Monday, May 4, 2020

70,000+ Americans dead and the Gooper preznit whines about how badly he's being treated


“I am greeted with a hostile press, the likes of which no president has ever seen. The closest would be that gentleman right up there,” Trump said from his perch on a high-backed stool, pointing at the imposing marble statue of martyred president Abraham Lincoln in the background. Lincoln was assassinated in April 1865. 

“They always said, ‘Lincoln, nobody got treated worse than Lincoln,’" Trump continued. “I believe I am treated worse.”

Hmmm. Trump whines that he's being treated worse than being shot in his head and dying?

The Crybaby-in-Chief, y'know the blubbering baboon, is the same guy who, for 8 years questioned President Barack Obama's citizenship and claimed Mr. Obama pulled off the biggest fraud in the history of the American presidency. 

The Crybaby-in-Chief also said that he had investigators in Hawaii and they were finding unbelievable things about Mr. Obama. 

Those "things" never materialized because Trump is a pathological liar, and he never had anyone investigating President Obama's birth certificate. 

70,000+ Americans dead because of Trump's incompetence, and he's whining about being treated badly. 

AFAIK, Trump never offered a word of condolence or sorrow during his pity party with FAUX NOOZ in front of the Lincoln Memorial. It's always about him, even as thousands of Americans die, millions of American lose their jobs, and the economy goes in the toilet. No inspiring words from the malignant narcissist. Not one.

His fee-fees are hurt because America isn't praising his MISERABLE FAILURES.

Nancy Pelosi CA-12 

Americans don’t trust Trump. He failed to listen to experts. From calling it a “hoax” to saying it would miraculously go away in a day — to urging Americans to inject Lysol, he completely mishandled the #coronavirus crisis.

Keith Boykin ✔ @keithboykin Trump: 

“They always said Lincoln. Nobody got treated worse than Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse.” 

 Lincoln was assassinated, but that’s nothing compared to Trump having to answer questions from reporters. - #TrumpTownHall at the Lincoln Memorial


And this is your daily reminder of how colossally stupid the Republicans' president is:

It just doesn’t matter any longer that he’s this stupid, does it? Because when you’re a racist dictator, you get to rewrite it ALL.
Quote Tweet
Acyn Torabi
The President says the Spanish Flu of 1917 probably ended World War I



  2. Let's not leave out that when one of Trump's followers tweeted that "Trump has done more for Blacks than all the other Presidents combined! Are we together?" Our president was quick on the "So True" response.

    I'm not sure too many folks would believe Trump has done more for African Americans than the President who fought a war to end slavery. But then again, that's just me.

  3. Dear Libtard,

    Obviously YOU care! You come here almost every day to read my blog. You then leave an irrational commnent filled with rage, misspellings, and gobbledegook.

    It occurs to me that perhaps you might benefit from having a professional therapist help you with this syndrome. It's surely worth a try, eh?

  4. Dave,

    A quick look at "Libtard Smasher's" comment will inform you on the level of intelligence Trumpers possess.

    "Libtard" and others from the WYD blog come here every day and rage, rage, rage!

    I wonder if there's some sort of fever going around the far right blogs that turns them into red-faced, foaming-at-the-mouth curs?

    PS. We know Trump has done next to nothing for our African-American citizens. He's been bragging for 3 years about how great his record for employment in the A.A. community is. Now that that record is tanking, will he take credit for the downturn?

  5. OT, here's your resident troll calling Obama a "supreme racist"

    skudrunner says:
    May 4, 2020 at 7:56 am
    When you have all the major media outlets owned by the DNC, trump has to have an outlet. When you have one “news show” named MSDNC who is 24/7 anti trump he does need to go somewhere to be heard. Unfortunately he is an attack dog with a massive ego and a severe case of narcissism and he can’t get beyond personal attacks. He is unfiltered, listens to no one except his daughter the designer and makes more false statements than the former president the supreme racist.

  6. Ray,

    I'm not surprised.

    skud always says things without a shred of evidence to back up his statements, so that statement is his usual slander against President Obama.

    It is documented and on the record that Trump and his father descriminated against African-Americans who wanted to rent his apartment, and the government SUED AND WON their descrimination case against the Trumps. Trump's own father was a member of the KKK.

    But skud ignores that and calls Mr. Obama a racist? With nothing to back it up? I'm afraid people like skud on the right are too soaked in hypocrisy and with certain "feelings" against our first bi-racial president to see within themselves what they are.

    skud and his far right blogging buddies will always defend a known racist, Trump, and continue to lie about and slander President Obama.

