Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Day 8: Trump is down over 5 million votes and he and his allies are still 0-12 in court.


In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

Scene in Pennsylvania:

THE COURT: I am asking you a specific question, and I am looking for a specific answer. Are you claiming that there is any fraud in connection with these 592 disputed ballots?

TRUMP LAWYER: To my knowledge at present, no.


  1. Of course for 57.8 million MAGATURDS this means those courts arr part of the non existant deep state.

  2. This was from a Washington Post story posted just an hour ago:
    “ President Trump declared Wednesday on Twitter, “WE WILL WIN!”
    But, in fact, the president has no clear endgame to actually win the election — and, in an indication he may be starting to come to terms with his loss, he is talking privately about running again in 2024.
    Trump aides, advisers and allies said there is no grand strategy to reverse the election results, which show President-elect Joe Biden with a majority of electoral college votes, as well as a 5 million-vote lead in the national popular vote.
    Asked about Trump’s ultimate plan, one senior administration official chuckled and said, “You’re giving everybody way too much credit right now.””

    Seriously, everyone in the Administration and republicans in Congress are acting like parents of a toddler waiting for his tantrum to end. He is disgusting to the very end.


  3. With Trump, yelling "fraud" just means he doesn't like the result. He's spent his whole life surrounded by toadies and yes-men and has almost never been challenged to give supporting evidence for any stupid assertion he made -- he was able to get people around him to accept whatever he said by browbeating and threatening them. He seems to have trouble realizing he's not in that kind of position now.

  4. Found on the Mother Ship....
    We keep hearing the same old democratic drumbeat of “where is the evidence”?“where is the evidence”?
    Well, here it comes! White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany presented 234 pages of sworn affidavits, these are real people, real allegations, signed and notarized

  5. Louise,

    I suggest you read this:

    In poll watcher affidavits, Trump campaign offers no evidence of fraud in Detroit ballot-counting

    The "real people" who gave those allegations did NOT give any allegations of FRAUD. Those were their complaints about stuff they didn't like or know. Period. Notarized.


  6. Infidel753, Trump is a sore loser, just like he was a sore winner in 2016.

    The purported "evidence" in McAnany's affidavits are people's OPINIONS and suspicions, but no clear and solid evidence of fraud.

    Or as Philip Bump of the WaPo wrote:

    "Most of the affidavits center on allegations that volunteers who wanted to watch votes being counted weren’t able to be as close to the count as they wanted (given the coronavirus pandemic) or alleging vague claims akin to the examples cited by McEnany. Beyond the claim made by Chase, no other specific allegations of fraud appear to be included. In a response to the affidavits, the city of Detroit put a fine point on it: “Most of the objections raised in the submitted affidavits are grounded in an extraordinary failure to understand how elections function.”

    McEnany seems to have thought that the examples above made her case most effectively, given that they are the ones she highlighted on Hannity. Even assuming they all demonstrate fraud — not at all a fair assumption — the total constitutes maybe 100 votes. If you further assume that every one of those votes was cast for Joe Biden, his lead in Michigan drops from 148,645 to 148,545 votes. It goes from 2.687 percentage points to 2.686 percentage points."

  7. Possumlady, This farce is almost over. Trump will NOT be the POTUS, and Biden WILL!

    I expected the malignant narcissist to throw a hissy fit when he lost, and he didn't disappoint. What an overgrown juvenile Trump is.

    He's making a fool of himself and the GOPers who are coddling the crybaby!

    How wonderful it will be to have an adult heading the U.S. government!!!!!!


  8. RN,

    This stupid show is all very interesting but 70 million Trump supporters believe this S-show and Trump is installing loyalists in key pentagon positions.

    "...if you had to pick one seminal moment in the Trump resistance, it really ought to be Rudy Giuliani’s press conference announcing the president would not concede. So many reasons this gets top billing. Not the least was that Giuliani’s prime witness, introduced to back up claims of voter fraud, turned out to be a convicted sex offender."


    "Rudy emphasized that Brooks was just the first of what were going to be “many, many witnesses” of election fraud. Inquiring minds wanted to know why, in that case, he chose to lead off with a guy who served jail time for exposing himself to two girls, owed a great deal of money in overdue child support payments and, if known at all in his home state, New Jersey, it is as one of those guys who keeps running for offices he’s never going to win in a million years.

    The whole Trump resistance has a nutty flavor. The family is sending out emails assuring supporters that victory is around the corner, just so long as a check is in the mail. “We’ve found ballots in drainage ditches,” warned Eric Trump, who reminded his readers that the Official Election Defense Fund was open for donations." --Gail Collins, NYTimes


  9. Meme seen on fb:

    Donald Trump has been accused of sexual assault more than two dozen times.

    Is anyone surprised, then, that he's trying to force himself on US even after we've said NO!?

  10. donald j. trump is working his next con. He knows he lost bigly so his focus is whipping his supporters into a frenzy so he can con them into feeding his thirst for opulent wealth. As long as he can con 70+ million people into believing erroneously that he won and can parlay it into supporting his privileged lifestyle he be as happy as a pig (he's all of that) in sh*t.

  11. But Joe Biden made a solemn promise to Chris Wallace not to declare victory until the election was "independently certified". Joe Biden is a liar. He should be waiting weeks or months just in case something changes and it turns out Dotard won.

    Never mind that Dotard already said he won and is sending out emails asking for money to "secure the victory". This LIE by Joe Biden is beyond the pale!!!! Never mind that Dotard has been lying for almost 5 years straight.

  12. Derv, Those Trump cultists are an endless supply of hypocrisy and dumbassery.

  13. RN, The Trump sh*t show will come to an end very soon.

  14. The Dotard sh*t show might CONTINUE as a streaming subscription propaganda channel. Apparently he has applied to trademark the term "tele-rally".

  15. Derv, let Trumpie continue his sh*t show all he wants, as long as it's not part of the US government, I don't care. And as long as I don't have to see his revolting image every night on the teevee! I'm looking forward to writing PRESIDENT BIDEN and VICE PRESIDENT HARRIS!

    Trump is acting like a snowflake, unable to deal with the reality that the American people fired him.

    I'm dealing with it and I'm lovin' it!
