Tuesday, September 1, 2020


 A "very concerned" Trump supporter writes:

I keep hearing [things] like this and want your help: 

How has Trump encouraged violence? 

Apparently, the Trumper who wrote this is either lazy or can't handle the truth. A quick Google search found dozens and dozens of instances that connect Trump's rhetoric and incitements to physical violence by his supporters. 

Here are just a few:

After a Latino gas station attendant in Gainesville, Florida, was suddenly punched in the head by a white man, the victim could be heard on surveillance camera recounting the attacker’s own words: “He said, ‘This is for Trump.'" Charges were filed but the victim stopped pursuing them.

When police questioned a Washington state man about his threats to kill a local Syrian-born man, the suspect told police he wanted the victim to "get out of my country," adding, "That’s why I like Trump."

Reviewing police reports and court records, ABC News found that in at least 12 cases perpetrators hailed Trump in the midst or immediate aftermath of physically assaulting innocent victims. In another 18 cases, perpetrators cheered or defended Trump while taunting or threatening others. And in another 10 cases, Trump and his rhetoric were cited in court to explain a defendant's violent or threatening behavior.

Concerned Trumper:   How has Trump exhibited racism? 

Obviously, this Trump supporter, again, is either too lazy to do the research, ignores the evidence that's been out there since Trump began his campaign, or is deliberately being ignorant and can't handle the truth. 

Then Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, said that Trump's complaint that he would not get a fair trail because Judge Curiel was Mexican (he was born in America), is itself "the definition of racism."

How did the Trumper miss that? It was all over the news!

Here's more on all the times Trump has manifested his disgusting racism:

 Concerned Trumper: When did he ever do anything that was anti-gay? 

Again, this Trump supporter refuses to do the research. Just because this Trumper doesn't personally know Trump's anti-gay history, this person is stunned to think there is evidence to show that he is anti-gay. When we say that Trumpers are deliberately ignorant of Trump's miseralble record as a leader of ALL Americans, that's not being provocative, it's telling the truth. People like the Concerned Trumper just don't want to know!

Here is a list of all the times Trump has thwarted or tried to thwart the LGBTQ community from enjoying equal rights protected under the Constitution:

Concerned Trumper:  Does this administration really want violence on the streets? 


 Concerned Trumper: Is he really going to put an end to social security? 

Trump:  “At the end of the year, on the assumption that I win, I’m going to terminate the payroll tax,” he said at a press conference. (The payroll tax FUNDS Social Security.)

“We’ll be paying into Social Security through the general fund.” 

 When questioned about the $2.8 trillion deficit now facing the federal government, Trump claimed the economy is “going to have tremendous growth” next year. 

 Notably, it's not within a president's power to unilaterally change tax law or re-appropriate government funds

Concerned Trumper:  Is he really not desirous of controlling COVID and has he really done nothing about it?

No. Trump doesn't seem "desirous of controlling COVID."

The fact that the Concerned Trumper asks these questions that can easily be researched, and that C.T.  is astonished that these questions are even OUT there shows us that Trump supporters live in a bubble -- A FAUX NOOZ or OAN bubble that filters out all the horrible, terrible, anti-American and anti-Constitutional shenanigans and actual law-breaking that's been going on since January 21, 2017, and is still going on now.

Trump supporters are ignorant either by willfulness or the inability to face the truth about the worst president in modern American history.



  1. What's astounding is that someone would ask a question that only a dissenter could answer, and then not let dissenters answer. Then, I assume, they could post the following...

    See... I received no real answers, so all of those statements must be false.

    Shaw... I saw that post and was thinking of this exact post.

  2. Dave, I know that some Trumpers come here and read my blog, so I posted this to help them come out of the darkness and into the light of truth and honesty.

  3. The Mother Ship still maintains that Trump is NOT anti-gay, but they're DEAD WRONG. That's because they refuse to look at facts. And here are the facts:

    There are many Trump administration policies that are regarded as anti-gay. Here’s a sampling:

    Trump signed a law that undercut Obama’s anti-discriminatory protections for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer contractors.

    The Trump Justice Department argued a major federal civil rights law does not protect employees from discrimination based on sexual orientation, again taking a stand against a decision reached under Obama.