    In the long run, their opinions won't matter. History will make fools of them.

  7. “President Trump gave a two-hour interview to Fox News on Sunday night in the Lincoln Memorial. His mix of self-pity and self-congratulation was startling, especially given the backdrop, as more than 67,000 Americans have been killed by an invisible enemy that has yet to be contained and the country plunges deeper into the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression.

    “They always said … nobody got treated worse than [Abraham] Lincoln. I believe I am treated worse,” said Trump, pointing toward the statue of a president who was assassinated days after winning the Civil War. “You know, I believe we've done more than any president in the history of our country in the first three years, three-and-a-half years. I really believe that.”

    The visual was incredible, but the larger-than-life statue of the man who saved the union made the incumbent president look small in comparison. Etched in marble on the walls inside the monument where Trump fielded questions from Fox viewers are the Gettysburg Address and Lincoln’s second inaugural address. The Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech in 1963 on the steps of the memorial, words that are now immortalized at a nearby monument.

    Trump's legacy will hinge to a large degree on his perceived response to this novel coronavirus. The self-comparison to Lincoln generates other questions, such as: Which quotes from Trump, if any, will future generations of Americans deem worthy of being carved in stone?”
    — Washington Post

  8. Shaw... not just a racist but a "supreme racist."

    It seems the charge of racism gets leveled by folks like Skud frequently at Barack Obama based not on his statements, because nowhere has he ever advocated against "whiteness" but rather because he refuses to accept the institutional racism inherent in so many corners of America.

    Many ppl have never liked being confronted with the ugly reality of the impact of policies and laws specifically enacted for the purpose of discrimination. Policies many of them have probably at one time supported.

    Skud has become a frequent commenter at that site, the beloved Mother Ship where most days you can read vile denunciations of "halfricans" "moslems" "Obammy" and more. The site where everyone else is charged with being focused on race, color, divisiveness, hate and lying. But never them, or President Trump.

  9. Dave "Shaw... not just a racist but a 'supreme racist.' "

    I've thought about that accusation by skud and sadly realize that it must come from a deep-seated hatred of Mr. Obama and everything he stood for. I don't paint all southerners with a broad brush because I know families in Alabama, Mississippi, and Georgia -- white families -- who do not hold those deep-seated hatreds for people of color. Now skud will argue that it's not Mr. Obama's "color" that made him say he's a "supreme racist," but Obama's policies.

    But really, it takes some kind of hubris on a white person's part to assume a person is racist because that person wanted to establish universal health care, something every single advanced democracy gives to its citizens.

    Or maybe it was when Obama said the Cambridge, Mass., policeman was "stupid" for arresting a black man on his own property when that man proved he was in his own home? Well, that WAS stupid. The cop escalated a situation of misunderstanding. Maybe it was that comment by Obama that pissed off skud. A black man calling a white cop "stupid?" Who knows.

    Skud never backs up his claims and accusations against Obama with evidence. He just "feels" that Obama is a racist, so he MUST be a racist. And when he makes those statements at that blog, he's in company with folks who'll pat him on the back and say "damn staight!" They, too, pretend it's Obama's POLICIES, not his skin color they hate. Those folks are all godly folk who detest a man who was a faithful and loving husband and father; a man who was flawed and made mistakes, but who was fully human and decent.

    Meanwhile, those folks continue to support and praise Donald Trump, a liar, a cheat, and a fraud, whose incompetence will be responsible for hundreds of thousands of Americans' deaths.

    And that's just fine with them.

  10. I'm sure we've all known 3'rd graders that are more intelligent in MANY WAYS than our Orange Blob presnit whose narcissism causes him to really believe... Only I, America's stable genius can fix it.

    Trump's biggest problem, and it is one he is unable to control or fix, is Trump himself.

  11. RN, I do agree with you on his biggest enemy is him. It does appear you haven't spoken with many 3rd graders lately. It is very difficult to overcome massive ego, increased narcissism and insecurity that is trump and it will cause him to lose in November. Do you have a guess who will be president in March?

    1. Well skud you shouldn't assume. I have 4, repeat 4, grandchildren. 3 boys, 1 girl. Their ages, 4, 8, 11.

      So yeah, I have been around a to of kids. Many 3'rd, 4'th, 5th, and 6'th grader. And skud, with few exceptions they ALL exhibit more emotional intelligence than Dotard. A few actually are more logical and demonstrate intelligence beyond their years.

      So skud, go have an enjoyable evening.
