Wednesday, November 13, 2019



IMO, he can be impeached for other high crimes and misdemeanors: obstruction of justice, lying under oath, andmalfeasance of office, misprision of office,, but bribery and abuse of power will do for now.

To make it simple: Donald J. Trump asked the president of Ukraine to investigate his political rival, Joe Biden and his son, for ocrruption OR ELSE.

Or else Ukraine would not receive the funds legally voted on a bipartisan basis by the Congress of the US to help Ukraine to fight the Russians who were killing Ukrainians on the Ukraine eastern border.

That's bribery:

Cornell Law School's Legal Information Institute defines bribery as this:

Primary Definition 

Definition: Corrupt solicitation, acceptance, or transfer of something of value in exchange for official action. 


Bribery refers to the offering, giving, soliciting, or receiving of any item of value as a means of influencing the actions of an individual holding a public or legal duty. This type of action results in matters that should be handled objectively being handled in a manner best suiting the private interests of the decision maker. 

Bribery constitutes a crime and both the offeror and the recipient can be criminally charged. Proof of bribery requires demonstrating a “quid pro quo” relationship in which the recipient directly alters behavior in exchange for the gift. 

Solicitation of a bribe also constitutes a crime and is completed regardless of whether the solicitation results in the receipt of a valuable gift.

The thing of value:  The foreign aid ($400 million)  legally voted on and authorized by the US Congress for Ukraine.

Influencing action: Donald J. Trump illegally withheld those funds, asking the president of Ukraine to open an investigation into Joe Biden, Trump's political rival and Joe Biden's son, Hunter. By asking for this "thing of value," Trump invited a foreign country to influence  America's upcoming presidential election.

That's all you need to know for now.

Much, much more:  abuse of power, malfeasance, misprision, and law-breaking will be revealed in the impeachment public hearings.


Ambassador Taylor's testimony is very, very devastating to Trump, and it contains new facts. WOW!

One thing Amb. Taylor said UNDER OATH is that Trump was more interested in getting Ukraine to investigate, Biden, his political rival, than Trump was interested in the security of Ukraine. The security of Ukraine is tied into the security of the U.S., according to Amb. Taylor.

"Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden." --Amb. to EU, Sondland, to Amb. Taylor

"Are we now saying that security assistance and WH meeting are conditioned on investigations?" --Amb. Taylor

Sondland Answer:  "Call me."

Amb. Taylor: "Sondland told me he now recognized he made a mistake by earlier telling me that only a WH meeting with Zelensky was dependent on a public announcement of investigations."  "In fact," Sondland said, "EVERYTHING was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance, he said Trump wanted Zelensky in a PUBLIC BOX."


  1. There is a buffet of high crimes and misdemeanors for which the orange blob could be impeached, expelled and jailed, though with his party mostly sticking fingers in their ears and covering their eyes, it's unlikely that he's be removed from office. He will, though, be impeached by the House - a stain that will forever be on his presidency. I look forward to watching this unfold before us. It hows that, no matter how hard the right has attempted to destroy our nation, our system is still working and the genius of the Founding Fathers is still in evidence with the House Intelligence Committee and the investigations. All hope for our future is not lost thanks to brave patriots.

  2. I think the aid to Ukraine was $400 million, not the $400,000 you cited.

    Perhaps most troubling in all of this is how Congress is supposed to be able to investigate a president. The AG has said, relying on precedent, that a sitting US President cannot be indicted. That leaves the constitutional process in the event that Congress believes a president has committed "high crimes and misdemeanors."

    Since Nixon, every administration has adhered to the principle that Congress is a co-equal branch of government and as such, has a right to investigate the presidency. Even President Reagan, though believing "in his heart" that he did not trade weapons for hostages, adhered to this concept. I'm sure President Clinton didn't want to turn over documents, or testify, but he did, because the constitution demanded it. Nixon turned over the tapes and allowed his ppl to testify, surely knowing it would look bad. GW Bush allowed congress to probe the decision to go to war with Iraq, certainly knowing it would not end well.

    How can the Trump Admin not provide witnesses? How can they stonewall? And how can members of Congress, who ripped the Obama Admin apart for slow walking document and witness requests, now sit silent and enable the president?

