Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Day Two of the Trumpublican Propagandapalooza


You all saw it. Day 2 was full of lies, distortions, and dissembling. IOW, a typical Trumpian display of hubris, hypocrisy, and humbug.

One of the stranger things to come out of Day 2 was the 3rd Lady, Melania Trump, giving her speech at the White House dressed like a Fidel Castro wannabe. With all the money she has from her "billionnaire" husband plus her experience as a fashion model, why would she choose an olive drab militry-type uniform to address the nation?

Her speech was as phony as the fake uniform she wore.

Here are just a few highlights from Tommy Christopher:

On Wednesday morning’s Morning Joe, Scarborough described some of the happenings at night 2 of the RNC, and said you also had Melania actually criticizing people who were mean on social media, and gossipers.”
“Of course, never heard her criticize her own husband when he said that Mika was bleeding badly from a facelift,” Scarborough said bitterly, describing one attack that Trump made on Mika Brzezinski, Scarborough’s wife and co-host.
“Or when I was a murderer,” Scarborough continued, referencing a vicious smear Trump repeatedly pursued over an intern who tragically died of natural causes, “or when a woman who had passed away tragically 19 years ago, her husband was begging Donald Trump to stop being so hateful and causing their family extraordinary pain, begging him to stop and he just continued, over and over again causing pain for that family.”
“I’m just, I never heard Melania say anything, never heard her say anything when Donald Trump talked about bleeding badly from a facelift, but somebody used her child’s name in a pun and oh my God, locusts were descending from the heavens. It was the end of the world,” he said, referencing a White House reaction to Barron Trump’s name being invoked by a witness to Congress.
“So I guess she’s fine with Donald Trump savaging other people everyday, causing immeasurable pain, being the most extraordinarily hateful, malevolent force in American politics on a personal level in his constant daily attacks, but she’s going to stand up and lecture? About gossip? She’s inside the house, going to lecture about gossip? And she’s going to lecture about the meanness of social media? I mean seriously. Talk about being a shameless, absolutely shameless,” Scarborough said.


  1. "Be Best!"

    The First Lady's signature initiative which highlights the need to stop cyber bullying.

    No irony there.

  2. And nothing from the "Be Best" FLOTUS when her husband Twitter-bullied Greta Thunberg, an autistic teen.

  3. "According to Joshua Greene, a professor of psychology at Harvard and the author of “Moral Tribes: Emotion, Reason, and the Gap Between Us and Them,” Trump is expert at sending “signals that are music to the ears of his base,” signals that ineradicably affirm his membership in the populist right wing of the Republican Party.

    Greene argued in an email that when

    Trump says that a judge of Mexican ancestry can’t do his job, or attacks women for their physical appearance, or makes fun of a disabled reporter, or says that there are good people on both sides of a violent neo-Nazi rally, or that Haiti is a “shithole.” or that the “Second Amendment People” can maybe do something about Hillary Clinton, Trump is very deliberately and publicly excommunicating himself from the company of liberals, even moderate ones.

    In Greene’s view, Trump offers a case study in the deployment of “costly signals.”
    How does it work? Greene writes:

    Making oneself irredeemably unacceptable to the other tribe is equivalent to permanently binding oneself to one’s own. These comments are like gang tattoos. And in Trump’s case, it’s tattoos all over his neck and face.

    At the same time, Trump’s “costly signals” make his reliability as a protector of white privilege clear."


  4. why would she choose an olive drab military-type uniform to address the nation?

    She just finished a round of acting out the "piss on me, She-Wolf of the SS" fantasy for Donald and didn't have time to change?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Actually Shaw, Melania has said that Greta, because she has decided to communicate publicly and “who travels the globe giving speeches,” isn't the same as her son Barron Trump, “a 13-year-old who wants and deserves privacy,”.

    So there you have it.

    Her husband, who she acknowledges "communicates differently" than other people, has every right to bully a child because she asked for it.

    What a caring attitude for a mother.

  7. Dave, both my parents were immigrants who came to this country at about the same age as did Melania. My father retained an Italian accent, but my mother never did, I don't know why. But I DO know that they did not have the privileges that Mrs. Trump has had -- access to lots of money so that she could have privately tutored English lessons. Her poor English skills show that after 25 years, she obviously wasn't interested in improving her English.

    In all the years my parents were alive, I never heard them make English grammatical mistakes that I hear even college educated students make. (EX. "Him and me were at the party.") They learned by reading, listening to the radio and teevee, and engaging in conversation with native speakers.

