Tuesday, June 2, 2020


"This is an awful man, waving a book he hasn’t read, in front of a church he doesn’t attend, invoking laws he doesn’t understand, against fellow Americans he sees as enemies, wielding a military he dodged serving, to protect power he gained via accepting foreign interference, exploiting fear and anger he loves to stoke, after failing to address a pandemic he was warned about, and building it all on a bed of constant lies and childish inanity.” -- Robert Hendrickson, Rector at St. Philip’s Episcopal Church in Tucson, Arizona


GOP Sen Ben Sasse slams Trump hard: 

“I’m against clearing out a peaceful protest for a photo op that treats the Word of God as a political prop."


  1. Robert Hendrickson and Senator Sasse are men of truth, integrity, and decency with their truthful statements.

    Wmere are the rest of the elected GOP congress critters and senators? In hiding from their embarrassments and shame from supporting a man lizard who is intellectually stunted and has zero emotional intelligence. He is FINCTIONALLY a brain man.

  2. in the past two weeks, the compromised Russian asset in the Oval Office has had more conversations with Putin than he has with Dr. Fauci

  3. Sorry skud. You don't get to have your comments mocking Joe Biden published here. You have the Mother Ship to deposit that sort of stuff there. They'll eat that crap up.

  4. So saying uncle joe is going to be the next president is mocking him, how do you figure?
    Can you inform me what is he mother ship because I am not sure what you are referring to.

  5. Shaw... in fact they are having a "How bad was Pres Obama" retrospective today on the HMS Mother Ship.

    Because they are in the unenviable position of having to defend the indefensible.

    Probably because they are becoming aware, bit by bit, that the man they support is screwing up, will probably lose in November and crash the GOP Senate as well. And because no Democrat will ever be as dictator like as Trump in the future so they're all wondering what they'll do when all they're gonna be hearing for years from us is...

    "Yeah, but what about Trump?"

  6. skud, you wrote this:

    "I did read that joey won the latest primaries with large victories which bodes well for him. Hopefully he can stay in his basement until the election to reduce his number of gaffs. I would hate to see biden's 47 years of doing nothing not result in his not getting another three months of doing less."

    Why did you mock Biden?

    Biden received racist phone calls over his support for public housing during his 1970 campaign for New Castle County Council. “The first time the phone rang and someone said, ‘You n----- lover, you want them living next to you?’ I was shocked. I said, ‘If you’re the alternative, I guess the answer is yes.’”

    In the 1970s, Biden opposed court-ordered school busing as a method of desegregating public schools. He has said that he favored other methods of desegregation, such as in housing, and that he supported voluntary busing.

    He co-sponsored the Violence Against Women Act in 1994 with Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah. The law, which was incorporated into the larger crime bill, provided $1.6 billion to investigate and prosecute violent crimes against women, imposed automatic and mandatory restitution on those convicted, and allowed victims to sue their attackers in civil court even if prosecutors didn’t proceed criminally.

    In 2014, Joe Biden was listed as one of America’s least wealthy government officials, ranking 577 of 581.

    You alway whine about pols making money and getting rich serving in Congress. You should admire Joe because he's not in the same league as Mitch McConnell and others who've enriched themselves like Saudi princes while in Congress.

    Joe Biden has something America needs right now: Decency. I don't care about his gaffes or what he did or did not do while in government.

    WE NEED A DECENT HUMAN BEING. NOW. To take away the stench of what Trump has done to this country.

  7. Dave When they can't excuse what miseries Trump has visited upon America, their default position is to trash Obama. They're without honor or honesty. And that's why they continue to support an indecent man like Trump. They see themselves in him.

    The claim that President Obama told the military to pay for their own insurance is a dirty lie. I researched it. That those people would perpetuate a dirty lie like that shows their complete lack of honor and honesty.

    The woman who runs that blog often publishes fake blast emails that are lies. She considers herself a fine Christian. A fine Christian who spread lies and slander.

    Trump has told 19,000+ lies since he became president. Do we need anymore evidence as to why the Mother Ship admires him?

  8. RN Thanks. The way to fight the Trumpies is to tell the truth. They hate that.

    1. Yes Shaw, i've noticed that in a very big way. You however do a much better job of prividing detailed credible evidence than I so. I guess I'm a little lazy at times :( That and most of Dotard donnie's cultist are not moved even a tiny bit by the truth. They prefer fake data and delusional thinking over truth. It's to be expected as they are just like their cult leader. Or worse, if thats possible.

  9. Ms. Shaw, I did not realize he had such a distinguished record. Co-Sponsored one bill in 47 years, that is a distinguished record. At least he was not to blame for the countless regulations and laws the federal government imposes on everyone except themselves.
    I agree with you that he is a decent man who only had one women say he was inappropriate with her and for a politician that is minor.

    He will win but the only question is how long he will serve. My guess is not more than six months. Keep a log and if I am incorrect please let me know. After the last three years of hate politics it will be nice to let the country settle, make peace with china and provide them with more manufacturing opportunities so they grow their economy.

    Be Safe

  10. Skud, , your concern about what Biden accomplished in his career is laughable, since you voted for and support a person who had NO experience in government, knows nothings about our system of government or the Constitution, and cheated people out of money with his fake enterprises, not to mention paying off porn stars to keep quiet about cheating on his 3rd wife.

    You apparently don’t care about morals and honesty in a President.

  11. Why is Joe Biden only going to serve 6 months? Is Skud predicting his death? Dotard is in much worse health than Joe Biden. Dotard puts out fake health reports that don't disclose his many health problems. If he were a poorer man he'd be dead already.
