Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Georgia's Republican secretary of state says fellow Republicans are pressuring him to... exclude legal ballots

 (Fixed the title. Thanks, Dave!)

 Source: Washington Post 

Georgia’s secretary of state says fellow Republicans are pressuring him to find ways to exclude legal ballots By Amy Gardner By Amy Gardner November 16, 2020 at 2:22 p.m. PST 

 Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Monday that he has come under increasing pressure in recent days from fellow Republicans, including Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.), to question the validity of legally cast absentee ballots in an effort to reverse President Trump’s narrow loss in the state. 

 In a wide-ranging interview about the 2020 election, Raffensperger expressed exasperation with a string of baseless allegations coming from Trump and his allies about the integrity of the Georgia results, including claims that Dominion Voting Systems, the Colorado-based manufacturer of Georgia’s voting machines, is a “leftist” company with ties to Venezuela that engineered thousands of Trump votes not to be counted. The atmosphere has grown so contentious, Raffensperger said, that both he and his wife, Tricia, have received death threats in recent days, including a text to him that read, “You better not botch this recount. Your life depends on it.” 

 “Other than getting you angry, it’s also very disillusioning,” Raffensperger said of the threats, “particularly when it comes from people on my side of the aisle. Everyone that is working on this needs to elevate their speech. We need to be thoughtful and careful about what we say.” He said he reported the threats to state authorities. 

 The pressure on Raffensperger, who has bucked his party in defending the state’s voting process, comes as Georgia is in the midst of a laborious hand recount of roughly 5 million ballots. 

President-elect Joe Biden has a 14,000-vote lead in the initial count.

Lindsey Graham should resign. This is a naked attempt to overthrow an election -- a crime.

The Trumpublicans tried to suppress the vote. 

The Trumpublicans put out disinformation on how to vote. 

The Trumpublicans tried to limit places people could vote. 

The Trumpublicans now want to throw out votes that President-elect Biden won. 

The party of law and order says: "Disregard the law on our orders or else." 

 When a party choses and supports a cheater, a liar, and a fraud as its head, this is what results: 



  1. The only way Trumpublicans can win: CHEAT, BREAK THE LAW!

    "Federal and/or state law enforcement should get to the bottom of this, requiring both parties to the conversation, and any witnesses, to preserve evidence. Stephen I. Vladeck, an election law guru and University of Texas law professor, tells me, “At least as relayed in the Post story, Sen. Graham appears to have been attempting to convince Secretary Raffensperger to alter the valid results of Georgia’s election — in a manner that may run afoul of numerous provisions of Georgia election law.” He adds, “At the very least, it’s a serious matter that might warrant further investigation — and that is grossly unbecoming of any United States senator, let alone the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.” --WaPo

  2. Your headline should say...

    Georgia Republican Secretary of State...

    He's already been called a RINO by the lying deceitful party that calls itself the defenders of "law and order". Unless those laws and that order are not in agreement with what they want. These are the people who believe they deserve an outcome, or an end, and should use whatever means necessary to achieve their goals.

    We used to scoff at bloggers like FreeThinke who advocated that path, believing it was just the view of the far right, or as Ducky would call them, the "mouth breathing" crowd.

    Now we see they are the majority of the GOP and the moderates, the serious people, if any still exist, are the fringe.

  3. Personally, I think everyone should contact members of the Senate Ethics Committee and demand an investigation into Lindsey Graham. I know I’m going to be contacting them!


  4. I just went to the Senate Ethics Committee website and found this:

    "The Committee does respond to inquiries from outside organizations and individuals, whether written or oral. However, the Committee must always give priority to inquiries from Senate Members and staff. Prior to contacting the Committee with any question, individuals outside the Senate should carefully review the applicable materials provided here on the Committee’s website."

    I think it would be better if we addressed our concerns to our own Senators and they can then send their inquiry to the Committee...


  5. Possumlady, Thanks for that info. I'll be contacting my senators Markey and Warren.

    Imagine if a Democratic senator had gone to another state and intimidated the Secy. of State over recounting votes. The Trumpublicans who be marching in the streets with torches. Now they look the other way because they have become what the leader of their party is: LIARS, CHEATERS, AND FRAUDS.

