Wednesday, January 29, 2020


  1. I read today a headline in the NY Times...

    "GOP Senators confident they can block witnesses"

    Why? Why have a trial and not have witnesses?

    Because they know the president will be mad and embarrassed? By what? His perfect behavior?

  2. This cover up, and a rethuglican deep state cover up it is, makes Watergate seem like milquetoast in comparison.

  3. The whole thing is a charade and not even a very effective one. It's certainly not meant to fool you and me. They've given up on trying to convince the majority of the country that this is a real trial. They're just going through the motions of what the constitution requires, while not daring to do any more because it might upset the Trumpanzees.

  4. Rev, Ask the house that question because they could have called witnesses but chose to rush it through.

    How many of those polled were lemon's listeners who believe, as most coasties and elites do, that most people in middle America are just "rubes". Of course that started with the "they just know their guns and bibles" stance by the democrat supreme leader and the leftist spokesman, maher, wanted a recession so the people of lower stature will suffer and trump will loose.

    The party of inclusion isn't because if you are not very rich or poor you are not worthy. Of course what do I know, I didn't even build my business the government did.

  5. You guys well know what the outcome of this "trial" will be. The result was preordained. So feel free to call it what you will.

  6. Ethics and truth be DAMNED! The will of Trump the Fake Magnificient WILL continue to be further advanced by the rethuglican Senate in concert with their sheeple cultists.