    The Trump administration took a number of steps undercutting rights for transgender Americans, including a ban on transgender troops, removal of anti-discriminatory protections and adopting a regulation that defines gender as a person’s biological sex.

    The Trump State Department is even appealing a federal judge’s decision that it must recognize the U.S. citizenship of a young girl born via surrogate to a gay couple. Though the couple is legally married, the State Department claims because the daughter was born in Canada to a surrogate, she is “born out of wedlock” and not entitled to birthright citizenship.

    With that record under Trump, it’s little wonder Biden has won the support of major gay rights groups, such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

    “Plain and simple, Donald Trump has attacked LGBTQ people because of who we are and whom we love,” Lucas Acosta, HRC national press secretary, said in a statement to The Fact Checker.

    “His administration has sought to allow discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in health care, in employment and foster care, in schools, and even in housing. It’s unconscionable, insidious, and offensive for anyone to call this administration ‘pro-LGBTQ’ when the president, vice president, and those who work for them, have endeavored to systematically roll back our rights and deny us our dignity. The 11 million LGBTQ voters and 57 million voters who prioritize equality when casting their vote are not going to fall for the Trump campaign’s latest attempt to gas light the American public.”

    All of this is willfully ignored by the Trumpers on the Mother Ship, and it again illustrates the galloping blindness to the truth that Trumpers continue to practice in service to their allegiance to a bigot -- Trump.

  4. BTW... we owe a debt of gratitud to Ducky for naming it the Mothership. It's so fitting.

  5. Yes, Dave. Ducky used to comment here, but he hasn't been by in a long time. I know he had some health problems. I hope he's doing well.

  6. He's also bummed that hack Richard Neal won yesterday.
    Ducky has Parkinsons and its difficult to post. He's still a loyal reader. I won't mention the clotting problems, the quintuple bypass or the cataract surgery.

  7. It is no surprise that major gay rights groups support biden because they ALWAYS support a democrat. The democrats have already counted the gay rights groups in the bag because they own them. Biden knows he has the black vote because they can't think for themselves but as he stated Latinos can be unpredictable because they can think for themselves. It is OK for biden to say those things because he is a democrat. We went from a special interest president to one who is a American Citizen president.

    I don't think either candidate encouraged violence but only one was disgusted by it. The brilliant maxine promoted violence when she said if you see a republican in a restaurant attack the verbally. Doesn't arresting someone who broke the law for rioting then releasing the to riot again promote violence.

  8. Hey, Ducky! So good to see you here.

    I'm so sorry to hear what you're dealing with. I understand more than you know. I'd tell you more, but not here where the WYD trolls read. I tried using your email posted on your photography site, but no go.

    I'm sending you good thoughts and wishes for your health.

    We need your voice.


  9. "Biden knows he has the black vote because they can't think for themselves..."

    Racist much? African-Americans can't think for themselves? Hey skud next time sign your name with a little white hood next to it, okay?

  10. Anon 1734, I guess the news doesn't reach you because it is biden who should wear the white hood because he said that not me.

    “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly different attitudes about different things,”
    "If you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black,"

    For your information both of those statements were made by joey biden.

  11. My Republican Prayers go out to Ducky. Even though i never EVER AGREED with ANYTHING thst he said.

  12. Take this from someone who has been around the block more than a few times....
    The Economy Will Be Roaring Back Right After The Election! And Trump Wins a Second Term.

  13. Anonymous @8:00 AM: "The Economy Will Be Roaring Back Right After The Election! And Trump Wins a Second Term."

    Trump's had the chance to get the economy to "roar back" since March, and he's failed. What evidence makes you think his failures won't happen again?

    Einstein's definition of insanity: "Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Trump and his enablers have been predicting a "roaring-back economy since March, and it hasn't happened because Trump is an incompetent, malignant narcissist who lies the way most people breathe.

    On July 19, in an interview with Chris Wallace, Trump promised, “We’re signing a health-care plan within two weeks, a full and complete health-care plan,”

    Today is September 3, and no such plan exists.

    Trump is a g-d lying conman. And his enablers/supporters don't give a damn about how often and how egregiously he lies.

    So your claim that the economy will "roar back" after his "re-election" is as good a promise as Trump's promise to have a "complete healt-care plan."

    It's all bullshit, and America is sick of it!

  14. skudrunner, what did Biden say that wasn't true?
