Friday, December 27, 2019


What can anyone say when the Trumpublican cultists continue to support a guy who ripped off his fellow Americans with his fake Trump University and then had a judgement AGAINST hin in court that ordered him to pay $25 million in penalties for cheating Americans who signed up for his fake Trump U.?

For me, it will always be a mystery why so many people who consider themselves good Christian Americans continue to support this crook. The only explanation that makes sense to me and millions of other Americans is that Trumpublican cultists really admire a guy who cheats people out of money, who cheats on his spouses (and his porn star and playmate mistresses), who lies the way normal people breathe, and who's clearly losing what's left of his inferior mind.

And who now has the distinction of being only the third US president to be impeached and THE FIRST US president to be impeached in his first term.

So many firsts with this crooked POTUS!

Judge finalizes $25 million settlement in Trump’s fraud case

Donald Trump introduces Trump University at a press conference in Trump Tower, New York, May 2005. (Photo by Dan Herrick/KPA/ZUMA)

"The circumstances are nothing short of bizarre: a sitting president of the United States has written a check for $25 million to a group of Americans who credibly claimed that he ripped them off by perpetrating a fraud. You know things are bad for a president when a story like this goes almost entirely unnoticed by the public, eclipsed by a dozen or so more pressing scandals."


  1. Don't let the Trumpers forget that they support a convicted fraud and whose impeached and will be remembered for being a dirty crook.

  2. I've simply decided to accept, without further question or doubt, that the 40% Trumpublicans are actual very proud of their support for Ammerica's Top Crook as well as being proud of their blatant and egregious hypocrisy.

  3. it will always be a mystery why so many people who consider themselves good Christian Americans continue to support this crook.

    Look at the history of fundamentalist / Evangelical churches for the last few decades (and arguably a lot longer). They have more experience than anyone at making excuses for sleazy, corrupt, phony, sexually-abusive leaders and psyching themselves into continuing to support them. In supporting Trump, they're just extending the same principle from religion into politics.

  4. I fully agree with all of this. I will never understand how anyone could back this evil, lying sack of crap. Never.

  5. A $25 million dollar fraud settlement should be sufficient to impeach and convict any president of the United States if he doesn’t resign first. I don’t care who he is!

  6. Maybe it takes a crook to run the country in today's times. The past two administrations sure couldn't show the improvement that the current one has. Manufacturing jobs returning, welfare roles down significantly, negotiating NATO payments, making China accountable, not paying bribes to an enemy. Providing opportunities to workers instead of handouts.

    Yes trump is not a nice person but he has gotten results, ask a Vet who goes to the VA what they think of him. The idea that you can be a nice guy like GWB or even a swell guy like BHO just haven't worked. Trump could have done a lot more if he didn't keep getting in his own way but that is who he is and he does get results.

    Maybe he should be impeached because the democrats hate him but he shouldn't be impeached for the bogus charges that are hyped in the DNC controlled media.

    JC, you do realize that he did not do that as president don't you. maybe not.

  7. Bruce

    The Trumpublican cultists lie to themselves as often as Trump lies to them.


    I guess acceptance of the fact that 30 to 40% of the voting public are deluded is the only way to stay sane. The only comfort is in knowing they're a distinct minority and that a majority of our fellow Americans see how misguided they are in supporting such a dishonest and degenerate fraud.

    Infidel753 Almost every day I read about some supposed religious leader breaking one or more of the commandments he or she is supposed revere. We know Trump is a champion 10 Commandment breaker, and his supporters love that about him!

    BlueBull, They've been exposed as the galloping hypocrites that they are.

    Jerry: "A $25 million dollar fraud settlement should be sufficient to impeach and convict any president of the United States..."

    We need to keep in mind that Trumpublican cultists ADMIRE Trump's venality and cupidity. They even attach those miserable traits to Jesus in order to justify their worshop of Trump.

  8. Those people support Trump because the rich 1%ers who own and operate Fox "News," as well as the other conservative media groups (Sinclair), tell them to. They wield weapons-grade propaganda and misdirection to drive home the point that Trump gets them what they want. (Power, self-esteem, someone to shit on.) And they get to "own the Libs" in the process.

  9. bluzdude, All true. The biggest reason the Trumpublican cultists like him is they think Trump "owns" the "libtards." Facts are this:

    Trump is THE MOST DISLIKED PRESIDENT in modern Amrican history. The sane Americans actually "own" him and his deplorables, if such a thing as "owning" even exists. They're just louder and more obnoxious, like Trump.

    Reports at the end of the year show that Trump's tax cuts have been a huge failure and have contributed to astronomical deficits -- once upon a time Republicans cared about that, but that was before they lost their minds over a third-rate business man who cheats, lies, and is losing what was left of his inferior mind. Farmers are going under thanks to Trump's stupid trade wars, and North Korea hasn't denuclearized as Trump bragged to his easily gullible dupes.

