Monday, January 13, 2020

President Dotard bragging about committing war crimes and other Trump atrocities:

The question Americans have to ask is, Did President Dotard lie AGAIN about imminent  attacks on American embassies? None of his people back that claim up. 

Did he lie? AGAIN?


Also, President Dotard's rationale for killing Suleimani is falling apart as well. Another lie?

Over 10 days, officials have struggled to rationalize the decision that risked a war with Iran


  1. There is no reason, save that D45 had....what can it be called?
    A Tantrum?
    It is my dearest hope that this does not end like
    the last 8 minutes of the movie "On The Beach",
    with Gregory Peck and Ava Gardner.
    the last bit can be found online, but be warned,
    it's bleak.
    And when you see it, think
    about d45...
    and the answer is, yes, he would.

  2. In Plato’s Republic, Thrasymachus claims that the purpose of authority and power is to help your friends and harm your enemies. Socrates first argues against this notion and then demonstrates that power properly understood is never used for the benefit of those holding power but always for those who depend on the powerful. Trump is not only ignorant but he is depraved. And he is indeed a threat not only to American democracy but to any decency of leadership at all. His own upbringing is in part responsible but so is his business school education, the core idea of which since the late 1970s is that each person is a self-interested and manipulative agent and who will use all power for his own purposes.

  3. Anonymous @1:10, I saw that film and it is frightening. What remains of the disintegrating GOP think Trump and all of his madness is FABULOUS because he sticks it to the "libtards." And that's all their juvenile little minds care about. If Trump had a "D" after his name the current cultiest in the GOP would have screamed with bloody throats for his impeachment, but as long as he acts like a deranged baboon and insults Pelosi and Schumer, they're good with it.

    They disgrace themselves and the GOP on a daily basis.

  4. Anonymous @1:13, Yes, "ignorant" and "depraved" are accurate words to describe Trump. But they're also accurate for describing many of his cultists as well.

  5. Yeah Shaw. And, they're all "fine Christians" wishing all the libtards go to hell. Regardless that most Christian "libtards" are finer people than any of them are ir likely ever will be.

    And I was ONCE a republican. Damn happy I left their shit sained halls of hypocrisy.


  6. In a sane world, the US president would:

    Tackle the climate crisis
    Reunite immigrant families
    Secure elections against foreign attacks
    Build common purpose with Western allies
    Criticize Putin
    Fight for democracy
    Respect the Constitution
    Follow the law
    Not lie

    What else?

  7. With the blob, it's impossible not to wonder just how much stolen oil money will end up in the pockets of the Trump Crime Family.