    Finally, if VP candidate to be Nikki Haley is to be believed, how can the "professionals in the room" also sit silently? Where is Bolton? Where is Mattis? McMaster? Kelly? Tillerson? You guys believed it was your duty to serve the Presidency and America. Isn't that still true today?

    I'm disgusted, but can take solace in this... the GOP, regardless of the outcome of the impeachment proceedings, is dead to a generation of Americans. And it ain't the AARP generation.

  3. Dave, thanks for the heads-up, I correct the amount.

    Did you listen to Amb. Taylor's testimoney? Devastating to Trump. It is crystal clear that Trump, acting like a Mafia thug, tried to shake down the head of our ally, Ukraine, to get dirt on his political rival, and Giuliani is in this up to his crooked ears.

    (And NO! This isn't common, usual, everyone does it.) Those funds were authorized by Congress and Trump broke the law by holding them up. PERIOD.

    That the Congressional RAepublicans claim they won't listen to this testimony --UNDER OATH--reinforces the fact that the GOP is as corrupt and anti-American as Trump is.

  4. BlueBull, I listened to Both Kent's and Taylor's testimony -- UNDER OATH, and see as clearly as is possible that Trump broke laws, bribed the President Zelensky, and did what he's done all his life: CHEAT, LIE, AND BREAK LAWS.

    "Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden." -- Sondland to Amb. Taylor.


  5. Rev, This is an investigation not a trial. I guess if the democrats investigated the one who won long enough they would find something to go after. After 3 years and millions spent their target will not be thrown from office. This three year investigation has resulted in nothing being done for the American people. Wasn't the house asked to come up with a proposal on DACA and Immigration reform. I guess nailing trump is far more important than doing anything.

  6. Can the GOP present any witnesses to refute the testimony of the diplomatic corps? I'm sure they can produce ppl to say Joe Biden and Hunter were/are corrupt, but that is germane as to whether Pres Trump sought political dirt on an opponent.

    Who will the GOP present that can argue differently from these guys?

    Even if the process is tainted, as the GOP claims, how does that change what Pres Trump did or did not do?

    Oh well, I'm off to the conservative sites to reminisce about lovely childhood memories and think about songs and poetry.

  7. This is why as a country we're fked! People like the person who wrote the below exist and are blind to their rank partisanship and stupidity:

    "Am listening to Amb. Taylor in the Ukraine hearing…..I had no idea Ambassadors ‘trumped’ presidents in their decisions on the countries they’re involved with !
    This guy is THE smarmiest, loathsome jerk ever. He sounds like “I KNEW BETTER AND I TOLD EVERYBODY AND …BLAH BLAH BLAH”

    Amazing hubris, sounds like an angry child kicking his feet and hands on the floor…BIG jerk."
    From the Mother Ship

    Amb. Taylor who's credentials are impeccable, his service to our country outstanding, but he told the truth about the sleazebag Trump and his thugs, so the person who wrote the above is pissed. This is why Trump is president and still in office. People like this person ignores a patriot like Taylor's outstanding background and patriotism and continues to support a moral pig like Trump because he has an "R" after his name. These are Trumpanzees who are ruining America by their ignorance and stupid loyalty to a liar, cheat, and thug.

    This is Taylor's background that the above person shit all over.

    Taylor graduated from Mount Vernon High School (Virginia) in 1965 after serving as president of his junior and senior class. Like his father, he attended the United States Military Academy at West Point, New York, attaining the rank of cadet battalion commander and graduating in the top 1% of his class in 1969. The 1969 Howitzer yearbook notes his modesty about his many academic and athletic accomplishments, describing him as "a man who is held in the highest esteem and admiration by all of us." In 1977 he completed graduate studies at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government, receiving a Master of Public Policy degree.


    After Taylor graduated from West Point, he served in the infantry for six years, including tours of duty in the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, and 18 months with the 101st Airborne Division during the Vietnam War. Taylor was a rifle company commander in the 506th Infantry Regiment (United States) of the 101st Airborne, widely heralded from the World War II book and TV miniseries Band of Brothers with their motto "Currahee," meaning "We stand alone."[7] He earned a Bronze Star Medal, and Air Medal with 'V' for VALOR for heroism.

    The Trumpanzees worship a coward who got out of serving America through a lie and men like Taylor stepped up when their country needed them. Also Trump DID NOT GRADUATE AT THE TOP OF HIS CLASS AT WHARTON. Another one of his rotten lies.

