Friday, April 24, 2020



  1. I am simply amazed that so many Democratic-Liberals are carrying water for the Chinese, especially the Lame Stream Media right here in the USA,.
    I would have spectated to see that from CNN, but not from the many other news stations here in America.
    Many of them are too blinded by hatred toward Donald Trump to even notice that China is killing us, slowly but surely.
    They seem to be so obsessed about getting rid of Donald Trump that they will appease and capitulate to China and even to the UN at every turn. We saw that starting when Barack Obama turned his back on Israel. .The real question is why does Trump continue to be fooled by them?

  2. To "The Patriot"

    In January and February Trump was praising China. Trump's administration even sent a load of PPEs to China. So you need to rethink your opinion that it is the Dems who are "carry water: for the Chinese. Trump considers Xi his BFF.

    PS It's not just the Dems who are "obsessed" with getting rid of Don the Con, it is a majority of Americans and all of the civilized world!


  3. "Polls show Trump trailing Biden in battlegrounds of Michigan and Pennsylvania

    Former Vice President Joe Biden leads President Donald Trump in head-to-head matchups in the crucial battleground states of Michigan and Pennsylvania, according to new Fox polls released Wednesday.

    Almost half of registered voters in Michigan (49%) plan to support Biden versus 41% who say they'll vote for Trump, the polls showed.
    And the numbers are relatively similar in Pennsylvania, where Biden leads Trump by 8 percentage points, with 50% of registered voters planning to vote for the former vice president to 42% for Trump, according to the new Fox News polls."

  4. OT, but I'm sure you won't mind Shaw:

    People are wondering why Trump came out against Kemp's plans to liberate Georgia. Let's look at the timeline.

    Protesters in Michigan celebrated their southern heritage by waving confederate flags and AR15s at the Democratic governor who won't let them get manicures. Trump saw this on Fox News, and began calling for the freedom to get Nazi tattoos and spread disease.

    Kemp sees an opportunity to be first in line to kiss Trump's ass, plus protect the unemployment fund, so win-win. Supposedly, Kemp has a perfect phone call with Trump, who publicly calls Kemp "very capable."

    Then a poll comes out showing that 78% of Republicans think that the current restrictions are "about right or not strong enough."

    Trump immediately orders an emergency fleet of Greyhound busses to head for Georgia and roll over Kemp, back up, and roll over him again.

  5. Interesting how this is a disease that is targeted at the working class. The rich appear to be doing fine with botox nan sheltering in place and plenty of ice cream to eat. Bill Gates is sheltering in place in this 60,000 foot bungalow and the entertainment crowd is taking their private jets to their off shore retreats.

    The poor non working are surviving because they get their government checks as they always have. The working middle class are laid off, no health insurance and struggling to put food on the table. Now we have the party of the elites preaching stay inside for another two months and don't use any personal responsibility approach to earn a living. This is a democrats dream, everyone relying on the government to make all their decisions. You should be elated.

  6. skud "The rich appear to be doing fine with botox nan sheltering in place and plenty of ice cream to eat. Bill Gates is sheltering in place in this 60,000 foot bungalow and the entertainment crowd is taking their private jets to their off shore retreats."

    Oh give it a rest, skud. Trump's family is rich and they've managed to do very nicely during this pandemic, including his chain migration inlaws who became citizens through Trump's 3rd immigrant wife. So stop it Trump was golfing and holding rallies when he should have been preparing the country for the pandemic. You pick on Speaker Pelosi and say nothing about the richy rich Republican pols that are doing just fine.

    skud: . "The working middle class are laid off, no health insurance and struggling to put food on the table."

    All thanks to the GOP and their incompetent leader D.J. Trump. A miserable failure who was working to take health insurance away from Americans while the pandemic was spreading.

    Trump knew about the virus in November. It's documented. But did nothing. NOTHING, until the middle of March.

    The deaths of Americans are on him. NOT Speaker Pelosi. She's not the POTUS. And I will not publish any more of your comments that try to make her responsible. Trump wants all the glory and none of the responsibilities of being POTUS. That isn't how this works.

    This is all on him. Period.

    1. skud will NEVER give it a rest Shaw, skud is a trumper. Regardless his utterings he is not. He'll be voting Dotard the Dim and smiling when he pulls the lever for Dotard the Dim.

  7. Just to be straight I did say Rich without mentioning a party affiliation so the trumps would qualify as rich and not the obama rich but the true rich.

