Saturday, April 18, 2020


Incitement To Violence: In a series of dangerous tweets, a deranged President Donald Trump calls on his supporters to “liberate” states led by Democratic governors.
USA Today reports:
President Donald Trump called on supporters Friday to “liberate” states that have experienced protests over coronavirus lockdowns, a day after he unveiled guidelines aimed at reopening the nation’s economy.
Less than 24 hours after declining to name states he felt are prepared to begin easing social distancing guidelines to halt the spread of the virus, Trump named Virginia, Michigan and Minnesota as states that could benefit from what he described as liberation.

Trump needs to be impeached again, or better yet, put in a straight jacket and sent to a looney bin. STAT! 


  1. Your closing sentence... The latter.

  2. Shaw... this is just too rich for the clueless clown car know as the White House... from Forbes, a generally conservative publication.

    "The White House issued a sharp rebuke Saturday to billionaire Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, who reportedly spent over $1.7 million on flights bringing medical supplies from China in secret—out of fear the Trump administration would seize the cargo for the federal stockpile."

    After telling the states they are on their own and should make their own deals, Gov Pritzker of IL did just that.

    And now the Admin is miffed, after the IL did exactly what they were told, by Trump, to do.

    Up is down, in is out, forward is backward with this administration.

  3. *
    Anything, and I mean ANYTHING to distract the MAGAt mob! The turd in the White House has already sold out USA.

    About the only action "lord IMpOTIS" has left is to declare marital law, void the Constitution, and cancel the elections. All of which is President Obama's fault.

    Do not be surprised.

    Ema Nymton

  4. We are faced with a difficult decision come November. There is Trump who has gone off the rails and is totally unfit to lead the country and then there is Biden who can't put a full sentence together. Granted with Biden his selection of VP is very important because after they commit Biden next June she will be the president.
    Unfortunately it will be the DNC who decides the VP choice and it will not be ability to lead but a tote the line democrat.

    Ms. Shaw. As part of the DNC advisory board you need to do is convince the DNC to have a brokered convention and nominate someone who can not only remember his name but also spell it.

    As an independent I have had little choice in the last five presidential elections and ended up voting against one candidate instead of voting for one. Give America a good choice.

  5. Well skud, there ya go again. You seem to be aware of Dotard's lack of leadership abilities and then proceed to trash his opposition.

    What would be the top five things you think the presumptive dem nominee should address in his 1'st hundred days as well as why you believe so.

  6. Skud... to paraphrase a former Sec Def, we go elections with the choices we have. No looking back.

    So you are right, It's going to Biden v Trump.

    Both are aged people, in the Covid vulnerable groups. Given that, would you rather have an "off the rails" Trump and the team he has assembled, or a forgetful Biden and the team he will assemble?

    Ask yourself this... who's team do you potentially trust more?

    That's question Number 1. Here's Number 2...

    Pick anyone in the country right now as your candidate. Who is it?

  7. Rev, As to the choice of our two candidates I vote neither but that is really not a choice is it so we go back to the mega narcissist or the man without a clue and select the best of the worst.

    As to who I would like to see step in and would be my ultimate choice. First choice would be R Reagan. Yes he is deceased but even then he could do a better job than either of our choices, maybe H Truman as a close second. As far as candidates who are alive, John Kasich would be my choice with Nikki Haley as his VP.

    All this blame game over who did what and when is beyond ridiculous. Both sides are responsible and it just points how incapable and corrupt our congress and leadership is. They are far to busy blaming each other and little fixing the problem. Maybe we should have taken the socialist countries approach and use herd immunity. It is working in some countries and can't be any worse than the plan we are on now.

    It is interesting that the majority of the news is devoted on how many new cases with little information as to how many hospitalized, how many in serious condition and how many recovered. Our responsible media is having a field day not doing their job.

    RN, We should expect better. The judging by the first 100 days is a joke. If biden I would expect a female president within the first 100 days and if trump I would expect impeachment proceedings to ramp up.

  8. Skud... I could live with John Kasich. He believes in good government, even if I disagree with his policies. In fact, since I did not vote vote for HRC in Nevada, I might have voted for Kasich had he won the nomination.

    But here's the deal... The Republican Party did not want a qualified person like Kasich, someone who understands how to function in, and direct a government. They wanted a "kick ass" leader, a bombastic leader, an anti-Obama leader.

    They wanted Donald Trump, a man who will probably go down as one of the worst presidents in American history.
