Thursday, April 16, 2020


Reported US coronavirus deaths: 

 Feb. 15: 0 deaths 

Mar. 15: 65 deaths 

Apr. 15: 30,844 deaths

Jan. 22 “We have it totally under control. It’s one person coming in from China, and we have it under control. It’s going to be just fine."

Feb. 10 “Looks like by April, you know, in theory, when it gets a little warmer, it miraculously goes away.” — New Hampshire rally

Feb. 27 “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.” — News conference 

March 9 “The Fake News Media and their partner, the Democrat Party, is doing everything within its semi-considerable power ... to inflame the CoronaVirus situation.” — Twitter 

March 10 “We’re prepared, and we’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.” — Meeting with Republican senators 

March 17 “I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.” — News conference

March 24 “I’d love to have the country opened up and just raring to go by Easter.” — Fox News interview

March 26 “I don’t believe you need 40,000 or 30,000 ventilators. You know, you go into major hospitals sometimes they’ll have two ventilators, and now all of a sudden they’re saying, ‘Can we order 30,000 ventilators?’” — Fox News interview

"Anthony S. Fauci, one of the nation’s top infectious disease experts and a member of the White House’s coronavirus task force, warned that between 100,000 and 200,000 Americans could die and that millions would be infected. 

The president said...that the country would be doing well if it “can hold” the number of deaths “down to 100,000.” 

 Deborah Birx, another member of the task force, offered her own grim assessment: “No state, no metro area, will be spared.”


None of Don the Con's Tweets age well:



  1. Charlie Sykes, writing in The Bulwark:

    Two quotes, a month apart, neatly capture the essence of Donald Trump's presidency:

    "No, I don't take responsibility at all." — March 13

    "When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that's the way it's got to be. It's total." — April 13

    There is something quintessentially Trumpian about the claim of total authority and zero responsibility. He alone can save us, he insists, but don't blame him if he doesn't.

  2. (cont.)

    "[Trump's] assertion for a time on Monday that he had the absolute presidential power to override the nation's governors was striking. This isn't the first time Trump has claimed sweeping powers that don't exist. Back in 2019, when he was complaining about the Mueller probe, he insisted that Article II gave him "the right to do whatever I want as president."

    This week his constitutional know-nothingism was again on proud display. When reporters asked Trump whether any governor agreed that he had total authority to countermand their orders, he answered: "I haven't asked anybody. Because you know why? I don't have to." When another reporter asked him to cite what constitutional provisions gave him the power to override governments that remained closed, Trump said, "Numerous provisions," but he didn't name any — because there are none.

    He has no such power because the Constitution was explicitly designed to prevent that kind of absolutism. Indeed, that was whole point behind the separation of powers and federalism. James Madison was rather clear on that point, writing in "The Federalist Papers": "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite."

    IOW, the GOP's president is an ignoramus who knows nothing about the Constitution he gave an oath to defend.


  3. Covid19 is an epic presidential failure if there ever was one!


  4. Once again, Trump screws himself trying to protect himself.

    Trump defunded the W.H.O. so he can put the blame on them. All it did was make him look like the fool he is. The backlash from this decision is world wide.

    With every attempt Trump tries to cover up his massive failures the more his presidency falls apart. Trump is like a kid with chocolate all over his face, who says, I didn't eat the chocolate cake.

  5. Shaw: Y O U N A I L E D I T O N T H E tiny H E A D !!!!

  6. Shaw... here's the issue in hoping for Trump to get it...

    A Trump lover recently wrote this...

    "[Trump's signature on the checks ]was DEAD WRONG. AWFUL. EGOMANIACAL. JUST DUMB. He still hasn’t quite learned that NOTHING HE even lightly suggests isn’t LEAKED. Gad, what’s it going to take?? This was just STUPID"

    So, they do have an ability to see through him, be critical of his actions, call him dumb and stupid, just like the libs do. But then here's the remediation...

    "[But I'll] NEVER EVER say too much negative about Trump anywhere but here on my blog, because I believe in honesty and pointing out and discussing his myriad foibles BUT I’ll NEVER EVER NEVER EVER EVER give leftwingers any satisfication on FB or anywhere else. NEVER."

    And there in lies the problem... Even if your president is dumb, stupid, egomaniacal, or just does things that are, that still does not warrant real criticism. Even if your president is all of those things, as long as he supports policies you like, it's alright.

    Or, to put it another way, a president who does egomaniacal things, does dumb stuff, doesn't learn, and by their own admission, does stupid stuff and has myriad foibles is just fine for America.

    And this is from the crowd who felt Pres Obama was so self centered he was unqualified to be president.

  7. Some One Who's Not Exactly One of Your Fans.April 16, 2020 at 12:51 PM

    "Miss Shaw"
    YOUR blog is another PUBLIC TOILET as it is. Thanks to YOUR posts, and the posts by the other Creeps such as RN, and the Mexican Preacher. So I'll just stay home to answer the Calls of Nature when the call comes as there are more than enough PIGS on Your Blog. .

  8. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said on Tuesday night that she believes the Democratic Party has an obligation to examine a sexual assault allegation made against presumptive Democratic Presidential nominee Joe Biden by Tara Reade, his former aide when he served as Delaware's senator

  9. Some One Who's Not Exactly One of Your Fans. said...
    "Miss Shaw"
    YOUR blog is another PUBLIC TOILET as it is. Thanks to YOUR posts, and the posts by the other Creeps such as RN, and the Mexican Preacher. So I'll just stay home to answer the Calls of Nature when the call comes as there are more than enough PIGS on Your Blog. .

