Thursday, January 16, 2020

Donald J. Trump Broke the Law.

One of the commenters here at P.E. doesn't think Trump broke any laws. Others like him are still making excuses for Trump's criminality.

Never in my lifetime did I think a political party would defend their criminal president, but it appears that the Republican Party is willing to do that very thing.

Republicans have been trying to portray this impeachment as a political vendetta. Their rationale is that no law was violated. Well, so much for that argument. The only logical conclusion now is that a president is allowed to break laws as long as he is a Republican.

As the Senate prepared for the impeachment trial, the Government Accountability Office said the White House violated a law that limits a president’s power to withhold money allocated by Congress.
WASHINGTON — The Trump administration violated the law in withholding security assistance aid to Ukraine, a nonpartisan federal watchdog agency said, weighing in on a decision by President Trump that is at the heart of the impeachment case presented to the Senate on Thursday. 

The agency, the Government Accountability Office, said the White House’s Office of Management and Budget violated the Impoundment Control Act when it withheld nearly $400 million this summer for “a policy reason,” even though the funds had been allocated by Congress. The decision to freeze the aid was directed by the president himself, and during the House impeachment inquiry, administration officials testified that they had raised concerns about its legality to no avail.

"Text messages made public on Tuesday between Lev Parnas, the indicted associate of Rudy Giuliani, and Robert Hyde, a donor to President Trump now running for a House seat in Connecticut, deeply disturbed former federal prosecutor Mimi Rocah. Parnas provided the texts to lawmakers as part of the impeachment inquiry. They show that last March, Parnas and Hyde discussed then-U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch's movements in Kyiv, including when she was at the U.S. Embassy, when her computer and phone were off, and her security situation. 

Politico's Natasha Bertrand tweeted, 'This certainly makes it sound like Parnas and Co. were actively tracking Yovanovitch's movements,' to which Rocah responded, 'As a former mafia prosecutor, this sure sounds like a mob hit was being planned on a public servant in a foreign country by associates of the POTUS. A POTUS who said she was 'going through some things.' This takes Trump's lawlessness & misogyny to new levels.' "


  1. Anyone who isn’t disgusted with the reports of Trump and Giuliani lawbreaking rampages against the United States does not deserve to be an American citizen. This should sicken every citizen to their core. Look at what that s.o.b. trump has done to the rule of law in this country and look at the disgraceful supports who continue to look away.

  2. As if we needed further confirmation that the president abused his oath of office and broke the law by placing his personal and political interests above the needs of the nation. This sorry mess is all starting to unravel. Senate Republicans had better understand they can't hide the truth, and if they try to sweep this under the rug or prevent the public from watching the hearings, they will pay the price. Sadly, it appears president and senior members of his administration are all crooks and conmen

  3. Do you think Trump asslicker skudrunner will acknowledge that the GAO said Trump broke the law or does he think it's Obama's fault that Trump shat on the Constitution?

  4. Donald Trump broke the law?

    Of course it works like this...

    The law says doing X is illegal. Pres Trump's Admin has said they disagree. Not about him doing X, but that doing X is illegal.

    And that's where we are.

    Somewhat related, during the House Impeachment hearings, the GOP and the chattering classes were all favorable towards "their" COnstitutional Scholar Jonathan Turley...

    Here's what he wrote in an OpEd today...

    "While I strongly disagreed with the House in rushing this impeachment forward rather than waiting a couple of months to complete its record, I still support a trial with witnesses in the Senate."

    I'm sure no one on the GOP will be highlighting his great intellect or judgement anymore after that statement.

  5. skudrunner says:
    January 16, 2020 at 7:25 am

    It is unfortunate trump gave the dems something to use against him, weak as it is. We can thank the media for making the case against him because if the republicans owned the media like the DNC does it would be a non issue. Look at how they treated barry when he told the russian ambassador he would have more flexibility in giving into them after the election or his executive privilege for a gun runner. The press was outraged for about twenty seconds then crickets.

    Three years and forty million later the dems come up with two hideous claims against trump after a kangaroo court show that was covered in full on every channel. It would have ended months ago except the media has the same agenda as the democrats, get trump because he embarrassed us and upset our entitled choice for president that we worked so hard for. Blame madam botox but blame the media as well.

    This is what your resident troll writes on his Trump-sucker blogs.

    I wonder how he'll spin it now that the GAO sez Trump actually broke the law. Remember what the GOPHUKERS did to Klintoon when he broke the law?

    How will skid and his Trumpsuckers spin this? Was it Barry's fault? Those GOPHUKERS are now on record defending a president who broke the law.

  6. We have to face the reality that what used to be the GOP has digressed into a collection of slack-jaws, imbeciles, nazi-wannabes, dime store mobsters and idiots who only get their news from the right wing bubble. They only want to hear what matches their ideology and nothing that contradicts it. Skidmark is a perfect example of that.

  7. Nothing is Barry's fault according to Ms Shaw and MSDNC. It is very difficult to blame something on someone who did nothing for so many and he has the media to support him. The working taxpayer endured eight years of tyranny under a president who was superior to everyone and whose biggest supporters are the billionaires who he spoke against while having his hand out.
    What the coasties don't fully understand is middle America represents the working taxpayer. They don't live in million dollar boxes and dine on hundred dollar steaks. They support the majority of the country because the poor are taken care of and the rich take care of themselves. The middle class takes care of both.
    I don't think trump will win re-election but I do feel he works for every American not just the special interest of the minorities and the billionaires.


  8. skud, your whining about President Obama is tiresome. The facts are this:

    President Obama committed no crimes in office
    President Obama had one of the cleanest administrations in modern American history
    President Obama made mistakes, as all presidents do, but none of his close associate were indicted or went to jail
    President Obama is admired here in the US and around the world.

    You can't come to terms with the fact that Donald J. Trump was a crook as a private citizen and is a crook as the POTUS. He's in trouble because of his own incompetence and disregard for the law.

    It's as simple as that, skud. And it doesn't matter a whit what you think of Mr. Obama. He will be remembered for his decency, dignity, and honesty as POTUS.

    And Trump will be remembered for his cheating, lying, and duplicitous skullduggery.

    He's a disgusting stain on all that America once stood for. And his supporters are responsible.

  9. Shaw,

    Consider this quote by Mark Twain in dealing with trolls:

    "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot."

    1. When you fear truth it becomes your enemy rather than your friend.

      Fear of and ignorance of the truth are dangerous brothers.

  10. I did think it amusing to see the botox madam sign the impeachment papers with pens with her name on them and of course the fist bump that finally they got trump for defeating their anointed one. Then the highlight was the pallbearers in a procession carrying the remains of a US president they hate. It was truly touching and shows the hypocrisy of all politicians.
    I'm sure they went for a very expensive meal, at our expense, to celebrate their victory. Congratulations.

    Yes like clinton, trump will be remembered for his impeachment and barry will be remembered for the slowest recovery in history so they all have something to cheer about.

  11. Colluding to hold an ally hostage until they announce made-up dirt on your opponent is fine with Skid but Nancy's pens? Yikes - the sky is falling, the sky is falling! I bet Obama's beige suit or salute with a coffee cup just outraged him. I also bet the idiot Bush lying us into a war didn't bother him one bit. Stay a Republiclown Skid - hypocrites should stick together.


  12. BlueBull, we all know that the current hollowed-out GOP is loyal to Trump, "A most notable coward, an infinite and endless liar, an hourly promise breaker, the owner of not one good quality.”*

    *All’s Well That Ends Well (Act 3, Scene 6)

    Shakespeare saw it all and had the perfect descriptions for scoundrels.
