Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Trump Pays Up One Month After Admitting He Misused Charitable Funds for Political Gain

President Donald Trump complied with a court order on Tuesday and paid $2 million to settle charges that the Trump Foundation misused charitable funds.

Consider that. The man the GOP worships and is fiercely loyal to had to settle in court $2 million for cheating his own charitable foundation. What kind of a venal, low-life swindler gets people to contribute to a charity and then uses those donations for his own benefit? Trump's supposedly a billionaire, but had no qualms about stealing money from his own charity to enrich himself.

Trump has always said he "never settles." Well he settled this time. ( And he settled for $25 million in his Trump U. scam!)

What the hell kind of person does this sort of thing? 

A fraudster! That's the kind.Trump's supporters knew this about him before and after they voted for him.

And even now, as he faces impeachment charges, they believe this dishonorable liar and cheat is worth standing up for.

This is the very definition of a cult and its cultists.

Read the rest of the report below from TPM:

"Trump paid out the civil penalty to eight different charities as part of the resolution of a lawsuit brought by the New York State Attorney General’s office. 

 The state-level settlement forced the President to pay $250,000 to eight different charities, and split an additional $1.8 million remaining in the Trump Foundation’s bank account among the eight charities. “Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law,” said New York Attorney General Letitia James. 

 Each charity ended up receiving $476,140.41 under the settlement. Trump was also forced to admit to misusing charitable funds as part of the settlement. 

 The Trump Foundation came under scrutiny by the Washington Post’s David Fahrenthold, who tried to verify that the charity was making contributions. Fahrenthold – who received a Pulitzer for his work – instead found that the contributions had not been disbursed, leading to the NY AG investigation. 

 The Trump Foundation agreed to dissolve in December 2018, and a November 2019 court order mandated that the President pay up the additional funds. James’ office holds wide authority over charities registered in New York state."


  1. Hard to keep up. Sadly, the non profits with which I work were not on the list!

    But think about it. Our president was in charge of a non profit that, through its actions, defrauded the US Government and countless donors. Our President.

    And yet, for the seeming millionth time, folks like Anon, the USS Mothership passengers and the current iteration of the GOP see no corruption or wrong doing on Trump's part.

    At least Skud has said he too thinks the guy is a creep. But the rest?

  2. And from the right ----- C R I C K E T S
    What a shock! Not.

  3. Dave and BlueBull

    The Trump supporters are being willfully blind to his crimes and corruption. That says volumes about their moral compasses. And it's this: So long as a crook is part of their tribe, they'll look the other way and not see what's in front of their noses. If these same crimes were part of a Democratic presidency, they'd be rioting in the streets. They're hypocrites and a danger to America.

  4. We're talking about what, 40% or so of our fellow Americans?

    America has a problem. Impeachment isn't going to resolve that problem. Whether Trump is removed or not.

    Sad. As well as dangerous.


  5. The only thing more disgusting than Trump is the people who support him.

  6. If Donald was a Democrat and republicans controlled the House, republicans would impeach him for this crime!

  7. Jerry, The GOP isn't what it used to be. It aids and abets the crook in the WH>

  8. And the Repubs obviously love Russia far more than they love America. They prove that every time they open their yaps.
