Friday, August 23, 2019


WASHINGTON — Hours after China said it would increase tariffs on $75 billion worth of American goods in response to President Trump’s latest round of levies on Chinese goods, the president ordered companies in the United States to stop doing business with China and warned that he would retaliate further. 

 In a series of angry Twitter posts, Mr. Trump said “Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing our companies HOME and making your products in the USA.” 

 The president also said he was ordering the United States Postal Service and private American companies like FedEx, Amazon and UPS to search packages from China for the opioid Fentanyl and refuse delivery.

FedEx and UPS have both issued the same exact statements in response:

Mr. #King Of The Jews, to quote; LOL!


  1. Perhaps the delusional Mr. Trump will be kind enough to cite the statute that gives him the power to order US companies to stop doing business with China. He knows no more about law than he does about trade. We're watching him unravel in real time as the polling news pours in.

  2. As I've said before, someone needs to throw a net over this lunatic!

  3. He's delusional. It's like the failed dictator down in his bunker, issuing grandiose orders to military units that no longer exist. I suspect dementia; if so, it's only going to get worse.

  4. Inherently, we should have no issues with wanting to bring business, and employment, back to the states. Look, I don't like the way Trump is handling the presidency, but I'm willing to give him space to operate, something the GOP never, never, gave President Obama, choosing instead to vilify and oppose his initiatives at every turn.

    If we project into the future, let's assume this idea works... won't we be ecstatic? Wouldn't a USA, not dependent on China be a good thing?

    Now, of course we know tomorrow Trump will have another idea, but, I'm just sayin'...

  5. More saber rattling which needs to stop. He and his massive ego create so much uncertainty that someone needs to lock him in a room without any communication with the outside world.

    Tariffs don't work and neither country is willing to eliminate them and have free trade. Maybe instead of issuing tariffs we should just block all trade with China.


  6. Dave, doesn't it bother you one little bit that the POTUS is ORDERING, COMMANDING private businesses to do as he says? Doesn't it bother you one little bit that the POTUS doesn't know how our government works. That, I believe, is the issue, not trading with China.

    In a global economy, what you wish for, I don't think is possible. That dog don't hunt no more. It would be nice to be a manufacturing-based economy, but we're not anymore. We need to look ahead, not in the past for solutions to living with a global economy.

    Ordering private corporations to do what the POTUS commands is not how a mentally healthy president governs.

    This is NOT good.

  7. skudrunner: "More saber rattling which needs to stop. He and his massive ego create so much uncertainty that someone needs to lock him in a room without any communication with the outside world."

    It's a bit laate for that. All of this messy governing was pretty evidenc to a lot of Americans, and that's why Trump lost the popular vote. Many of us saw that he had neither the temperament nor the intelligence to govern. These are those proverbial chickens coming home to roost. Some of us understood what a disaster Trump would be as POTUS. Others just wanted to stick it to the "libtards," and now ALL OF US are paying the price for that spiteful attitude.

    What he tweeted out in the latest Tweet is straight jacket worthy. The man is crazy.

  8. Infidel753, Trump shows the American people again and again and again that he knows nothing about our laws, the Constitution, governing. This is what America gets for voting "something different." America got "something stupid."

  9. Andrew Sullivan: "President Donald Trump is absurd. His presidency is absurd. His party is absurd. We have known this ever since that absurd journey down an escalator, and the surrealism has only intensified since. Perhaps it takes a sane foreigner, not subject to years of almost hourly Trump abuse, to point out the obvious. We have no Executive branch in any meaningful or serious sense. We have a joke that’s wearing thinner by the day. There is no institution or company in America, small or large, that would allow Donald Trump to run or represent it for more than a few days — because most sane institutions see immediately that a rape-y racist with no knowledge base or capacity to learn is an embarrassment, and a huge liability. If appointed the head of, say, a local library on January 20, 2017, Trump would have been fired by January 21."

  10. Shaw... a president has a bully pulpit. Essentially, what Trump is is asking for, or even demanding, is that ppl buy American to, in his view, support America.

    I think Bush label China a competitor. Others have labeled them an enemy.

    How we respond to that is a policy that our elected presidents dictate.

    I would hope however, that those presidents, would understand how government works, the limits of our laws and how we should act and behave in a connected global society. Trump clearly does not get, or doesn't like working in that reality.

    But what he expressed, is a view held by many in the US. Ppl are sick and tired of seeing job loss to robots, or poorly paid Chinese slaves, housed in horrible conditions. Americans want a response, or an answer to that reality.

    And the Dems have been sorely lacking in compassion and understanding of that group. And even more lacking in solutions.

  11. BTW Shaw... re Sullivan.

    Didn't Pres Trump change the word absurd, /əbˈsərd,əbˈzərd/ to Abzurd /əbˈZərd,əbˈzərd/ in his tirade on Denmark?