    There's nothing wrong with having an accent, I find it charming, but Mrs. Trump is the FLOTUS. Why wasn't she interested enough in learning how to speak English correctly?

    As for her excusing her husband's appalling Twitter rages at Greta, it just shows that Mrs. Trump will always turn a blind eye to Trump's nastiness. She knows which side her bread is buttered on.

  8. skudrunner, I asked you NOT to refer to Joe Biden as "predator Joe," and you ignored my wishes.

    My blog. My rules.

  9. Infidel753 Ha! I thought as much. Thanks for the explanation!

  10. No problem although it was a good post with the one exception to protocol you noted.

    The current FLOTUS presented herself well and although the speech covered to many topics she did a great job. I am not a bigot who condemns someone with an accent but the DNC spokeswomen bette middler ranted her feelings. Contrast that to the two former FLOTUS's who spoke last week Mrs trump was positive and looked at the opportunities ahead instead of the vision of doom. She carried herself very well and as a country we should be proud.

    Granted as joe said he has the black vote locked up because they follow in step but for the rest of the country raising taxes, increasing costs, giving jobs back to china may not be the answer. I don't know many independent businesses who can survive his lock down especially those who have had to suffer the violence the democrats condone.

  11. Bette Middler is no more the DNC spokeswoman than Ted Nugent is the spokesman for the Trumpublicans.

    It's hard to be "proud" of a woman who joined with her husband in a racist smear against America's first bi-racial president. She, like her husband, promoted the idea that Mr. Obama was not a citizen. You conveniently forget that Trump said Mr. Obama pulled off one the biggest scams in presidential history because he was not a natural born citizen. Melania joined Trump in that. You also conveniently forget that Melania lied about her education (she never graduated from university, she dropped out after a few semesters) and got a Einstein VISA -- which is given to people who are extraordinary in their careers or fields of study. Melania was an extraordinary soft porn nude model, that's for sure, but that hardly qualified her for an Einstein VISA. Like her husband, she's a liar and a cheat.

    But you and the other cultists have forgotten that.

    The rest of your comment appears to be warmed over boilerplate pablum from FAUX NOOZ.

  12. Shaw... what can you say about Skud calling Bette Midler a DNC Spokesperson. Did I miss her at the convention? If she's a DNC spokesperson, what are the syncophants the RNC has lying every night at their charade?

    As for Melania and accents... cheers to your Mom! I work and live half my year in Mexico. And when I say live, I mean everyday I am there, I am in someone's house sharing meals around a table. I have no idea how to "lose" an accent. In my case, the gringo lilt. I hear from friends I'm getting better, but by far, the accent, and proficiency in local sayings is tough. But rewarding when you get at least some of the way there.

  13. Re Black voters being in "lockstep" with the Democratic Party, Minus is posting on his blog that Blacks are leaving the "Democratic Plantation" in "droves". "Proven" with YouTube videos of African American rappers praising Dotard and posts about Black republicans running for office.

    I pointed out to him that Dotard's Black support was 8 percent in 2016 and about the same now (with links to polls) but he doesn't believe it. Although (previously) he expressed enthusiasm about Black people not voting (because depressing the Black vote will help Dotard "win").

    He also posts videos from Progressives (Jimmy Dore, Krystal Ball) who hate Biden and believe America needs to be punished with a second Dotard term to teach the DNC a lesson.

    Regarding the speech by the 3rd wife 1st lady, I heard that people in the front rows were tested for coronavirus, but others were let in without testing.

  14. Melania T's speech - Scripted, mechanical, robotic, non-factual. Period. In line with the Trumpism Powered GOP.

  15. Did you see where the dems have so much faith in joey that pelosi wants him to not debate trump. After the dark democratic convention and all the predictions of doom and gloom they are afraid joey is not up to the task. Maybe they can substitute president harris to take his place.

    My wife and her parents were immigrants and it always took me 30 minutes before I fully understood my mother in-law. I guess I have more acceptance for accents than some outspoken celebrity bigots.

  16. Why should Mr. Biden debate Trump, a liar and a cheat? Trump does nothing but bellow, tell lies and interrupt. We know what Trump and the GOP stand for: white Supremacy, extra-judicial killing of Black people, lying, cheating, fraud, and Russia. There is no GPO platform. The Trumplicans are pledged to a liar, cheat, and fraud, not to anything of value.