  8. To the commenter @3.47 4/23/2020: You've been here dozens of times over the past few weeks. And came here several times already today. Need some attention, do we?

    I know this pandemic makes people jittery, fearful, bored. So I understand why you have such a burning need to visit my blog to enjoy the intellectual stimulation it brings you. The WYD blog that you come from is a collection of very old, very unhappy Trump supporting guys whose vocabulary consists of poo-poo, ka-ka, pee-pee and other such childish interjections. It's no wonder you feel compelled to come to a Liberal's blog for enlightenment and adult conversation.

    Trouble is, commenter @3:47 PM, 4/23/2020, you're not welcome.

    I make it a rule not to allow insolent, foul-mouthed, dimwits on my blog.

    Do yourself and your mental health a favor, put down your coloring book, crayons, and toy soldiers and go for a walk in the fresh air. This quarantine will be over soon, and you can go back to your usual fun: kicking puppies and kittens.

    Your truly,

    Etc. & etc.

  9. skudrunner

    Here's what America has become under the incompetence of Trump and his administration:

    ‘Sadness’ and Disbelief From a World Missing American Leadership

    The coronavirus pandemic is shaking bedrock assumptions about U.S. exceptionalism. This is perhaps the first global crisis in more than a century where no one is even looking for Washington to lead.

  10. BERLIN — As images of America’s overwhelmed hospital wards and snaking jobless lines have flickered across the world, people on the European side of the Atlantic are looking at the richest and most powerful nation in the world with disbelief.

    “When people see these pictures of New York City they say, ‘How can this happen? How is this possible?’” said Henrik Enderlein, president of the Berlin-based Hertie School, a university focused on public policy. “We are all stunned. Look at the jobless lines. Twenty-two million,” he added.

    “I feel a desperate sadness,” said Timothy Garton Ash, a professor of European history at Oxford University and a lifelong and ardent Atlanticist.

    The pandemic sweeping the globe has done more than take lives and livelihoods from New Delhi to New York. It is shaking fundamental assumptions about American exceptionalism — the special role the United States played for decades after World War II as the reach of its values and power made it a global leader and example to the world.

  11. Les, Regardless of your beliefs I am not a trump supporter but I cannot support the leftists because I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions. I have seen little proof that any of our elected elite are anything but rich corrupt opportunists.

    1. So am I capable of making my own decisions skud. It's what I did managing operations at various levels from 1976-2016 as well as managiing my personal life.

      I USED to be a republican. As a matter of fact I was vice chair of the republican town committee where I lived for a couble years, many years ago. Of course that was BEFORE the republican party relinquished all moral and fiscal authority. The present republican party is but the empty shell of what it once was. For those reasons I left the party 11 years ago. I am now an independent that votes ONLY FOR REPUBLICANS LIKE GOV. BAKER OF MASS. The reat of the bastards are NOTHING but hypocrites and liars. Dotard the Dim is the worst-case among them
      Howeve DtD would not have succeeded had it not been for the fast asleep cons, evangelicals, and most repukelicans (to me republicans are now repukelicans).

      I have seen ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF that any repukelican on the national stage has the temperment, intelligence, integrity, humility, empathy, common sense, decency, compassion, or anything else that would lead me to vote repukelican for president. PERIOD.

      So, at least I have the GOOD SENSE not to align myself with or support ANYONE that I know is a con, a liar, a cheat, an anti science dimwit, or a narcissist on streiods. Therefore I will proudly work AGAINST any and all repukelicans in SUPPORT of democrats UNTIL the current crop of DtD cultists and hypocrits are gone and the repukelican party TOTALLY reforms itself. PERIOD

      One final TRUTH, the most corrupt American party in history is the present repukelican party. PERIOD.

  12. Props to Rational Nation.

    After Trump’s latest nincompoopery about using disinfectants to kill the C-19, more and more Americans understand what a miserable joke Trump is, and what a disaster he’s been for America.


  13. Poor Trump, and his Trumpateers, Trump’s political handlers want him NOWHERE near the podium at these pressers. And as FAR AWAY from those big Bad Reporters who ask him those hard to answer questions. They know Trump embarrasses himself and the whole administration with his rants, ravings, misinformation and just plain stupidity. So, they want Trump to stay in his room lying in the corner with his proverbial tail between his legs until this crisis is over.

  14. Howard

    Even my die-hard Republican friends are now so disgusted with him that they want him AND the Republican senate voted out in November. Trump is awful, but the spineless Republicans who keep supporting him are worse.

  15. Too bad what happened to that Rusty troll. Sad.
