Sunday, November 8, 2020


 “Birds flying high you know how I feel

Sun in the sky you know how I feel

Breeze driftin' on by you know how I feel

It's a new dawn

It's a new day

It's a new life for me yeah

It's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life for me


And I'm feeling good” 

- Nina Simone


  1. Actually, there are 72 more days of Dotard. Or 4 more years if enough electors decide (for some reason) to vote for Dotard when they were supposed to vote for Joe Biden. LOL!

  2. Actually, this charade of trump's is extremely UNLIKELY to produce the results he wants. He'll go to his grave believing America loves him and that the "deep state" stole his victory from him.

    The air already is fresher because hope is back and sanity has rehained a foothold.

  3. Derv and RN

    I've deleted them, but the Trump cultists are out in numbers and spewing their hatred and lies in Comment Moderation! Wow! They are angry and grossly misinformed.

    President-elect Biden has already show leadership by naming scientists and medical experts to his Covid commission. Politics has no place in a pandemic.

    And that was one of trump's WORST failures of his presidency! Through his incompetence and politicizing Covid, he is responsible for countless American deaths.

    Trump is on tape talking about how lethal Covid is and then he went out and lied to the American people.

    How the far right bloggers can dismiss that and not be angry is a mystery, unless one looks at them through the lens of seeing a cult. Then it all makes sense. Cultists defend their leaders, even when those leaders lead them to death!

  4. Re the pandemic, as per the proprietor of the GeeeZ blog, "no president could have handled it better". While reading the GeeeZ blog, I also found a link to an American Thinker article titled "Wait Just a Minute! Some Very Good News May Be Coming". According to the article (published yesterday) "...this thing is not only not over; it is scary for Biden [because] Biden is going to lose at the Supreme Court, and they know it".

    btw, Skud is over on GeeeZ talking about "covid joey" and "comrade harris". He also worries about joey getting us back into the "paris climate hoax" and (for some reason) joey sending money to Iran "for hating us".

  5. Derv: "Re the pandemic, as per the proprietor of the GeeeZ blog, 'no president could have handled it better' "

    So those folks think that Trump did a stand-up job when he ABSOLUTELY KNEW that the Covid pandemic was lethal, and yet he did not lead by example and wear a mask and encourage social distancing and other mitigating protocols?

    Trump LIED about the Covid when he said his administration had it "under control," and it would "soon go away" when the weather turned warm. He held his rallies where Americans gathered without masks and screamed Trump slogans while standing close to each other. As a result: Trump rallies were probably linked to thousands and thousands of infections and hundreds of deaths. And he actually suggested injecting disinfectant to kill the virus!

    If that blog hostess thinks that no president could have handled it better, she's exposing herself to the world as a CULTIST. Only someone in a cult could look at Trump's handling of the Covid and think he did a good job. It's bullshit, and the rest of America and the world know it.

    As for skud, he likes to tell us here that Trump was a loud mouth, but I'm sure among his friends he's one of Trump's biggest supporters.

    Of all the names skud could come up with to call Joe Biden, "covid joey" is the most moronic, since President-elect Biden never contracted the disease, like Trump did, and Biden had no responsibility for anything that's happened here in America during the pandemic.

    I've always wondered about the intelligence of Trumpers. Looking at skud's epithet for Biden, I'm not "wondering" about their intelligence these days.

    PS. Calling Kamala Harris "comrad" is par for the course for those folks. I get comments calling me a "Commie" all the time. It's meaningless. They throw that around for anyone who isn't a Trumper.

    Funny. The present and soon to be past FLOTUS's father was a card-carrying memeber of the Communist Party (and no, everyone wasn't expected to belong. Look it up.) And FLOTUS still holds her Slovenian citizenship. Only first lady to hold dual citizenship! So, we had a FLOTUS who grew up in a Communist household and who held dual citizenship while FLOTUS!

    And people like skud are calling Harris a "commie?" OMG! They are hilariously crazy cultists!

  6. skud is actually much worse than FreeThinke/Franco ever was IMO. Regardless of FreeThinke/Franco's sick views and pronouncements he was at least honest about his feelings. skud is not honest. He is an insidious worm.

  7. RN skud calls President-elect Biden "covid joey" or something like that?

    As I said, Joe Biden didn't get Covid, TRUMP did because he didn't use a mask and he held his stupid rallies. Also, Joe Biden had NO responsibility over how this country reacted to the virus. Yet skud calls Joe Biden "covid joey?" They really are nutz!, and you're probably correct.

    What kind of self-deluded person does that?

  8. No joey didn't invent covid but that was his platform. I never called harris a commie I called her comrade. def: "a companion who shares one's activities or is a fellow member of an organization". As to RN's opinion of me, everyone is entitled to their opinion even RN.

    Joey has already stated he is going to rejoin the paris accord. That is the feelgood organization where we donate millions to accomplish nothing. Why not give that money to the poor in this country.

    Trump did not handle covid correctly and should have stayed out of it but if he did he would be reelected and we would have riots. The thing that is evident is harris/biden won and no riots. Even the storefronts are removing plywood. Republicans lose they go to work, democrats lose the go to riots.

    Even though biden had nothing to due with a vaccine it will come out in his administration and he will take credit. Will he take credit for any economic uptick, my guess would be yes.
