Friday, June 26, 2020


In the middle of a pandemic, the Trump administration is set to take away healthcare from millions of Americans. The cruelty of that is monstrous and unimaginable, but a fact.

What will Americans do without healthcare in a time of a pandemic that is not lessening but actually increasing? 

Yesterday the US recorded the highest number of Covid-19 cases since April, almost 40,000.

And remember that Trump and his family have the best healthcare as do the rest of the GOPers in Congress who are  working to take it away from millions and millions of vulnerable Americans in a time of plague.

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to strike down Obamacare

June 26, 2020 at 12:00 a.m. EDT 

The Trump administration asked the Supreme Court late on Thursday to overturn the Affordable Care Act, telling the court that “the entire ACA must fall.” The administration’s argument comes as hundreds of thousands of Americans have turned to the government program for health care as they’ve lost jobs during the coronavirus pandemic.


  1. Suing to eliminate protections for pre-existing conditions and health insurance for 20 million people through Obamacare, refusing to wear masks, holding large indoor gatherings at great risk to public health, and then lying to our faces about all of it. Monstrous regime.

  2. Trump and his Republican party represent a cult of personality that will disappear with Trump. It's represents the final stage of a Party that has turned it's back on an inclusive democracy to pursue a hybrid authoritarian / theocracy / kleptocracy model.

    A Party whose ridiculous and incompetent leader has the approval of 30% of Americans including an overwhelming majority of Evangelical Christians who instantly dropped many of their professed political and ethical beliefs in return for supporting their "right" to discriminate against others, and a lot of white people who say they treat everyone equally but seem happy to outsource their racism to the politicians they vote for.

    Today's GOP is party that is actively trying to suppress the vote of anyone who disagrees with then and is openly using the co-opted Department of Justice to punish enemies, reward friends and put their leader beyond accountability and above the rule of law.

    Why aren’t more Republicans not talking about a party challenger at the Coronavirus convention in Jacksonville? Is it because the sane Republicans won’t be going to this convention?

    My point is that if Republicans have truly given up, don’t they need to show a little courage and save the Party of Lincoln?

  3. Taking away health care in the middle of a pandemic. Or, to put it wingnut mothershiplandia language, taking away the free handouts and giving America freedom, is just nuts. That approach is like saying to working Americans who cannot afford a house and food for the family, "pull yourself up from your bootstraps", go get a better job. When there aren't any.

    Oh wait, folks have done that too.

    Is it possible, as some have been saying, that Trump is trying to lose the race, or lower the numbers so much, that he leaves, ala LBJ?

    I doubt it, because that would call for a level of respect for the system that Trump does not have, but who knows...

  4. BTW... apparently, the Trump Admin has decided America has had enough coronavirus testing too.

    Now they are defunding the very mechanism that exists to help ensure the health of millions of Americans in the middle of this pandemic.

    Why on earth would they do that? Deep red states like Florida and Texas are screaming. Even Ted Cruz and John Cornyn are begging him not to do this as it will flip their states for a generation.

    Have we ever had a president who has essentially "flipped off" so many citizens?

  5. Re: Texas and the Covid-19 surging in that state:

    Gov. Abbott: Bars must close at noon today, restaurants to reduce to 50%, outdoor gatherings limited

    HOUSTON — Just one day after temporarily pausing the state's reopening plans, Texas is now increasing restrictions on some businesses in an effort to fight the spread of the coronavirus.

    Friday's new order from Texas Governor Greg Abbott includes closing bars effective at noon today (except for to-go service) and reducing capacity at restaurants starting on Monday. Also, outdoor gatherings of 100 or more people must be approved by local governments, with certain exceptions

    Friday's executive order includes the following:

    •All bars and similar establishments that receive more than 51% of their gross receipts from the sale of alcoholic beverages are required to close at 12:00 PM today. These businesses may remain open for delivery and take-out, including for alcoholic beverages, as authorized by the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission.

    •Restaurants may remain open for dine-in service, but at a capacity not to exceed 50% of total listed indoor occupancy, beginning Monday, June 29, 2020.

    •Rafting and tubing businesses must close.

    •Outdoor gatherings of 100 or more people must be approved by local governments, with certain exceptions.


