Saturday, December 21, 2019


This is for Conservative/Libertarian commenters who come to P.E.

You've been true to your moral principles, NOT to a demagogue -- a liar, cheat, and fraud --Donald J. Trump

Congratulations on sticking to what you believe in.

Four Tests for Impeachment

"The National Review, founded by William F Buckley, has been since the 1960s a conservative Republican bastion. 

This clearly reasoned article comes to the inescapable conclusion that DJT’s impeachment was justified and his removal is necessary. It will shake some lifelong Republicans."

"Virtually all traditional conservatives with moral principles (not Trumpists) agree."

Yes. Trumpist will not agree, but they're not Republican/Conservatives, they're a breed apart that fell for the lies, false promises, and deceptions Trump fed them. The only guiding principle the Trumpists cling to is "Trump drives the libs crazy." That's it. 

There's nothing moral, decent, or patriotic in Trump's character for them to advocate, so all they have is "He sticks it to the libs."

When this dark and shameful period in American history is over, that will be the Trumpists' legacy -- a schoolyard taunt and nothing else.


  1. Of course the group that celebrates mocking people with disabilities, like Biden's stutter, will just call these guys RINOs.

    All the vulgarity the left despises about Pres Trump is exactly the catnip his closest followers crave. In him they can live vicariously mocking people, offending people and claiming the victimhood of persecution because America has moved on from the racist, misogynist, name calling "I got mine" attitude that they grew up with.

    And for many, still believe.

  2. Yes, Dave, we know who those people are. They're the same people who came to my blog after my husband died and mocked me and his death. And didn't Trump just do that to the late US Rep.John Dingell and his widow? It's not at all surprising that those same people from that blog are so supportive of a man of low character and cruelty.

  3. An immoral corrupt leader gives license to the immoral and corrupt.

    A fish rots from the head down. So does a nation.

  4. All good points but hey - Didn't Obama wear a tan suit that one time? ;}

  5. He should be removed from office if the senate calls for impeachment also. There should be a full hearing including calling all witnesses to testify. This includes calling Joe and Hunter Biden because they are at the center of this impeachment debacle.
    They should have heard from all parties involved in the swell guys paying ransom to a stated enemy and working with russia after his reelection but that didn't happen and won't because he is a swell guy and loved by the world, a few people who he attacked don't care for him.

  6. skud: "This includes calling Joe and Hunter Biden because they are at the center of this impeachment debacle."

    No. They. Are. Not.

    They have NOT committed crimes. They've been mentioned because Trump wanted a foregin government to announce an investigation into them, as we now know, suggested by Vladirmir Putin to Trump. The Bidens broke no laws. Trump did.

    Poor skud, still can't visit here without whining about President Obama, who, BTW, didn't have anyone from his administration indicted or sent to jail. That fact is eating away at you, skud. Get help.

  7. This is breaking news and it’s important. New documents show:
    1. Ukraine aid was held just hours after the Trump/Zelensky “do us a favor” call
    2. Internal notes show Trump’s direct involvement
    3. Staff knew it was wrong, kept it secret
    But key details of what they said to one another are again blacked out in documents released to the Center for Public Integrity under court order.

    So does skud think Obama wearing a tan suit was worse than this?

  8. Trump still feels the need to insult and
    demean persons who have passed away
    ...the very defining act of a coward.
    Because he has NOTHING else.

    In Trump's cloudy eye, it's easy to defame those
    who aren't alive to defend themselves. No doubt
    this coward will do it again and again before
    he's extinguished.

    Caught my eye: Moscow Mitch has stated that he isn't
    an impartial juror, and other statements to that effect.

    Question: Could the Chief Justice, who presides over the
    trail, er, trial in the Senate, invalidate persons who
    clearly are biased? Especially when they take an oath
    NOT to be biased? A known liar like Moscow Mitch?
    And what is the process for those
    senators who are biased? Can they be removed from the
    proceedings, as happens in a regular trial?
    (That would be something to see, Chief Justice removing
    senators for cause from the trial for bias..)
    Could it happen? Only 3-4 would have to be removed,
    I think.....starting with Moscow Bitc*, er,
    I mean, Mr. O'Connell...I think the Chief Justice would
    have that authority...

  9. "Anonymous @5:50" Interesting. More evidence of Trump's illegal act and coverup.

  10. Anonymous @ 6:20

    All good questions. I hope someone can answer them. I don't understand how Moscow Mitch and the other Trumpublican senators can take an "oath" even though they have no intention of being impartial.

    Let's see how this plays out.

  11. Hmmm, so your saying the dems in the House weren't biased.....thats interesting

  12. Ms Shaw, How can you say uncle joe and son are not relevant. It is trumps assertion that he was investigation the corruption of them that prompted the call so they are a big part of the investigation.

  13. Skud, Trump’s assertion? Are you serious? Trump is a documented LIAR. Thousands and thousands of lies. Who in his or her right mind would believe a liar like Trump? You? Do you believe liars?

    The Biden’s have been charged with NOTHING. They have, however, been accused by a known liar, Trump.

    The reason there is so much mistrust and misinformation in this country is because so many people are willing to believe people who are documented and proven liars and cheats.

    Your comment is almost comical in it’s naïveté.


    TRUMP IMPEACHED HIMSELF WITH HIS ADMISSION that he asked a foreign leader to help him cheat to win re-election. He even asked China to help him investigate his political rival. Also, Trump is a liar, a cheat, and a fraud who had to pay $2 million for stealing from his foundation. Also he paid $25 million for cheating people with his fake Trump U. It makes perfect sense to anyone with a brain that Trump would lie and cheat and steal to get elected and re-elected. It’s who he is and what he does. LIES AND CHEATS AND STEALS.

    And he belongs to the Republicans. Be Best!

  15. Yikes...if Trump is all those things it's really embarrassing for the dems to admit this guy got well over 300 electoral college votes and smoked your chosen candidate

  16. I'm OK with Biden and son testifying. So long as we also get testimony from John Bolton, Lev Parnas and whoever else the Democrats want.

  17. Derv Bolton, Pompeo, etc. won't testify because they're cowards, just like the IMPOTUS!

  18. Anonymous @9:54 PM Apparently you're the one smoking something. Trump lost the popular vote and received on of the narrowest electoral college wins in history. That's the trouble with you Trumpers, you, like your cult leader, don't read, and don't get FACTS.

    "Donald Trump set for one of the smallest Electoral College wins in history

    Polls shows half of Republicans believe Donald Trump won popular vote
    The historic data appears to contradict Mr Trump’s claim he won a “landslide” election

    Trump won 30 states in the 8 November election, securing 306 of the 538 Electoral College votes – 56.9 per cent of the total. Only 12 other elections have seen a president receive a lower proportion of Electoral College votes, according to the New York Times. These include George W Bush in 2000 and 2004, and John F. Kennedy in 1960."

    Just like their cult leader, Trumpers state absurd claims without checking their veracity, it's called LYING. Trump tells them; Trumpers believe them. SAD!

    1. Maybe if anonymous @9:54 PM WAS smoking something he or she might be focused on the present and aware of the truth.

      Of course folks like 9:54 PM have drunk so much of the trumpium elixirs they are delusional.

  19. Maybe it was Anonymous 12:25?

    1. Maybe it is you as well anonymous @12:25 PM.

    2. It could have been from Anonymous 7:45

  20. Maybe if people didn't hide behind 'Anonymous' this wouldn't even be a thing.
