Saturday, January 4, 2020

Believe nothing this lying liar says.

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  1. The United States Military Industrial Complex is looking for its next war. Trump has obliged them in their search.

  2. RN,What Trump did was reckless. Period. Yes, we all know that Suleimani was a bad actor, but assassinating him will not end Iran's aggressive terrorism, it will make it worse.

    Trump knows nothing about the Middle East and his assassination of the second most powerful man in Iran shows his appalling stupidity.

    The idiot trolls from the right wing blogs who know even less than trump come here and accuse us of supporting Suleimani because we are outraged at Trump's reckless stupidity.

    Do those right wing trolls actually believe Suleimani's death will stop the killing of Americans? If they do and if they think this assassination was a vidtory for peace, they're even dumber than we know they are.

  3. I really have NO idea what folks who consider themselves conservative or republican today actually think Shaw. I'm beginning to believe a great percentage of them simply CHOOSE not to think. They just stare, nod their heads yes, carry signs and clap for any and everything their cult leader says or does.

  4. I still don't know why we didn't just give them a few billion dollars after all look how well it worked last time. You do realize the general killed was responsible for thousands of deaths both soldiers and civilians. I guess killing the unborn and illegals killing citizens is OK but killing a mass murderer is not. I think we should have never gone into Iraq or Iran and now we should just pull everyone out and let them deal with the consequences.

  5. A rocket attack against an Iraqi military base near Kirkuk on Dec. 27 left one American, described as a “private contractor,” dead and four soldiers wounded. The four soldiers have since returned to duty. Even though there have been at least 1,570 private contractor deaths since the United States invaded Iraq, Donald Trump decided to make an example of this incident. The military presented him with multiple options ranging from “moderate” to “far out.” It appears Trump decided to go with all of the above.

    The story that the White House has been telling about the death of Qassem Soleimani—that he was killed in order to stop a “imminent and sinister attacks”—has never made any sense. After all, Soleimani was a major general heading a division of the Iranian military. He was not a guy strapping on a suicide vest or climbing aboard a plane with a box cutter. Killing Osama bin Laden on the eve of 9/11 might have been satisfying, but it would not have prevented what came next. If there really was an imminent attack, then it would make sense to strike against those preparing to carry out the attack, not a military leader whose role was many levels removed from anyone placing a finger on a trigger.
    --Mark Sumner

  6. tRump bragging he has 95% Republican approval. That's the same as saying the Grand Wizard has 95% approval of the KKK. Also, that 95% is 95% of 29% of the population.

    1. Yup. It doesn't take much to make Dotard proud, apparently.

  7. Liberals are always looking for a fight they can run from.

  8. Anonymous @3:04 PM,

    You Trumpers are precious. Trump's daddy got a doctor to say his son had fake bone spurs so he, the current preznit, could run away from serving his country in Vietnam. FACT.

    Someone else went in his place.

    Now President Dotard gets to send other people's children into another stupid Middle East war.

    I assume you or your sons and daughters are signing up today?

  9. Never has so much depended on somebody (tRump) of so low character, so lacking in judgement, so void of morality, so devoid of credibility and so disappointing to humanith with so many firmly convinced that 2+2=fish.

  10. RN and Ray, There's a reason past presidents considered but never targeted Suleimani. They weren't idiots and they understood the fallout from an assassination such as this would not be worth it. Trump has now put all US soldiers in the ME and all over the world in danger. Civilians too!

    We can thank the Trumpers for encouraging a wildly incompetent and stupid degenerate to think he could lead America.

  11. President Try is Deserving of the Pulitzer Award for what he had done to that piece of Crap yesterday .
    He certainly did more for the world that what Obama did to receive his phony award.

  12. This is the world's stupidest man speaking at an Evangelical church:

    Trump said:

    “Qassem Soleimani has been killed and his bloody rampage is now, forever gone.”

    “He was plotting attacks Americans, but we’ve now insured his atrocities have been stopped for good.”

    Beyond stupid.

  13. Agreed Shaw. This was incredibly reckless. Dotard thinks it makes him look strong and will help his election chances. Why he accused Obama. He thought it was a good idea. And, as we well know now, "we have a president who doesn't know the first thing about negotiation".

  14. So much for his promise to end the wars in the ME. Yet another broken promise by this worthless POS orange blob.

  15. Provoking a war against the US should never be viewed as smart, or even clever but only as Stupid, and Idiotic. Those of you will remember what happened on December 7th, 1941.

    The consequences of attacking our country, our people, our embassies our installations and or our troops should be real, and immediate an act of WAR!

    And that’s why the Iranians , should rethink their position.

    When we are willing to stand by and watch, the consequences of your foolishness, you may actually learn that your decision WILL lead to something that you will regret for the rest of your life, or the remaining days.

  16. Killing for peace is like fucking for chastity. I can't believe we still do this shit.