    That woman on the Mother Ship will never understand honor, decency, and patriotism. And how could she? She supports a lying malignant narcissist criminal who sold out his country.

  8. Ray, Tell us how you really feel. I understand though, those folks support a terrible person because he's in their tribe and not for any patriotic reason. But don't get so upset. Those folks are irredeemable, lost, and looney. They're in their own bubble while the rest of us, the majority see through the Liar-in-Chief and his crimes.

  9. Dave, Taylor's and Kent's testimonies were outstanding. The Goopers are immune to truth and partiotism. They're in thrall to a thug. What more is there to say?

  10. skudrunner, it's not one bit surprising that you have no problem with Trump shaking down, bribing and extorting an ally for his own personal benefit. That's who you refuse to criticize but never are for a loss of words to trash President Obama and Secy. Clinton.

    That's all I need to know about your values.

  11. Skud said... "I guess nailing trump is far more important than doing anything."

    1. What can the House do? Sen McConnell will not allow the Senate to take up any legislation that he opposes to even get a hearing in the Senate. The House has passed a lot of bills, so they are not sitting around doing nothing.

    2. As for DACA, you know the House would deal on this in a minute. But Pres Trump, who said he make the deal, has backed out, as has McConnell.

    3. Trump said his admin had some gun control legislation ideas. Ideas I'm sure the House would pass. But the NRA said no. As did McConnell.

    If Trump is innocent of the charges, he can produce fact witnesses to refute the claims of long serving diplomats, military personnel, civil servants and others. It shouldn't be too hard to show them all to be liars.

  12. In Skuds opinion perhaps Obama and Clinton deserve to be trashed.

  13. "Oh look, a kitten in a tree," screamed all the Repugnant Republiclowns while America just laughs at them.

  14. Dave, it appears skud's main purpose in coming here is to be a disrupter, a misdirector, and a whiner. He and his friends at AOW and Geeez refuse to see Trump for the danger he is to our democratic norms and to our Constitution. Trump refuses to allow his people to answer legal subpoenas. The question is WHY? If they have exculpating evidence, he should be eager to let them come before the impeachment inquiry committee. There's a reason he won't do that. Obstructing justice and abuse of power are just two crimes he'll be charged with. I'm guessing bribery will be another.

    Don't look to skud or his tribe to face facts. The don't want to leave their comfort zone of Trump idolatry.

  15. BlueBull Amb. Taylor's testimony was devastating to Trump and his thug enablers.

  16. Shaw... At least in some small soon to be VP Candidate Nikki Haley said, as did Condi Rice, that what Trump did was troubling.

    None of the usual blogging suspects, including Skud, can even go that far.

  17. The most explosive revelation came from Taylor, who told lawmakers that one of his aides overheard Gordon Sondland — the U.S. ambassador to the European Union and a Trump campaign donor — on the phone with the president, during which the aide could hear Trump ask about “the investigations.” Taylor said Sondland told the president that the Ukrainians were “ready to move forward.”

    The aide told Taylor that Sondland subsequently relayed "that President Trump cares more about the investigations of Biden, which Giuliani was pressing for.” Taylor said he was “not aware of this information” when he testified at a private deposition on Oct. 22.
    -- Politico

  18. I'm guessing that Sondland will soon "remember" this conversation after he reads the testimony.

    But of course, he will be lying.

  19. Of course trump should be held accountable for his actions but he heard from someone who heard is not real proof. Partisan politics is ruining the country and it is only getting worse. Impeachment will not result in the ouster of the president just as it didn't for the serial rapist. All these impeachment hearings accomplish is chest pounding.

    Where was all the leftist outrage and coverage when obama supplied a gun that killed a border patrol agent and the -H- backed away from an American embassy attack and BJ sexually harassed and raped women. Or when someone gets kicked out of the military for drug use and then get paid 50k a month to advise on an industry he has no clue about because daddy is important.

    Do you really believe politicians have your best interest in mind and not just their own. Is trump guilty in the Ukraine deal, yes but so is uncle joe so lets make them cell mates and get on with our lives.

    1. Sorry Skid you can forget your crush on Nikki Haley, these a new star emerging...her name is Elise Stefanik.
