Thursday, October 31, 2019


h/t Democratic Underground:

The House Resolution incorporates by reference procedures adopted by the Judiciary Committee that will be entered into the Congressional Record. Those procedures are contained in an accompanying document, which has this key language:

“Should the President unlawfully refuse to make witnesses available for testimony to, or to produce documents requested by, the investigative committees . . . in furtherance of the investigations described in the first section of [this resolution], the chair shall have the discretion to impose appropriate remedies, including by denying specific requests by the President or his counsel under these procedures to call or question witnesses.”

This is, in effect, a discretionary measure that would keep President Donald Trump’s lawyers from participating in the impeachment process if the Trump White House continues to refuse to produce documents and bar witnesses from testifying. The provision is smart, important, and possibly even alters the current balance of power between Congress and the White House. This provision recognizes that the White House should not be permitted to participate in the process only on its own terms. If the White House wants to participate in full, then it has an obligation to respond to legitimate requests for witnesses and documents from the House.


  1. Shaw... let's remember that the rules governing these private hearings were put in place by the GOP during the Benghazi hearings. Trey Gowdy said the only way to get credible info was with private hearings. So the Dems are using the very same system the GOP put in place to investigate Sec State Clinton and Pres Obama.

    We should be asking everyday why Dems cannot now follow previous GOP approved procedures?

    This is all a partisan mess. Seriously, not one GOP member of the House believes we should even be investigating Pres Trump? Not one?

    What a mess...


  2. Forty conservative groups have filed an ethics complaint against Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), saying she has usurped authority from the executive branch by Weaponizing the impeachment process.

  3. That's not gonna fly, OaR. Trump himself admitted to impeachable crimes.

    Speaker Pelosi is an American patriot. Trump is a corrupt con man.

  4. Dave, it's a mess because the GOP is a rogue party and wants Trump to get away with the crimes he's admitted he committed. The GOP and Trump's supporters are loyal to a corrupt man and not to America and her Constitution.

    Shame on them.

  5. This is a bit from The Hill report of the “ethics” complaint:

    “In a statement to The Hill, Martin said that "the genie cannot be put back into the bottle" after Democrats began the impeachment inquiry without a formal House vote.

    "Speaker Pelosi’s latest impeachment gambit — at last, a vote of the full House! -- is merely a continuation of her ongoing roughshod-running," said Martin.

    "The genie cannot be put back in the bottle. All that 'evidence' that has been gathered before the casting of a single vote is tainted by the corrupt, secret process in which it was gathered. It is poisoned, and must be discarded for the sake of fairness," Martin added”

    Wow! Could they BE any more desperate!!! HAHAHA


  6. Possumlady, the impeachment panel already has the witnesses' testimonies that show how corrupt Trump has been and that trump broke the law with his extortion moves on the Ukrainians. How his followers can continue to support a corrupt con man like trump is a question for the ages.

  7. The phony outrage from the Republiclowns would be funny if they weren't so pathetically obvious in their hypocrisy. Personally, I'm sick of then all. They put party over country EVERY SINGLE TIME and if I ever hear one of them proclaim themselves as "Patriots" again, I'll likely spew on them till they are drowned. Hmm. Now that I think of it... Not a bad idea. WE'd be free of them and I'd lose some weight. :)

  8. Nuremburg style Rallies came to the US. Along with gross disinformation and propaganda.

    The GOP is a disgrace. Pure and simple.

  9. Possum and Shaw... what secret hearings? The GOP members of THREE committees had access to and were allowed to attend those hearings, ask questions and participate.

    How in a sane world, is that a secret hearing?

  10. Opinionated and Right?

    I'm gonna assume you are asking me that question.

    The Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, and Oversight and Reform Committees are all part of the initial House Investigation. As such, all members of those three committees, both Democrat and Republican, are allowed into the SCIF. Certainly as Minority members, the GOP is not able to run the show, or change the rules, but let's remember, the Dems are literally using the same rules the GOP themselves wrote for the Benghazi hearings.

    And which ranking GOP House member Jim Jordan defended then when he said without secret hearings "you'd have a circus."

    If you're a FOX News watcher, you know this because Judge Nap regularly brings it up. As did Shep, as does Chris Wallace and as does Bret Baier, all of the real news side of FOX.

