Saturday, September 14, 2019

Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text


  1. Is this our future? WHO AHH!

    If trumpism is allowed to grow it just might be.

    Is America on the slide leading to eventual insignificance?

    That's the 64 million dollar question. The next decade will likely provide the answer.

    If so it will be the partisan extremism in our politics that will be most responsible.

  2. I don't know, RN. But since Lord Dampnut became preznit, a lot of Americans have become inured to chaos, corruption, and criminality in him and his administration.

    Are there enough voting Americans who will right this disastrous wrong?

    I hope so.

    Trump's approval has sunk again to 38%. That means he's not gaining approval and is losing support even from those who previously supported him.

    PS. What's going on at WYD? I'm getting a lot of WYD trolls in Comment Moderation. Did WYD shut down??

  3. Re WYD...

    Lisa closed comments about a week ago, which she has done before when she gets over 1000. Then she changed her banner. Again, normal. However, she has not put anything up where the crowd can comment, so they must be looking for somewhere else to infest.

    Maybe her husband relapsed.

    Or maybe it's a troll site.

    Or maybe she just got tired of it all.

    Also, Free/Franco has changed his site to only permit Trumplove and positive comments. So only the biggest suckups even bother there. And he deleted about 20 comments he had made at AOW, perhaps as an indication of his switch to "all positive" in regards to Trump and the GOP.

    It is all very interesting... taken together at least.
