hope you can follow.
    Now we allow the rich, that's true rich not 250k rich, to have huge deductions and pay at a lower rate. The person making 10k has zero deductions so lets give him a break and go to a flat rate/Fair tax system where the highly successful people get zero deductions and will actually pay more. No deductions for anything, mortgage, RE tax, charities and therefore you have a fair tax.

    The idea that corporations pay taxes is about as real as china pays tariffs. Both of these are myths because the purchaser pays both taxes and tariffs regardless of what politicians say.

  6. Amazon paying $0 in taxes is too much? Should their tax rate be negative? I don't think lowering the corporate rate was necessarily a bad idea. But the loopholes HAVE to be closed so that no corporation pays zero. Or can escape US tax with a mailbox in the Cayman islands. But, even though tRump hates Amazon, loopholes were not addressed. tRump is bankrupting us just like he did his casinos.

    1. tThat's what Smart people are talking about Dervish!

  7. Do you two include yourselves in that "smart people" category?
