Monday, May 18, 2020


Today Trump said he's taking  hydroxychloroquine as a precaution against Covid-19.

1) I don't believe him because Trump is a pathological liar; and 2) Trump is a liar.

Here's a letter from Trump's doctor which does NOT state that Trump is taking the drug. Read it carefully.

Nowhere does it say that.

Trump just wants you to think he's taking it, and the reason may have something to do with his pocketbook.



  1. Oh please! he doesn’t even use a condom with a porn star am I supposed to believe he taking this drug as a prophylactic?

  2. There is some evidence for hydroxychoroquine reaction with UV light.
    Can we look forward to the presidential tanning booth to produce a
    purple and red plaid face beneath the fake orange hair. It would
    be twitterworthy.

  3. Anon The problem with the president who cried wolf so many times is that anything he says is open to doubt, and I doubt very much that he's telling the truth about taking hydroxychloroquine.


    We can always count on Trump to set a horrible example. The fact that a know-nothing cheat, liar, and self-admitted sexual assaulter is POTUS shows how far we've fallen as a country and world leader.

  4. “My concern would be that the public not hear comments about the use of hydroxychloroquine and believe that taking this drug to prevent Covid-19 infection is without hazards. In fact, there are serious hazards,” said Dr. Steven E. Nissen, the chief academic officer of the Miller Family Heart, Vascular & Thoracic Institute at the Cleveland Clinic.

    Dr. Scott Solomon, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, said Mr. Trump’s decision to try the drug was up to him and his physician. “But what is irresponsible is the example he is setting,” Dr. Solomon said.

    Mr. Trump publicly embraced hydroxychloroquine as a “game changer” in the fight against the virus in March, and his endorsement, amplified by Fox News hosts like Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity, caused a run on the drug, making it scarce for those who took it for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis, for which it is regularly prescribed.

    But on Monday night, Dr. Manny Alvarez, the senior managing editor for Fox News’s health news, said on air that the president’s statement was “highly irresponsible” and asked what had changed since studies showed the drug had no benefits.

    Indeed, what HAS changed?

  5. "Early studies of hydroxychloroquine in the laboratory suggesting that the drug could block the coronavirus from attacking cells prompted initial enthusiasm. But the studies of the drug in humans so far have pointed to serious side effects.

    “I think it’s a very bad idea to be taking hydroxychloroquine as a preventive medication,” said Dr. Eric Topol, a cardiologist and the director of the Scripps Research Translational Institute in La Jolla, Calif. “There are no data to support that, there’s no evidence and in fact there is no compelling evidence to support its use at all at this point.”

    Dr. Topol said the risk of developing a potentially fatal arrhythmia because of hydroxychloroquine could come without warning and did not happen only in people with heart conditions. “We can’t predict that. In fact, it can happen in people who are healthy,” he said. “It could happen in anyone.”

    Let's see, whom should we believe? Trump or the experts who've devoted their lives and careers to medical research?

    If you had to decide whom to believe in making a decision on medications to give your child, would you trust Trump or the medical experts?

  6. My first reaction to hearing this is “yeah, right, the jerk is lying, AGAIN!!!” The only reason he said he was taking it is because of all the bad news now coming out about the dangers of hydroxychloroquine and he doesn’t want to look stupid for suggesting it. Well, TOO LATE!!

  7. As pointed out on Lawrence O'Donnell's MSNBC program last night, there are negative side effects of taking hydroxychloroquine. Especially for people on statins for high cholesterol, which Dotard is.

    This is a lie Dotard concocted to counter the testimony of Dr. Bright who said had to blow the whistle because hydroxychloroquine is unsafe. Next come reports of people deciding to follow Dotard's advice and needing medical care (or dying) as a result. Just like after he talked about injecting disinfectant. Even though that already happened (a woman being hospitalized and her husband dying). Time for round 2.

  8. possumlady,

    The letter by Trump's doc doesn't specifically state, unequivocally, that Trump is actually taking the medication. It only says the benefit of taking it outweighs the potential risks.

    That's it.

    Trump is a liar. We should believe nothing he says unless there is hard evidence to back it up.

  9. Derv,

    As we've seen time and time again, Trump likes to control the narrative, and now the narrative has changed from looking at what the corrupt Secy. of State did to Trump's lie about taking hydroxy. med.