  6. Dave, we've seen for ourselves how Trumpism can turn otherwise "Law and Order" conservatives into cheaters and liars. As you often remind us here and elsewhere, the GOP once stood for "character," and "rule of law." They abandoned that as soon as Trump became the head of their party. The non-hypocritical GOPers left the party, and only the fringies (Proud Bois, White Supremacists, KKKers, etc.) and cultists remain.

    I was shocked to read a regular on the AOW blog (someone I thought was intelligent and a true conservative, who once commented here) continue the lie that the Democrats are the ones trying to steal the election (not those exact words, but his sentiments, nonetheless). I was astounded to see who I thought was an independent thinker throw his allegiance in with someone as politically and morally deviant as Trump. And yet he defends him and continues with his partisan hackery trashing of those against Trump.

    Self-delusion is a powerful thing. It accounts for the many increasing Covid-19 infections and deaths.

  7. Shaw...

    Let's see how much the Trump Campaign believes in their spurious calls of fraud and election shenanigans...

    Wisconsin has said the cost for a recount in their state, since the election is not within a margin that normally changes election results, will cost 7.9 million dollars and that if the Trump Campaign wants a recount, they have to pay. Upfront. Because that is the law in Wisconsin.

    Do you, or anyone else here, including the brainless tools who sometimes show up, think Trump is going to spend that kind of money?

    I mean, if he really truly believes he would win once all the votes are counted, why wouldn't he pay for that recount? Unless of course, he knows that nothing is gonna change the results and he's basically cheap, preferring to sue, rather than take responsibility and pay his bills.

  8. trump knows. His false claims are done simply to create chaos and to delay the inevitable. His antics are to keep his cult base fired up and pissed. He will need their $$$ when he srings his trump Conspiracy Central network once out of office.

  9. Dave, Trump and his people know he lost. This charade is being played out for Trump's cultists, but it shows Trump to be a sore loser and a fool. None of the usual far right Trump blogs are talking about it because it must embarrass them as well.

    Meanwhile, the US is breaking Covid-19 record infections every day while Trump ignores this horrible time in our country. We have no leadership, except from President-elect Biden and what he can legally do before he becomes our 46th president.


  10. Dave Just heard of PBS News Hour that Trump will NOT pursue the recount that he would have to pay $7.9 million for in Wisconsin.

    You see? It's all theater and red meat for his cultists. If he truly, truly believed there were voting irregularities in Wisconsin, he'd pay for a recount to win the presidency.

    Trump is and always has been a conman, liar, and cheat. And to this day he still is.

    That his cultists don't see it is disturbing, but we've come to understand that in any given population, there will always be easily duped people like Trump cultists.

  11. Shaw said... " It's all theater and red meat for his cultists. If he truly, truly believed there were voting irregularities in Wisconsin, he'd pay for a recount to win the presidency."

    Exactly Shaw... when President Trump is forced to fish or cut bait and show proof, or pay the bills for others to find the evidence, he runs. Because it's all a grift. 100%. He's as interested in really being president as he was in his secret info on Obama's birth certificate and what he found in Hawaii as OJ Simpson was in finding Nicole's real killer.

    Here was a chance for him to truly show he believed the garbage spewing from his mouth, and he declined.


    Now... as for Lindsey Graham, the WAPO is now reporting that they have an additional person from the office of the Republican Sec of State in Georgia who is corroborating the scope of the call that Sen Graham made. But of course, the only response we see from the GOP is to attack a Sec State who has never voted Dem in his life and kicked thousands of Dem voters off the Georgia voter roles before the 2018 elections.

    Can anyone say desperation?

  12. "Rambunctious said..."


    We know that, cupcake! President-elect Biden won't be YOUR president until he takes the oath of office at noon on January 20, 2021.

    But thank you for understanding how presidential elections work.

  13. Dave,

    This say all we need to know about Trump (and Graham's) corruption:

    Trump Fires Christopher Krebs, Official Who Disputed Election Fraud Claims

    Mr. Krebs had overseen election cybersecurity efforts, and had joined other officials in declaring the 2020 election “the most secure in American history.”

    Thank goodness Trump will not be able to fire John Roberts after he administers the Oath of Office to Joseph R. Biden at noon on January 20, 2021.

    Like the conman and bully that he is, Trump deals with news he doesn't like by using "cancel culture."

    What he can't do is cancel the vote and who the American people voted out: Trump!