    We’ve lost almost 200,000 Americans because of Trumps incompetence and stupidity, 20 million people are out of work, unemployment is at an all-time high, there’s rioting in American cities because white supremacists are still killing Black people, and the president encourages gun-slinging assholes to speak at his convention. Pence lied like a weasel when he claimed Mr. Biden wants to defund the police; Biden never said that, ever. Pence is a liar like Trump and most of the people who support him

    This whole debacle of lies, disinformation, and fantasies about what trump has accomplished is a disgrace to every American who cares about truth, honesty, and reality.

    Trump and his supporters don’t care about truth or honesty. The rest of America does.

    We don’t need to have a debate between a liar, cheat, and fraud, and former Vice President Biden.

  17. skud on their high horse says " I guess I have more acceptance for accents than some outspoken celebrity bigots."

    The current FLOTUS entered the country on an Einstein Visa and has been credited (many times debunked) with speaking more than three languages. And yet, skud gives her a pass. What bar are they using because I remember many comments where Michelle Obama could do no right, including wearing a dress without sleeves. Where is the condemnation for a FLOTUS who bared it all (not that there is anything wrong with sex workers, only the hypocrisy of body shaming one without mention of the other).

    Bette Midler is a National Treasure and is exercising her First Amendment Rights. The fact just about everything she tweets I agree with has nothing (much) to do with my label of NT - just saying.

    Shaw - glad you are here. I don't post much but check in daily and I confess to a bit of worry for you in these challenging days and nights. Sending good thoughts your way.

  18. So I will take it that you are against the 2nd amendment. Not surprised because most coasties are against them and democrats are against personal responsibility. Some kid did something really stupid and he will pay for it.

    The speaker doesn't want joey to debate because she is concerned how he will come across. All of a sudden he is going to do all the things when in his 45+ years he has accomplished nothing unless you count co-signing one bill.

    Who is lying jill biden when she said joey is not a liberal or BHO who said he was bernie in his ideas. Obama thought so much of him he waited until he won to endorse him and has made the statement that joey can screw up anything. Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to f things up.” That was Barack Obama’s assessment of his former vice president.

    Granted that trump lies but not nearly as much as is published against him. Look at schitt, nabler and pelosi with all their lies that cost the country millions to find nothing. Trump has yet to divulge the names of secret military teams causing their deaths.

    I hope biden does debate because then we will know why he is in the basement, fear of covid or fear of gaffing.

  19. Hillary Clinton debated Dotard. He lied, she won all three debates. It didn't matter. If Joe Biden debates Dotard he'll have to spend a lot of time correcting Dotard's lies. As Shaw pointed out, there can be no serious debate of the issues. I'm leaning toward no debates. Biden would win but probably get no benefit from winning (as HRC didn't). Remember that Joe Biden won when he debated Paul Ryan. Nobody on the Democratic side is worried about Biden being "up to the task".

  20. I was originally all for Biden debating trump the undignified. Why? Because in a REAL fact based debate Biden wins hands down. But, after suffering through trump the undignified's 70+ minute disinformation lieathon it is absolutely evident that any "debate" with trump the undignified would be no real debate at all. trump would simply use the debates as another venue to spoiut his campaign if lies and distortions. Biden should not give trump even one debate. Both Biden and Harris should bolk as many media appearances as possible (town halls and interviews) as well as hitting the campaign trail hard. With MASKS REQUIRED of course.

  21. What would people learn from a debate between Trump and Biden that they do not already know? We know Biden can make mistakes, or gaffes as some call them. We know Trump lies and makes stuff up.

    We know Biden has slipped a notch over the years. We know trump does not concern himself with details.

    Do we need an hour long argument over who was tougher on China faster as it relates to the pandemic? Probably not. Who votes will that change?

    About the only thing that might be of use is a simple forum from the press where they both have to answer very direct YES/NO questions. Nothing else.

    Mr Biden, you were quoted on January 16th saying "this" about China. Did you in fact say it?

    Mr Trump, you said in February regarding the Corona virus that it was one person and would soon go away. Was that true then?

    Stuff like that. But since that'll never happen, why bother?

    Trump likes to defy presidential norms. Why can't Biden do the same and not debate? After all, they really weren't a thing until the Ford/Carter election.

  22. Grey One Talks Sass, thank you for your comment. I was away last week, and I’m still recovering from a health issue. I’m fortunate I have one of the world’s best medical faciilities at my doorstep, Massachusetts General Hospital. I did not watch any of the Trumpublican debacle for fear of a relapse. Watching a POTUS break the law and even his own CDC rules for social distancing and masks is a downer and infuriating. What else can we say except that he’s been the most lawless lying liar of a POTUS in my lifetime.

  23. To all my friends who commented, thank you. I’ve been recovering this past week, and haven’t been as active here as I normally would be during a week like this has been.
