Sunday, November 24, 2019


Of course he's crazy, but the people in his district keep sending him to the Washington state legislature!

We'll always have extremist whackos with us.

"A Washington state lawmaker who moonlights as a wannabe theocrat has stumbled into FBI scrutiny over a how-to guide he wrote on killing non-believers and establishing a Christian theocracy. 

Five-term Washington state Rep. Matt Shea has been circulating a manual for holy war in the United States, the Seattle Times reported. The four-page document, titled “Biblical Basis for War,” goes point-by-point over how a Christian theocratic movement could – and should – exterminate its opposition in a battle to win a hypothetical holy war."


  1. It's wack jobs like this guy that make me ever so happy to NOT be a christian. I want no part of those hate-filled morons.

  2. Sort of highlights the truth that America is home to total nutcases every bit as dangerous and sick as any Islamic Terrorist.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. You can't make this up...although, it would be a great movie....
    if, in the story, this guy tried to do against, say.....Wakanda?

    The last 45 minutes of a movie like that would be pure gold...
    Pure Gold....

  5. "Shea was formerly a Republican floor leader and caucus chairman in the House, but was excluded from leadership posts last November, after a document he wrote called “A Biblical Basis for War” was brought to light by the Spokane Spokesman-Review. Throughout his career, Shea has allied himself with radical right-wing movements that oppose abortion, taxation, marriage equality and federal oversight of public lands. At a rally in Wenatchee in May to promote the “Liberty state” movement, he refused to say whether he condemned political violence." He is the
    Family Values guy that RW-gelicals worship, gun-slingers admire and those that find the Holy Bible full of birth control pill admonitions gather round. Amazing what a democracy can produce....