  12. The scary thing is biden is the best candidate for president running now. That just shows how far the US has sunk in the talent who wants the job. Trump is defiantly to bizarre to continue beyond this term, the democrats are a bunch of looneys so that leaves Biden as the pick of the litter. I hope someone with a brain runs against trump from the conservatives.
    I would support John Kasich and so would many. Trump will eat Biden up in a debate where gaffs matter but I believe Kasich could hold his own.

    1. Sorry Skid but Kasich is a moron of biblical proportions. You sure can pick them...Kasich and Haley, two do nothings

  13. Dave. a president has a bully pulpit. Essentially, what Trump is is asking for, or even demanding, is that ppl buy American to, in his view, support America.

    Agreed. But don't forget that Trump himself and his daughter have had his goods manufactured in China! Why is he ordering corporations to do what HE AND HIS FAMILY won't do?!

    But this is an issue that has to be addressed to the corporations that have sent their manufacturing overseas (This includes Trump himself and his daughter, BTW), and because we're a capitalistic society, not communistic, there's not too much a president can do to ORDER corporations around. Plus, we have a higher standard of living which requires a higher hourly wage, higher than what the Chinese and other Asian countries pay their workers.

    American workers want stuff made here? Then the American people will have to be prepared to pay double or triple for what they pay for clothing, appliances, iPhones, etc.! Do you think that will be acceptable to American workers making minimum wage?

    It is a complex problem that needs rational leadership and cooperation among other countries.

    Trump is a bully and doesn't know how to negotiate as a country, only as some loud-mouth real estate developer with tons of lawyers to bully everyone to his will. It doesn't work like that with countries, and Trump hasn't learned that in the 2 1/2 years in the presidency.

    He's incapable of learning anything, IMO.

  14. Well Shaw... there is that hypocrisy thing isn't there? Trump is a special case. Immoral, crass and unwise in the ways of government. Add that to his seeming lack of empathy, and he's a perfect vessel for the anger many have felt in the US since the beginning of the end of American manufacturing jobs in the early 70's.

    Those jobs, and the good pay and benefits, fed and clothed millions of Americans over the years. As they went away, year by year, cities across America became hollowed out battlegrounds for crime, drugs and urban blight.

    Our politicians, and our corporate leaders, did little to stop the bleeding and now we have Trump. He's not proposing solutions as much as he is feeding the anger and resentment those displaced workers and their families have towards the forces that combined to rob them of the American dream.

    Skud is right... there are no Dem candidates who seem up to the task of running for President. Sure, they can run against Trump, but not a one has defined how they will be able to implement whatever plans they have for the country.

    Simply being against Trump ain't gonna cut it.

    As for increased prices... that is the rub. My sense is no, Americans do not want higher prices. But who does? It's what the Brits call a sticky wicket isn't it?

  15. Dave "...but not a one has defined how they will be able to implement whatever plans they have for the country."

    That's not quite true. Here's Elizabeth Warren addressing those concerns you mentioned. Her website is FULL of examples of how she'd tackle these thorny issues. Saying no Democrat has any answer means people haven't bothered to read their positions. I've been trying to do that very thing so that I am informed enough to make a choice.

    WARREN: After decades of largely flat wages and exploding household costs, millions of families can barely breathe. For generations, people of color have been shut out of their chance to build wealth. It’s time for big, structural changes to put economic power back in the hands of the American people.

    That means putting power back in the hands of workers and unions. It also means transforming large American companies by letting their workers elect at least 40% of the company’s board members to give them a powerful voice in decisions about wages and outsourcing. And it means a new era of strong antitrust enforcement so giant corporations can’t stifle competition, depress wages, and drive up the cost of everything from beef to Internet access.

    As the wealthiest nation in the history of the world, we can make investments that create economic opportunity, address rural neglect, and a legacy of racial discrimination–if we stop handing out giant tax giveaways to rich people and giant corporations and start asking the people who have gained the most from our country to pay their fair share.

    That includes an Ultra-Millionaire Tax on America’s 75,000 richest families to produce trillions that can be used to build an economy that works for everyone, including universal childcare, student loan debt relief, and down payments on a Green New Deal and Medicare for All. And we can make a historic investment in housing that would bring down rents by 10% across America and create 1.5 million new jobs.

    1. The problem with the term "fair" is its complete subjectivity. What is considered "fair" by some is considered "unfair" by others. And who gets to determine what is "fair". Until such time folks using the term "fair" actually define exactly what "fair" is I'll continue to have questions/problems with its use.

  16. Shaw... I guess what I meant is no one seems to have a plan as to how they will implement their plan. Warren's Tax Plan, which I like, has no chance of becoming law absent massive Dem majorities, which we will not get with current gerrymandered districts.

    Lots of Dem have ideas. But how to implement them is the issue.

    There are limits to Executive Power.