    Also, The Wall isn't built and Mexico isn't paying for it. No new healthcare to replace the ACA with, as he promised, something better and cheaper.

    Trump, as anyone with any intelligence knows, is a conman who hasn't followed through on any of his big promises.

    But that doesn't stop people like skudrnner from coming here and pretending he's been great for America.

  10. skudrunner: "JC, you do realize that he did not do that as president don't you. maybe not."

    I'm sure Jerry knows that, but he's making this point: You Trumpers are okay with a cheating, lying, fraudster who cheated your fellpow Americans. There's something desperately wrong with people who think a man who has no morals, ethics, human decency would be great as a president.

    Tell me and everyone else here how you think anything good can come from Evil.

  11. Also, skud, I've listened to and read several Trumpublican cultists who say all of his adulterous cheating on all of his wives and porn mistresses is fine with them because he did it when he wan't a president. You are essentially slaying the same thing.

    You're fine with a cheat as long as he didn't cheat while he was president.

    We do know, however, that he extorted while presidenting. How's that working out for you.

    Are you keeping score on all the deplorable traits this deteriorating fraud has visited on America?

  12. skud,
    “ Maybe it takes a crook to run the country in today's times.”

    That is a stunning statement. skud accepts that it is OK for a crook to be president of the United States! The GOP is truly the party of the con man!t

    Also, the fact that the Trump University scam occurred prior the the election of Donald makes not difference. And let’s not forget the $2 million dollar settlement for the Trump charity scam. The Constitution sets no impeachment time period for such transgressions.

  13. So I will assume you feel JFK, LBJ, WJC are all horrible people. Wait they did it while president so what does that make them. For moralist the democrats have no room to cheer. Seems like the one thing they can cheer about is bringing the GOP to it's knees and the country along with it.

    Buzdude, Where did you get that the top 1% are republicans. Ever hear of the mass media darlings and the hollyweird billionaires. Probably won't find a conservative in the group unless you are them to part with some of their fortune to help the less fortunate or cut down their walls around their mansions.

  14. HeY skud! You’re ignoring the fact that the Republican Party for years and years has bragged that it’s the party of God and guns. Family values, the party of Christian values! The Democrats don’t pretend that any gods fAvor them above their fellow Americans rhe way the GOP does. That’s the point.

    Also, Trump doesn’t stop at his philandering, rape accusations, sexual assault and harassment accusations — No. trump cheats his fellow Americans out of money with his fake university and foundation. His personal lawyer is in jail and his current personal lawyer is under investigation.

    He doesn’t stop there either. He mocks handicapped people, ridiculed a POW, when he himself avoided service with a fake medical excuse. The Democrats you named were never, in their worst behaviors, as wretchedly dishonest, venal, and mendacious as the GOP ‘s disgusting president.

  15. Jerry, we can never ever let the Goopers forget that they embraced, admired, and supported a moral degenerate, Trump. And it’s not just his sexual failings where he’s degenerate. Trump supporters are okay with his pathological lying, cheating, and infantile Tweeting.

    1. Yep, we are O.K. with all that stuff....mind boggling, ain't it

  16. Ms Shaw, Have a Happy New Year and maybe the next decade will bring the country together after ten years of hate filled politics and totally self serving politicians. That does apply to both sides because all politicians are totally self serving. I know you think there are some good ones but I would differ with your opinion in the fact that they only care about spending your money, getting more of it, keeping their job and increasing the massive fortune.

    It would be nice to return to civil discourse after having two presidents who divided the country around their self serving needs.

  17. JHC! Has anyone here ever heard an American president say he hates Americans from a state? Trump did that today. He hates New Yorkers! They're Americans! What a foul piece of excrement he is.

  18. skud - “...maybe the next decade will bring the country together after ten years of hate filled politics and totally self serving politicians.”

    Don’t equate the hate filled politics of the last ten years between the Democrats and the Republicans. The hate during the Obama years came from what Obama was, not who he was or what he did. It came from racist and white Supremacist republicans who hated and obstructed Obama because he was half black. Trump is hated for who he is. He is hated for his criminal, corrupt, sexist, racist, egotistical, narcissistic, and downright mean behavior that has no place in the American presidency. As with the first 7 years, this hate is fed by republican behavior. Democrats are justifiably reacting to it!

    1. Hey Jerry, skud is really on a roll and having fun with it. Ya gotta love those trumpers "sense of humor" though.

      Although, the same tired old talking points really are getting tiring.

  19. I believe he was following in the footsteps of former first lady but his was not disdain for a whole country.