    Again, I will point out that NO ONE FORCES YOU TO COME HERE. There's something desperately wrong with people like the above troll who subject themselves to daily torture by voluntarily going to a blog they KNOW upsets them. They're either mentally unstable or just plain stupid.

    I'll also point out to this desperately unstable troll that there are many right wing blogs out there that daily trashed President Obama. Mentally healthy people who didn't want to read that sort of thing stayed away from those blogs.

    The above troll apparently has no control over his masochistic impulses.


  10. Dave, Interesting to read that. It's like the old days when people were ashamed of their criminally disposed relatives. They were ashamed of them and didn't want their neighbors to know such people were part of their families, so they pretended they were just misunderstood.

    The people on the blog where you found that very revealing comment know that Trump is a liar, cheat, and fraud, but they're too fearful of facing what that says about their values and morality as they continue to support such a corrupt and stupid president.

  11. Those folks that recognize Dotard's many character flaws as well as his ineptness and still support him do so because he is playing to that which they view as their selfish interests. It's kinda like Bubba Clinton said... lt's the economy stupud back in the nineties. For those folks the only thing that really matters to them is their own selfish interests.

  12. S.P. Of course the allegation should be investigated. But I will not tolerate any Trumper coming here and saying anything about Biden and this allegation, since Trumpers, by supporting Trump even after he publicly admitted he sexually assaulted women because he's "a star -- those Trumpers continued to support and even voted for the self-admitted sexual assaulter.

    Also, it's curious, isn't it, how the Trumpers jumped on the Biden accusation and support, without question, the accuser, but those same people trashed and denigrated Christine Blasey Ford (as well as a number of other women who accused Kavanaugh of sexual misconduct or assault.)

    Trumper hypocrisy is epic.

  13. RN, The Trump Death Cult will never see President Dotard for the miserable failure that he is.

  14. Shaw... regarding the Biden accusation...

    There was a time when Hillary Clinton ironically tweeted the following... "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.”

    Here's what Biden said around the time of the Kavanaugh hearings... "For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you've got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she's talking about is real,"

    Honestly, with Biden essentially the Dem nominee, these two quotes show that the last two Dem nominees have some flexible guidelines when the accusations hit close to home.

    As I've noted numerous times with Pres Trump, we only have two ways to understand these comments, plus a bonus...

    Both Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden were lying, wrong or when asked, just answered in what seemed to be the best answer at the time to serve their politics.

  15. Dave, I have no answer to your comment. I do believe that accusations should be investigated and the truth should come out. Period.

    What I can't abide are the Trumpers who jump all over this, knowing that they supported and voted for a sexual assaulter. Those Trumpers have no credibility in any of this, and they should keep their hypocritical mouths shut until we know the facts.

    By voting for Trump they've acknowledged that a man who sexually assaults women is fine with them. So Biden, if this pans out to be true, should be fine with them as well.

    If it's true, it isn't fine with me.

  16. I just read this from the Denver Post, and it just broke my heart:

    Colorado Gov. Jared Polis (D) “grew tearful as he responded Wednesday to a top Republican official comparing stay-at-home orders to the actions of the Gestapo, the secret police of Nazi Germany and European countries under Nazi occupation during World War II.”

    Said Polis: “As a Jewish American who lost family in the Holocaust, I’m offended by any comparison to Nazism. We act to save lives — the exact opposite of the slaughter of 6 million Jews and many gypsies and Catholics and gays and lesbians and Russians and so many others.”

    What the hell is wrong with Trumpers? Are they really that deranged?

  17. Shaw asked... "What the hell is wrong with Trumpers? Are they really that deranged?"

    Well yes...

    Remember, this is the party saying it's okay, even patriotic in the words of a few, for old people to die so we can reopen the economy. And then remember, this is the group that vilified Obamacare as not caring about and having "Death Panels" for old people.

    Where is Sarah Palin and her outrage now that the GOP is willing to, and openly saying old people need to be prepared to die so younger people can make their buck?

    Totally, 100% disgusting.

  18. I believe some are Shaw. There can be NO other explanation for a jackass like that top repukelican official. Folks like that jackass ought to be barred from ANY government or public servant (official) for life.

  19. Shaw... here's the read out from the GOP Rep...

    Colorado House Minority Leader Patrick Neville, R-Castle Rock, said on a conservative radio program that such governmental orders lead to a “Gestapo-like mentality,” as first reported by 9News.

    Reached by phone Wednesday afternoon, Neville declined to apologize for his remarks, but did say he chose his words poorly.

    “I should have said authoritarian, not Gestapo,” Neville said. “And I think authoritarian is still accurate.”

    He declined to apologize. Why would he decline? Especially after he said he chose his words poorly.

    Your GOP.

  20. Now that trump has put the burden on the state governors, at their insistence, as to when to open their state it will take on a totally different life. If they open to soon or to late they will be blamed. Regardless of your political bent it was a good strategy that was probably his intent from the start. He announces he is omnipotent waiting for the governors to revolt them stands back and lets them dangle. I don't think he says or does anything without purpose.

    He will be blamed for anything that happens but he can point to the governors as the deciders because he didn't shove it down their throats.

    You do seem to be disingenuous regarding him putting his name on relief checks after the democrats voted without reading a program named after the president. Now talk about slowing down the relief you really need to look toward botox nan and her hatred for independent thinking small business owners and the middle class. Why else would she hold back the additional funding.