    This is what happens when you have a reckless leader in the White House who's also the leader of your party.

    We in Massachusetts had a surge in April of Covid-19, but our sane Republican governor who does NOT support Trump, Charlie Baker, provided leadership, and we followed sensible guidelines for preventing the spread of this disease.

    Massachusetts now has THE LOWEST number of new cases.

    To the far right Trumpers who DON'T believe in following SCIENCE and what Dr. Fauci recommended to stem the spread of Covid-19, the proof of their folly is in the numbers.

    The states that ignored the SCIENCE on how to protect their citizens and that followed Trump's reckless behaviors and his dismissals of this disease put their citizens at risk and are now shutting down.

    New cases of the Covid-19 have fallen in the European countries where it raged. The US's cases and hospitalizations are increasing.

    This is the result of no leadership during a pandemic.


  6. The biggest problem is people, especially the young, are not following any guidelines. The States showing the largest increase are those who have beaches, a lot of young people and good weather. Are they going to ask those who test positive if they were in the protest march which was condoned my a lot of people?

    Cases are on the rise but the death rate is on the decline. Are we concerned about the number of people who test positive or those that die from it. Now that Cuomo is no longer sentencing people in nursing homes to death the death rate in NY is down. What is the survival rate of those who test positive. We don't need to shut the country down we just need people to be aware and take precautions which is a reasonable objective.

    Blame who you want but people are not programmed to not be social and to many think they are immune. Those of us who behave responsibly or live in a urban mansion should go about life. Those who work with the public have to assume everyone is an idiot and they cannot be.

  7. Just remember this. Almost all the Covid-19 deaths and most of the economic injury resulting from it lays firmly on the shoulders of the Republican Party. Not just Donald Trump. But all the members of Congress who went along with his policies, knowing they were killing American people and businesses. Failing to push back against Trump when he failed to formulate a real pandemic response. Failed to a provide a coordinated Federal effort to fight the epidemic. All those Republican governors who closed their states late and opened them up early, knowing the science told them they were making a huge mistake. All to stay on Trumps good side. Remember all this in November and VOTE!

  8. Well Skud, I can't go "about my life" because there are simply too many people of those young people, who I dearly love, around me.

    So what do I do?

    I can't avoid them at the store. I can't avoid them in my job. I can't avoid them at the park, on the street or literally anywhere. They may not die from the infection, but them passing it on to me is potentially fatal.

    And yet we have a real solution. Masks. Marks can help cut the spread of Covid exponentially. Yet many will not wear them, taking their cues from a president who gets tested everyday, lives in a mostly virus free bubble and only seems to care about his political base.

    1. Dave, I believe the only thing he cares about is himself. His base only served as a vehicle to his achieve his end, the presidency. I can imagine quite easily how he would turn on them if the base ever seriosly questioned or challenged him.

  9. Rev, so your take is the youth does not wear masks and are not responsible for anything because they follow the lead of the president who has a 30% positive and 59% negative rating.That really doesn't show much intelligence in our youth. The positive rating comes mostly from the 50-69 age group and the lowest rating is from the 18-30. Not sure I follow your logic.

    Another guess is the young citizens are immune from everything and are only interested in their pleasures. This attitude is not different from when we were young and were indestructible.

    Clearwater, always good to have convictions and blame on your side. Yes the republicans were late to take actions as were the democrats. Why would 70% of the population take instructions from a president they didn't believe in. Maybe because Cuomo, Pelosi, Schumer, de Blasio and Biden said come on down trump is just trying to cause a panic.

    I am a believer that biden will win and within three months we will have a female president. We will just have to wait to see how she handles the country and our history. My advise is to move all your money to an offshore account because it will be ugly.

  10. Skud... my take is this. Everyone, 100% of the people in the US, to the extent they are able, should be wearing a mask. In WW 2 everyone sacrificed for the good of the entire country. Only the idiots said they had rights to do whatever they wanted and could decide for themselves.

    We were in a war. Just like Pres Trump has said we are in a war now.

    I don't care about the whys or why nots.

    If you are not wearing a mask and keeping social distance, a small request, you are part of the problem.


  11. Rev, So you are saying the young people you associate with are idiots because they do not wear masks. We expect little from our youth and it shows
