Wednesday, January 8, 2020

The Republicans' "president" will speak this morning about the Iran crisis.

I'll be away from tv and other communications. I'll read about the lies he tells later in the day.

Meanwhile this:

He lacks the counsel, character and credibility to lead us into war.

“Donald Trump has not made a single public statement since ordering last Thursday’s operation that has not been either unhelpful or counterproductive,” Noah Rothman, the associate editor of Commentary, wrote on Monday. Rothman is conservative, does not routinely bash Trump and defended Suleimani’s killing itself. 

But in his essay, titled “A Dangerous Man in Perilous Times,” he noted that “the best anyone can say about Trump’s spasmodic conduct is that it won’t matter.” “Serious moments demand sober and rational minds at the helm, and the president’s behavior so far does not inspire confidence,” Rothman added. 

 No, it makes you tremble.


  1. ... the presidents behavior so far does not inspire confidence.

    That's an understatement if ever I've heard one.

  2. This is what happens when you give a hostile country billions without any restrictions. Quid pro quo happens with every logical dealings in business, government and personal affairs. Someone released billions and got nothing in return and Iran has used that billions to attack the world. As the downing of the commercial aircraft has shown, Iran is nothing but a hostile country to everyone even Ukraine.

  3. Democrat Rep. Collin Peterson (D-MN) has confirmed that he is voting against the partisan push for President Donald Trump's impeachment.Speaking to a reporter from The Globe on Saturday, Peterson, who is the House Committee on Agriculture chairman, says he will vote against impeaching the president.Peterson said he cannot support the Democratic campaign to impeach Trump over his contacts with Ukraine unless, in the unlikely event that, any actual evidence comes to light.

    © Neon Nettle

  4. "Pepe" ((insert eyeroll here)) There has been plenty of evidence uncovered about your criminal asshole in the White House. The fact that the right is sticking it's collective empty head in the sand (aka Trumps large backside) in no way means that there isn't evidence.

  5. I think Pepe has been in a trump induced coma for a few weeks — LOL 😂


    1. Possumlady, he has. Lik SO many others. But it doesn't matter. He, or she, is negative energy, void of love and compassion They do not know it yet. But they eventually will. One way are another. We need not concern ourselves with their negativity.