  10. I’m taking the advice of Martin Luther King Jr., and judging President Drink Bleach by the content of his character. He is a low creature with too few personal attributes to mention and I am forced to agree with the majority of Americans that Trumpkins is the worst president in our nation’s history. Back in Texas, Dubya is high fiving everyone.

    Let's hope that Trumpkins really IS taking hydroxy. Being morbidly obese with a heart condition, it makes sense for him to do that. LOL!

  11. Following medical advice from someone without a scientific background is about as stupid as following business advise from someone who never ran or worked in a business. Both cases prove that you can't fix stupid.
    Why would anyone take trumps advise on anything medically related. He was set up with this question and he just couldn't shut up now he has produced more fodder for the press. Politicians don't get their positions because they know anything other than raising campaign money so why would anyone believe them.

  12. A doctor who is caring for a person who has access to limitless testing would not make a risk/benefit calculation to recommend hydroxychloroquine to his patient. Testing would allow use of the medication only in a situation which necessitated it.

    Recommending hydroxychloroquine would be defensible if the patient was infected.

    I suspect Trump has become Covid (+).

  13. Trump said "I take it because I THINK I hear very good things."

    So the voices in his head told him to take the drug?

    Next his supporters will tell themselves "If it's good enough for Trump's voices then it's good enough for us!"

    We are a sorry country.

  14. Lost in all the chatter yesterday regarding our Pres "taking" Hydroxy... here's another real tragedy from the Trump Admin.

    For those who don't click the links, here's the gist. The Trump Admin is ending the National Guard program that helps us get more people tested for Covid-19. Why is it important, besides the health issue? Because the Trump Admin is ending the program 1 day, let me repeat that, 1 day before those soldiers would qualify for veterans benefits.

    What a swell guy. Instead of waiting one more day, so those soldiers who risked their lives to serve Americans could get benefits, President Trump ends the program on day 89.

    I hope the military takes notice.

  15. From the link you provided Dave,

    "More than 40,000 National Guard members currently helping states test residents for the coronavirus and trace the spread of infections will face a “hard stop” on their deployments on June 24 — just one day shy of many members becoming eligible for key federal benefits, according to a senior FEMA official.

    The official outlined the Trump administration’s plans on an interagency call on May 12, an audio version of which was obtained by POLITICO. The official also acknowledged during the call that the June 24 deadline means that thousands of members who first deployed in late March will find themselves with only 89 days of duty credit, one short of the 90-day threshold for qualifying for early retirement and education benefits under the Post-9/11 GI bill."

    Cruelty by Trump administration is not a bug, it's a feature.

    Trump does NOT support the military, this petty move proves it.

  16. Even Fox News Had to Warn Viewers to Ignore Trump on Hydroxychloroquine

    I understand the Mother Ship crew are p.o.ed at Fox for being responsible and calling out Trump's foolishness in taking a questionable medication.

  17. Shaw... I'm sure every veteran feels proud to have a president and CinC like Trump... always thinking of his troops.

  18. "...out of nowhere, Trump and his faithful echo chamber at Fox News have concocted a conspiracy theory he has dubbed "Obamagate."

    There's no particular logic to Obamagate, which roughly boils down to a claim floated without evidence that former President Barack Obama led a supposed "coup" to sabotage Trump's presidency. There doesn't have to be logic. Indeed, when pressed by a reporter to explain it, Trump was unwilling to even try.

    We're likely to see more attacks on Obama as Trump searches for a strategy to reverse the serious challenges he faces as he tries to get re-elected. Even before reports surfaced of the President -- enraged over falling poll numbers a few weeks ago -- shouting into the phone at his campaign manager, Brad Parscale, it was clear that the odds are not in Trump's favor."
    --Errol Louis

  19. Here's how Trump Toady Hugh Hewitt defines "Obamagate" which he also admits, is not a crime.

    "Obamagate is simply shorthand for the intentional interference with the peaceful, seamless, cooperative transition of power between presidential administrations."

    Not sure how this squares with the Mothership types crying that Obama is not being "impeached" or tried or investigated by the FBI, especially, since Hewitt says in the same article that no laws were broken.

    But cry they do...


  20. Dave, I've read some of the comments. Yes. They just can't understand why President Obama isn't in jail or why Trump's administration has had so many of its people indicted, convicted, and put in jail. They just can't figure that out!

    IIRC, someone in that group actually advocated the murder of Mr. Obama on that blog. And the lovely blog owner never took it down.