    So please tell us... Why is the GOP upset that the Dems are conducting an investigation into Pres Trump using the very rules the GOP themselves wrote and defended?"

    We'll all await your answer...

  11. I just heard that the orange blob is planning on reading the 'transcript' of his call to Ukraine's president live on television in the near future. For some reason, this bloated fool thinks that will exonerate him! Those of us who have read it know that it IS the smoking gun and it's EXACTLY what triggered his upcoming impeachment. The man is as stupid as they come...

  12. Beto O'Rourke packed up his tent today

  13. We'll all await your answer.

    Do we hear crickets Dave?

  14. “So please tell us... Why is the GOP upset that the Dems are conducting an investigation into Pres Trump using the very rules the GOP themselves wrote and defended?"


  15. As for Vindman he will be reassigned shortly and soon after Retire. Bet on it !....Perhaps move to Russia, his birthplace!!!!

    I’m betting on it.

  16. BlueBull, Trump has said again and again that the transcript is EXACTLY what was said during his phone call to Zelensky. Trump says it's perfect.

    On the transcript itself, released by TRUMP;S OWN PEOPLE, its clearly states that the transcript IS NOT COMPLETE. In fact it states on the transcript that"it is not verbatim transcript of a discussion."

    We all know Trump is so lazy, he doesn't read what's put in front of him. I doubt very much that once someone with brains tells him that the parts left out are even more damaging than the ones Stable Genius wants to read, Trump will never read it, and his promise to do so will go down the rabbit hole like all his other promises -- like promising to release his tax returns, his promise to replace the ACA with some "beautiful" and "less expensive."

    Trump is a liar, a conman, and blowhard. And a weak little wuss who is not respected by the leaders in countries all over the world.

  17. Well, Opinionated asked...


    I know I'd answer it as follows... Because the GOP has no desire to actually govern in a bi-partisan system. They've taught themselves that those of us with different opinions from them are the enemy, bent on destroying the country, are libtards, commies, socialists, Anti-American, idiots, MOFOs, and that's just what what we can print on a public blog.

    Since the arrival of Newt Gingrich an the "Contract for America" they've adopted a stance of holding up "Conservative, Family Values" only for Democrats. They've adopted stalling and shutting government to get what they want, choosing not to work across the aisle, because the other side is evil. In the Bush Admin that philosophy morphed to "If you're not with us, you're against." As such, even conservatives with 90% voting records on right leaning legislation, were labeled RINOs for not be 100% in line.

    Then Barack Obama was elected and the GOP went nuts. We saw the House come unglued and Mitch McConnell basically oppose everything he wanted to do for "The good of the country." And that's before we get to unequaled racist behaviors we saw all across the country from Republican politicians at all levels.

    So. yeah, I know the answer, but like RN noticed, I've not a single GOP backer proffer a response. Because they have none...

  18. 18% of republicans favor impeachment and removal and 47% of independents do. This is the general population and my money is that when folks hear the lawlessness tRump has knowingly and willfully engaged in both of these will head north.

    I must say it is somewhat heartening to see there is almost 20% of republicans that are actually open minded and sane.

    There is hope. Maybe.

  19. Great Job slanting and slandering the truth

    1. That is your bag OaR. Yours and the rest of the tRump propagandists and cultists.

      The numbers I noted came directly from a credible news source poll. Polls are merely indicators is true. And it's early yet. But nonetheless this indicates tRump is vulnerable. As he damn well ought to be.

    2. Veterans are even more convinced these days that President Trump is a stronger military commander in chief than most of his recent predecessors in the White House.

      A new national telephone and online survey finds that 60% of Likely U.S. Voters who are now in the military or have served in the past see Trump as a stronger commander in chief than the most recent president. That’s up from 53% in June of last year when we first asked this question. Thirty-four percent (34%) of these voters say he’s a weaker commander. Only five percent (5%) rate his performance as about the same as most of those who’ve recently been president.

  20. And we know how accurate polls are

  21. OaR, you Trumpers don't believe in polls. Why are you posting polls?

    PS Ask the Generals what they think of Trump: McMaster, Kelly, and Mattis.
