Saturday, January 18, 2020

Devin Nunes is a despicable worm!

Read this report to understand what a thoroughly corrupt person Nunes is: 

NBC NEWS:  New evidence shows Nunes aide communicated with Parnas on Ukraine 

The messages show that Derek Harvey, an aide to GOP Rep. Devin Nunes, was far more involved than previously known in an investigation.


"...Nunes, is the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee. After House Democrats obtained phone records showing calls between him and Parnas, he initially said he didn't remember speaking to Parnas and called it unlikely. But more recently Nunes has revised his story and says he does remember talking to Parnas, but says the call was "odd" and that he directed Parnas to talk to his staff. Neither Nunes’ office nor Harvey responded Friday night to a request for comment. "

The "odd" call was to Nunes' CELL PHONE. Who gave Parnas Nunes' cell phone number?

Records show numerous calls between Nunes, Giuliani, ParnasTop Republicans on the intelligence panel had regular contact with Trump’s attorney

"The records show that Parnas and Nunes were in frequent contact last April, when Giuliani was publicly calling for an investigation of Biden. House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff, who sparred with Nunes during public impeachment hearings, said he was going to “reserve comment” on the Republican’s appearance in the report. But he added that, while Trump was “digging up dirt” on Biden, “there may be evidence that there were members of Congress who were complicit in that activity.”


"The call records also show Giuliani, Nunes and Parnas also were in frequent contact with John Solomon, a former columnist for the Washington news outlet The Hill. Solomon published a series of opinion pieces criticizing former U.S. Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch as part of “a coordinated effort by associates of President Trump to push … false narratives publicly” in a bid to force Yovanovitch’s ouster, the Democratic report said, citing public statements, phone records, and contractual agreements. After Solomon published an article critical of Yovanovitch on April 7, phone records show numerous calls between Giuliani, Parnas, Nunes and Solomon."

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