Wednesday, April 8, 2020


  1. The mess wasn't inherited by Dotard. It was created by Dotard. But he will continue to blame everyone but himself. Now I hear he is threatening to defund the WHO because "they called it wrong" and "they should've known".

  2. Even Japan is calling the competence of the WHO into question for their failure to act. Lets keep funding them with 450 million to not do what they were created to do. Maybe we can give a few billion to the paris accord and buy greta a new boat and while we are at it lets give illegals money for covid because after all it is just taxpayers money.

  3. Don’t be as Stupid as you sound to be !

  4. You people who are cheerleaders for the Presidents failures are as annoying as hell!

  5. Quote: "The WHO's budget is around the equivalent of a large US hospital, which is utterly incommensurate with its global responsibilities", said Lawrence Gostin, a public health law professor at Georgetown University.

    Global health experts have generally given the WHO good marks for its transparency and the speed with which it has responded to the coronavirus ... "...I think overall their performance on this outbreak has been, not perfect, but pretty good", Ashish Jha, a public health professor at Harvard, said. [end quote]

  6. Derv What we've learned during this pandemic, in additon to all Trump's horrible human traits, is that he's a weak, incompetent little man who never takes responsibility and is always eager to blame someone else.

  7. To T.D.D., A question for you and the other WYD trolls who come here daily:

    Why do you do that? You know I think Trump is a walking talking calamity for the US and that I report on what I read about him and his colossal incompetence.

    You know this.

    But you come here -- no one forces you -- and get p.o.ed over what I write.

    Again: Why do you do it? It's a kind of masochistic behavior that one would expect from the mentally unbalanced.

    And here you are.

  8. Obviously the Debonair Dud enjoys your wit and wisdom and they way you tear President Cadet Bone Spurs a new one every day.
