Monday, November 4, 2019

Like Kim Jong Un, Trump demands obesience and flattery from his ambassadors as well as his cabinet heads.

Ousted Ukraine ambassador Yovanovitch says she was told to tweet praise of Trump to save her job

From the Yovanovitch transcript:


  1. All Hail his Royal Aholieness, King Trumputin!

    Seriously, I'm considering moving now that the orange blob is making my county his permanent address. What's funny is that Palm Beach, Broward and Dade counties are very blue, especially Palm Beach and Broward. Yet every right winger who can wants to move here with our totally blue representation and our mostly liberal mayors of our cities and towns. I guess they really don't want to live under Republiclown rule either. :)

  2. BlueBull Trump operates like a Mafia Don, making people kiss his large orange arse and flatter him because no one would do it without being forced to!
