Friday, May 22, 2020

Pastor Donald orders states open places of worship to get more people infected.

With no authority to do so, President Inject Disinfectants ordered states to reopen places of worship.
He hasn't figured this simple truth; no president can override a governor's orders on a state level health emergency. 

Remember the days when Republicans stood for the constitutionally mandated powers of the states? Remember the days when we actually had a president who not only read the Constitution, but who once taught classes about it

He has no authority to do this.

So responsible state governors will just ignore the idiot and keep their citizens alive.

This, of course, is nothing more than culture war pandering.

Does Trump truly have a death wish for his Evangelical followers?

It seems he does.

The question is: Will President Inject Disinfectants be attending church on Sunday?

via Democratic Underground:


  1. Lets simply state it as it is. Without making judgement as to possible reasons or motivations.

    Please excuse my ignoring PC and unprofessional use of expletives. But the simple truth, all else aside is, most TRUMP IS ONE STUPID MOTHERFUCKER. PERIOD

  2. RN I don't blame anyone for using salty language these days as more and more Americans die because of Trump's incompetence.

  3. Did someone hack RN's account? It looks like he's wearing a dress in his (new) sideways profile pic.

    1. No, that is me in a razor back bodybuiding shirt. I wear them at the gym and on nce days when it's sunny Derv. But you're a funny guy! Trying to out do your "buddy" ms. rusty?

  4. RN is there anyway you can flip that photo so it's right-side-up? Great looking photo!

    1. I've tried but it is a picture off of a cell phone and so far I haven't been able to flip it. Working on a new picture. :)
